
Showing posts with the label Peter Sprigg

Southern Poverty Law Center sues after it believes reparative therapy does not change teens’ sexual orientation

November 29, 2012, ( Family Research Council )—With its credibility drying up, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is determined to cement its status as the homosexual movement’s greatest ally. Desperate to regain its status in the civil rights debate, the group is following the money to the gay community, where it hopes the partnership will help SPLC regain some of the legitimacy it lost bullying mainstream conservatives. Their latest attempt to claw their way back into the spotlight is a lawsuit aimed at destroying the ex-gay movement . This week, SPLC announced that it is suing a Jewish organization called JONAH (Jews Offering New Alternatives of Healing) for consumer fraud. They allege that the therapy, which is designed to bring homosexuals out of bondage and into healthy behavior, failed. That’s as ridiculous as suing Weight Watchers because they promised you’d lose weight and you didn’t. Then you have a small minority of the population which says it is wrong, b

Homosexual activists seek to discredit study and researchers who found kids of homosexual parents suffer deficits

University of Texas sociologist Mark Regnerus sparked a firestorm of criticism from pro-homosexual activists when his peer-reviewed scholarly  article  on children raised by homosexual parents was published in the journal  Social Science Research  in June. Using a large, population-based sample, Dr. Regnerus found that children whose parents had a same-sex romantic relationship while the child was growing up suffer deficits compared to children raised by their own married biological mother and father. Dr. Mark Regnerus. Because the study undermined the politically correct claim that such children are “no different” from children with heterosexual parents, and because it reinforced a key point made in defense of the natural definition of marriage as the union of man and woman (namely, that kids need both a mom and a dad), it became urgent for pro-homosexual activists to discredit the study and, if possible, destroy Regnerus. That effort, thus far, has failed. When a libe

What you need to know about the Mark Regnerus study of homosexual parents

University of Texas sociologist Mark Regnerus sparked a firestorm of criticism from pro-homosexual activists when his peer-reviewed scholarly  article  on children raised by homosexual parents was published in the journal  Social Science Research  in June. Using a large, population-based sample, Dr. Regnerus found that children whose parents had a same-sex romantic relationship while the child was growing up suffer deficits compared to children raised by their own married biological mother and father. Dr. Mark Regnerus. Because the study undermined the politically correct claim that such children are “no different” from children with heterosexual parents, and because it reinforced a key point made in defense of the natural definition of marriage as the union of man and woman (namely, that kids need both a mom and a dad), it became urgent for pro-homosexual activists to discredit the study and, if possible, destroy Regnerus. That effort, thus far, has failed. When a liber

10 harms of homosexual marriage

By Peter Sprigg Some advocates of same-sex "marriage" scoff at the idea that it could harm anyone. Here are ten ways in which society could be harmed by legalizing same-sex "marriage." Most of these effects would become evident only in the long run, but several would occur immediately. Immediate Effects Taxpayers , consumers, and businesses would be forced to subsidize homosexual relationships.  One of the key arguments often heard in support of homosexual civil marriage revolves around all the government "benefits" that homosexuals claim they are denied.  Many of these "benefits" involve one thing-taxpayer money that homosexuals are eager to get their hands on. For example, one of the goals of homosexual activists is to take part in the biggest government entitlement program of all- Social Security . Homosexuals want their partners to be eligible for Social Security survivors' benefits when one partner dies. The fact that So