
Showing posts with the label Pope John Paul II

Catholic school, with priest’s backing, suspends theology teacher for defending marriage on Facebook

SOMMERVILLE, NJ , March 18, 2015 ( ) – A Catholic high school in New Jersey has suspended a 30-year veteran theology teacher for making comments on her personal Facebook page supporting the Catholic Church's position on homosexual "marriage" and family. Controversy struck when Patricia Jannuzzi, a theology teacher at Immaculata High School in Sommerville, New Jersey, said that she opposed the legal arguments homosexual activists used to persuade the Supreme Court to redefine marriage. “One minute they argue hey [sic] are born this way and it is not a choice to get 14th amendment rights equal protection” – which was intended for “unchangeable characteristics such as race and disability,” she wrote. Then, “they will argue everyone should be able to choose” to engage in the homosexual lifestyle. Patricia Jannuzzi That juggernaut threatened to “reengineer Western civ[ilization] into a slow extinction.” “We need healthy families with a mother and

UK Bishop Davies: Catholics oppose same-sex ‘marriage’ out of love

SHREWSBURY, England , March 19, 2014  - In an interview touching on life, family, faith, and culture, Shrewsbury Bishop Mark Davies said that despite perceptions of hate and prejudice, the real reason why Christians oppose same-sex “ marriage ” is out of love.  “It is often said that there is a prejudicial hate, a sense of discrimination [that] lies behind the teachings of the Church and the Christian understanding of marriage,” he said. On the contrary, “what we need to always emphasize is that what lies behind this is love – a genuine love for every person. That love very much extends, by the Church, to those who experience same-sex attraction .” With same-sex “marriage” having passed into law last July and come into force in England last week, Bishop Davies said that the battle must continue.  “The essential battle is now for the very foundations of marriage, its identity in the union of man and woman, a lasting union, a union which is open to life and thereby the fou

Pope Francis Effect: Attitude change but no behaviour change

One year into the era of Pope Francis, a new poll has found that a broad majority of American Catholics say he represents a major change in direction for the church, and a change for the better. But his popularity has not inspired more Americans to attend Mass, go to confession or identify as Catholic — a finding that suggests that so far, the much-vaunted “Francis effect” is influencing attitudes, but not behavior. Francis is more popular among American Catholics than Pope Benedict XVI was in February of last year, when he suddenly resigned, according to the poll, which is to be released Thursday by the Pew Research Center . But Francis has not reached the sky-high ratings that Pope John Paul II commanded at the height of his papacy in the 1990s, when he was credited with helping to bring down the Communist government in his native Poland. Francis, who draws giddy teenagers to his Wednesday audiences and generates Twitter traffic with every public remark, has clearly invigorate

Boston St. Pat’s Parade rescinds invite to gay group, says application was a ‘ploy’

Immaculate Heart of Mary 's iconic float in Boston's St. Patrick's Day Parade Co-authored with Patrick Craine BOSTON, March 6, 2014 – The organizers of Boston’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade have rescinded their controversial invitation to a homosexual advocacy group , saying they believe the group’s application was a “ploy” made under “false pretenses.” The news comes days after a Catholic school said it would withdraw its iconic float and school band from the March 16 celebration because of the decision. "In the footsteps of St. Patrick, [Immaculate Heart of Mary School] does not condone and will not appear to condone the homosexual lifestyle,” Brother Thomas Dalton, the school’s principal, said in a statement reported by the  Telegram . "This float has become the Icon of the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in South Boston appearing in all types of media whenever the parade is mentioned," said Dalton. "The familiar scene of St. Patrick joyful

Dublin archbishop responds to gay ‘marriage’ debate suggesting gay civil registrations

DUBLIN, Ireland , February 18, 2014  - Faithful Catholics in Dublin are in an uproar over their own bishop. While homosexual activists are working hard in Ireland in the build-up to a national referendum on “gay marriage,” Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has suggested civil recognition of homosexual relationships as an alternative, a notion that runs counter to established Vatican teaching. “I believe that there are ways in which, civil registrations for example, in which gay and lesbian people can have their rights respected and legally protected,” said Archbishop Martin in  an interview  with the state broadcaster RTÉ . Archbishop Diarmuid Martin “There can be ways in which gay people can celebrate their togetherness, their love for one another, but it isn’t marriage,” he added. “It doesn’t necessarily mean that a civil partnership is somewhat of less value than marriage.” In contrast, the Vatican teaching on the matter is clear and emphatic. The  2003 Vatican document ,  or

Vienna Cardinal: Same-sex relationships need ‘civil law protection’

VIENNA, April 12, 2013 ( ) – The Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna is expressing openness to legal recognition of homosexual unions, appearing to put him at odds with Magisterial teaching. In a talk at Britain’s National Gallery on Monday, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn defended the traditional definition of marriage, but urged “respect” for same-sex relationships, reports the UK Catholic paper  The Tablet . Cardinal Christoph Schönborn "There can be same-sex partnerships and they need respect, and even civil law protection,” he said, according to the paper. “Yes, but please keep it away from the notion of marriage. Because the definition of marriage is the stable union between a man and a woman open to life.” "We should be clear about terms and respect the needs of people living in a partnership together. They deserve respect," the Cardinal added. Cardinal Schönborn has made similar comments in the past, as for example in 2010, when he 

Politican Jimmy Cater stumbles on Gay Marriage

ATLANTA, GEORGIA , March 20, 2012, ( ) – Former president Jimmy Carter has been strongly identified as a “Born Again” Christian and as a liberal Democrat for nearly five decades. He is once more blending those roles as he promotes “his” latest book, his own study Bible . The  NIV Lessons from Life Bible: Personal Reflections with Jimmy Carter  contains the full text of the New International Version of the Bible and the former president’s prayers, reflections, and asides. During his book tour to promote a study of the Scriptures, Carter mentioned he  supports same-sex “marriage.” President Carter told Paul Brandeis Raushenbush, senior religion editor of  The Huffington Post : Homosexuality was well known in the ancient world, well before Christ was born and Jesus never said a word about homosexuality. In all of his teachings about multiple things – he never said that gay people should be condemned.  I personally think it is very fine for gay people to be married in c