
Showing posts with the label Pew Research Center

Millennials the only generation whose majority supports same-sex ‘marriage’

 – Support for same-sex "marriage" is split significantly along generational lines, with opposition to marriage redefinition remaining strong among older generations and only millennials mustering majority support, according to a recent poll. A Pew Research Forum this month found that 70 percent of those born after 1981 favor marriage redefinition. No other generation crossed the threshold of 50 percent. Support for preserving marriage tracked largely with age. The second greatest support for marriage redefinition was among Generation X , those born between 1965-1980, with 49 percent. America 's largest population bloc, Baby Boomers , trailed far behind, with only 38 percent in favor of homosexual “ marriages .” Their views are not so different from their parents, the Silent Generation . Less than one-third of those born before 1945 would redefine marriage. Overall, opposition to same-sex “marriage” actually increased since last year ,

Is Obama a Christian?

July 30, 2012 ( ) - For over four years, the American public has been told repeatedly by the President and his surrogates in the media and politics, that Barrack Obama is a “ Christian .” Yet, according to a recent poll, fewer people recognize his claimed religious affiliation than in 2008. The poll, conducted by the Pew Research Center ’s Forum on Religion and Public Life , and released on Thursday, indicates that only 49% of Americans believe that President Obama is a Christian. Another 17% called him a “Muslim.” Just before the 2008 election, a majority, 55%, had described then-candidate Obama’s faith as Christian, while just 12% said he was Muslim. Major media outlets spun the story, as they have in the past, as an issue of voter ignorance. The left-wing New York Daily News declared that “Poll finds Americans still confused about Barack Obama’s religion,” while ABC’s Amy Bingham titled her blog entry: “Half of Americans Do Not Know the President’s R

Biblical Marriage is a mystery

The marriage (detail of bride and ladies) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Many, perhaps most, couples will be entering their marriages with expectations that are inconsistent to reality. It is only a matter of time when reality catches up to their relationship. Houses do not long stand when their foundations are gone. This much can be assured in marriage - in time the winds will come and the water will rise. Only those marriages with a firm foundation based on reality will survive. This becomes abundantly clear when reading the first chapter of Tim and Kathy Keller’s book, The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God . Two things are true about society’s attitudes toward marriage. First is a growing skepticism over the validity of the institution of marriage . The Pew Research Center found in 2010 that nearly 40 percent of Americans believe that marriage is becoming obsolete . And many, particularly the young, are acting accordingly. There

As acceptance of homosexuality grows in U.S., slim plurality still opposes gay ‘marriage’

Image via Wikipedia A new poll published by the Pew Research Center indicates that “homosexuality” is becoming increasingly acceptable among Americans , although a very slim plurality still opposes the label “marriage” for sexual unions between people of the same gender. The poll also indicates that more Americans regard homosexual parenting as a negative, rather than positive, trend. According to the poll, 58% of Americans say that “homosexuality” should be accepted, rather than discouraged, by society—without specifying if the term includes homosexual behavior.  However, 46% oppose homosexual “marriage” while only 45% support it. Thirty-five percent believe that more homosexual parents are a “bad thing for society” while only 14 percent believe it is a “good thing for society.” A near-majority, 48%, believes it “does not make much difference.” The poll did not ask Americans if they approve of homosexual acts. However, a 2010 Gallup Poll found that a majority, 52%, regard such