
Showing posts with the label Research

Research: Everything the media says about homosexual orientation is wrong

The internet has been abuzz with headlines declaring, “ Almost Everything the Media Tell You About Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Is Wrong ,” and “ Johns Hopkins Shrinks Warn Against Kids Going Transgender .” As reported by Ryan T. Anderson on Monday, “A major new report, published today in the journal The New Atlantis, challenges the leading narratives that the media has pushed regarding sexual orientation and gender identity.” How significant was this report ? “Co-authored by two of the nation’s leading scholars on mental health and sexuality, the 143-page report discusses over 200 peer-reviewed studies in the biological, psychological, and social sciences, painstakingly documenting what scientific research shows and does not show about sexuality and gender.” What were the conclusions of this study? “The major takeaway, as the editor of the journal explains, is that ‘some of the most frequently heard claims about sexuality and gender are not supported by scientific eviden

Current research on homosexuality, sexual orientation, gender and LGBT issues

Questions related to sexuality and gender bear on some of the most intimate and personal aspects of human life. In recent years they have also vexed American politics. We offer this report — written by Dr. Lawrence S. Mayer , an epidemiologist trained in psychiatry, and Dr. Paul R. McHugh , arguably the most important American psychiatrist of the last half-century — in the hope of improving public understanding of these questions. Examining research from the biological, psychological, and social sciences, this report shows that some of the most frequently heard claims about sexuality and gender are not supported by scientific evidence. The report has a special focus on the higher rates of mental health problems among LGBT populations, and it questions the scientific basis of trends in the treatment of children who do not identify with their biological sex. More effort is called for to provide these people with the understanding, care, and support they need to lead healthy, flourishi

New Research: Homosexuality and how the media differs from research

Homosexuality Research Lawrence S. Mayer , Paul R. McHugh Questions related to sexuality and gender bear on some of the most intimate and personal aspects of human life. In recent years they have also vexed American politics. We offer this report — written by Dr. Lawrence S. Mayer , an epidemiologist trained in psychiatry, and Dr. Paul R. McHugh , arguably the most important American psychiatrist of the last half-century — in the hope of improving public understanding of these questions. Examining research from the biological, psychological, and social sciences, this report shows that some of the most frequently heard claims about sexuality and gender are not supported by scientific evidence. The report has a special focus on the higher rates of mental health problems among LGBT populations, and it questions the scientific basis of trends in the treatment of children who do not identify with their biological sex. More effort is called for to provide these people with the understandi

Regnerus Study of the Children of homosexual parents contradicts Simon Crouch's research

An Australian first and world leading study, into the overall health and wellbeing of children of same-sex attracted parents is being led by the University of Melbourne . The study will investigate the physical, mental and social wellbeing of children with same-sex attracted parents, and in particular the role that stigma and discrimination play in their health and wellbeing.  The error in this study is that it does not compare research against heterosexual marriages with children. University of Melbourne researcher Dr Simon Crouch, from the Jack Brockhoff Child Health and Wellbeing Program, The McCaughey Centre, Melbourne School of Population Health said international research suggested these children are generally doing well, but there are no comprehensive Australian studies and some areas need further attention. Researchers aim to recruit 500 families representing around 750 children. This will be a unverified self reporting research. The Australian Study of Child Health i

Exposure to sexual content in popular movies predicts sexual behavior in adolescence: study

Photograph of Lord Hall at the campus of Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) HANOVER, New Hampshire , July 24, 2012 ( ) – Researchers at New Hampshire ’s Dartmouth College are urging parents to protect their children from sexual content in films as they release a new six-year study that found viewing such content has a significant impact on the sexual behaviour of young adults. “ Adolescents who are exposed to more sexual content in movies start having sex at younger ages,” says Dr. Ross O’Hara, adding that they also tend to have “more sexual partners” and indulge in risky sexual behaviour. Now a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Missouri , O’Hara conducted the research while he was a PhD student at Dartmouth. The study’s findings will be published in  Psychological Science , a journal of the Association for Psychological Science . Before recruiting participants for the study, O’Hara and his fellow research

Homosexual Truths hidden by Gay activist

E nglish: Gender symbols, sexual orientation: heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality. Česky: (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Homosexuality is not a genetically-determined ,unchangeable trait. Dr. Francis Collins , Director of the Genome Project , has stated that while homosexuality may be genetically influenced, it is “… not hardwired by DNA , and (that) whatever genes are involved represent predispositions, not predetermination[s].” He also states that “…the prominent role of individual free will choices have a profound effect on us.”1 Homosexual attraction is determined by a combination of familial, environmental, social and biological influences. Inheritance of predisposing personality traits may play a role for some. Consequently, homosexual attraction is changeable. Contrary to the “born that way” myth, the scientific evidence links homosexuality to social and parental influences… combined in varying degrees with biological predisposition in some people. Sexual orienta

Children of GLB parents are not healthy, successful and well adjusted

Image via Wikipedia Judge Walker’s decision states that children raised by homosexuals are just as likely as children raised by heterosexual parents to be “healthy, successful, and well adjusted.” But new research shows children of GLB parents were more likely to either have identified as GLB or to have at least experimented with nonheterosexual behavior . The percentage “of children of gay and lesbian parents who adopted non-heterosexual identities ranged between 16% and 57%”.  Studies indicating that the children raised by homosexuals are as well adjusted as those raised by heterosexuals, may be flawed. Many of the studies have set up questionable comparisons of GLB and heterosexual parents. Often, the GLB parents have higher education , higher incomes, fewer children, as well as a likely desire to present their children in a socially desirable manner for the sake of ‘the cause. One recent study used gay fathers from households earning an average of $190,000 annually, which