
Showing posts with the label Religion

US religious leaders join together in support of marriage and religious liberty

Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia WASHINGTON, January 13, 2012 ( - Leaders of some of the largest religious communities in the United States have joined together in an  open letter  to all Americans to voice their shared concern for marriage and religious freedom. The letter, titled “Marriage and Religious Freedom: Fundamental Goods That Stand or Fall Together,” was released January 12. It can be found at . Signatories include leaders from Anglican, Baptist , Catholic, Evangelical, Jewish, Lutheran , Mormon, and Pentecostal communities in the United States. Cardinal-designate Timothy Dolan , archbishop of New York and president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops , was one of the four signing Catholic bishops. “Marriage and religious liberty are at a crisis point in the United States,” he said. “This letter is a sign of hope. Not only are tens of millions of believing citizens represented in the letter’s signatories, but the letter itself te

Gay Marriage Freedom of conscience and religious liberty would be threatened.

Image via Wikipedia Another important and immediate result of same-sex “marriage” would be serious damage to religious liberty . Religious liberty means much more than liturgical rituals. It applies not only to formal houses of worship, but to para-church ministries, religious educational and social service organizations, and individual believers trying to live their lives in accordance with their faith not only at church, but at home, in their neighborhoods, and in the workplace. These, more than your pastor or parish priest, are the entities whose religious liberty is most threatened by samesex “marriage.” Some of these threats to religious liberty can arise from “nondiscrimination” laws based on sexual orientation, even without same-sex “marriage.” But when homosexual “marriage” becomes legal, then laws which once applied to homosexuals only as individuals then apply to homosexual couples as well. So, for example, when Catholic Charities in Boston insisted  that they would

General Boykin’s comments reflect the experiences of many life and family warriors

Image via Wikipedia October 12, 2011 - The comments of  Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin  at the Value Voters Summit accurately reflect what very many pro-family leaders have experienced for years as they have valiantly struggled to defend traditional family life and sexual morality . This has especially been the case regarding abortion, but even more so on the issue of homosexuality. Religious leaders have mostly been strangely, even ominously, silent or ineffective, if not even hostile, while faithful lay men and women have endured persecution for standing up for what the religious leaders should have been leading. This is no small problem. It is proving to be near catastrophic to our social, moral and even political order as traditional freedoms of religion and conscience and even democracy itself are being gradually swept away. One thing is very much needed: the faithful have got to pray more for their religious leaders. But also - which far too many resist - there is a great n