
Showing posts with the label Pope Benedict XVI

Media critisised for portraying liberal direction of Catholic Church following Pope's comment on homosexuality

"If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?" Francis told reporters in a informal interview. While that was the most quoted line from the interview, what he said immediately afterward was cited less often: "The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains this very well. It says one must not marginalize these persons, they must be integrated into society. The problem isn't this [homosexual] orientation – we must be like brothers and sisters. The problem is something else, the problem is lobbying either for this orientation or a political lobby or a Masonic lobby." Francis was answering a question about the so-called "gay lobby" within the Catholic Church that seeks to change the Church's position on homosexuality. The relevant portion of the Catechism that Francis was referring to states: "The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which i

ABC Australian Broadcasting Corporation misquotes Pope's Homosexual comments

The  Pope ’s remarks on the ‘gay lobby’ in response to a question on his return flight from Rio to Rome have sparked misleading coverage all over the world.  From a look at the headlines of the major mainstream news sources in America and from the television and radio coverage comes a very confusing take on what the Pope actually said. Pope Francis says he won't 'judge' gay priests - USA Today Pope Francis says he won't judge gay priests | Fox News Pope Signals Openness to Gay Priests - Pope Francis says he will not judge priests for being gay | World ...   Guardian UK Pope Shifts Church's Tone on Gay People - ABC News Pope Francis on gays: "Who am I to judge?" - CBS News   Pope Francis says he won't judge gays - World - CBC News Pope Charts New Ground On Gay Priests And Women - Forbes Pope Francis says gays should not be judged - And from an Israeli and a  UK  publication there was the following: Pope digres

What the Pope actually said about homosexuality

The Pope ’s remarks on the ‘gay lobby’ in response to a question on his return flight from Rio to Rome have sparked misleading coverage all over the world.  From a look at the headlines of the major mainstream news sources in America and from the television and radio coverage comes a very confusing take on what the Pope actually said. Pope Francis says he won't 'judge' gay priests - USA Today Pope Francis says he won't judge gay priests | Fox News Pope Signals Openness to Gay Priests - Pope Francis says he will not judge priests for being gay | World ...   Guardian UK Pope Shifts Church's Tone on Gay People - ABC News Pope Francis on gays: "Who am I to judge?" - CBS News   Pope Francis says he won't judge gays - World - CBC News Pope Charts New Ground On Gay Priests And Women - Forbes Pope Francis says gays should not be judged - And from an Israeli and a UK publication there was the following: Pope digresse

Ukrainian Catholic Patriarch responds to accusation that he is liberal on homosexuality

The Patriarch of the Ukrainian Catholic Church rebuffed the notion that he is a theological liberal on the subject of homosexuality – and then some – saying that the “sin of homosexuality is comparable to that of murder.” Patriarch Sviatoslav Shevchuk Video footage  of an exchange between Patriarch Sviatoslav Shevchuk and a Ukrainian journalist was released more than one year ago, but an English transcript has recently been funished to “Some call you the most liberal head of the Ukrainian Church and that your views on homosexuality are very tolerant,” the journalist asked, in Russian. “Do you believe they should, at minimum, have the right to civil unions and, at maximum, to marriages in the Ukrainian Church?” The Patriarch declined to classify his views as liberal or conservative but responded, in Ukrainian, “In accordance with the teaching of the Church, homosexual behavior is a grave sin, which calls to Heaven for vengeance.” The designation of

Vienna Cardinal: Same-sex relationships need ‘civil law protection’

VIENNA, April 12, 2013 ( ) – The Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna is expressing openness to legal recognition of homosexual unions, appearing to put him at odds with Magisterial teaching. In a talk at Britain’s National Gallery on Monday, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn defended the traditional definition of marriage, but urged “respect” for same-sex relationships, reports the UK Catholic paper  The Tablet . Cardinal Christoph Schönborn "There can be same-sex partnerships and they need respect, and even civil law protection,” he said, according to the paper. “Yes, but please keep it away from the notion of marriage. Because the definition of marriage is the stable union between a man and a woman open to life.” "We should be clear about terms and respect the needs of people living in a partnership together. They deserve respect," the Cardinal added. Cardinal Schönborn has made similar comments in the past, as for example in 2010, when he 

Pope: True peace in the world requires end of abortion and gay 'marriage'

ROME, December 14, 2012, ( )—“ Peacemakers are those who love, defend and promote life in its fullness,” said Pope Benedict XVI in his Message for World Day of Peace 2013. In the message, which was  released today , the pope noted that “serious harm to justice and peace” comes from denying the true principles of respect for life and promotion of the “natural structure of marriage as the union of a man and a woman.” Pope Benedict XVI, boldly stressed that pro-lifers are the ‘true peacemakers’ and that those who would support abortion promote a “false peace.” The path to the attainment of the common good and to peace is above all that of respect for human life in all its many aspects, beginning with its conception, through its development and up to its natural end. True peacemakers, then, are those who love, defend and promote human life in all its dimensions, personal, communitarian and transcendent. Life in its fullness is the height of peace. Anyone wh

Majority of Catholic colleges host pro-homosexual groups: survey

English: McGivney Hall on the Catholic University of America campus in Washington (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) November 20, 2012 ( ) – Georgetown , Notre Dame and Creighton Universities are counted among the whopping 52% of Catholic colleges that sponsor pro- homosexual student clubs that violate Catholic Church teaching, up from 45% in 2009, according to a Catholic student group .  Students and parents are petitioning their schools, asking for a disbandment of the clubs that they say are un-Catholic. A survey by TFP Student Action has found pro-homosexual student clubs at 111 out of the 211 schools listed by the most comprehensive reference material available, “Ganley’s Catholic Schools in America,” published by Fisher Publishing Company.  TFP’s  comprehensive list  with corresponding clubs includes links to school websites and club descriptions. TFP claims that many of the mentioned clubs act as platforms of Catholic dissent, advancing the idea of same-sex