
Showing posts with the label Peter Sprigg

Keep the Definition of Marriage as the Union of One Man and One Woman

By Peter Sprigg Why is marriage the union of one man and one woman? The primary public purpose of marriage is to bring together men and women for reproduction of the human race . Marriage then encourages men and women to stay together to raise the childrenproduced by their union. Research shows that children do best when raised by their own mother and fatherwho are committed to one another in marriage. What harm would homosexual "marriage" do? Several harms would result immediately: Homosexual relationships would be subsidized. All taxpayers, consumers, and businesses would be forced to provide financial benefits to homosexual couples. Children would be indoctrinated. Schools would teach children that homosexual relationships are an option fully equivalent to heterosexual ones. Freedom of conscience and religious liberty would be threatened. Faith-based organizations and individuals would be forced to compromise their beliefs, or be punished or driven from the public squ

Democrats’ same-sex ‘marriage’ plank may swing election for Romney: Huckabee, others

WASHINGTON, D.C. , August 2, 2012 ( ) – The Democratic Party’s decision to  adopt a platform embracing same-sex “marriage”  “may end up sinking” the party, and hand Mitt Romney the issue he needs to energize Republican voters in the fall, according to one of his former rivals. Former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee told AFR Talk’s “Today’s Issues” yesterday the Democrats’ formal support for marriage redefinition “will be the best thing that’s ever happened to the Republican Party , especially in the South and the Midwest.” “If there was any vestige of the Democrat Party in some of these areas, this may end up sinking the ship,” he told the hosts.    A Quinnipiac poll shows the constituency known as “ Reagan Democrats ” – whites without a college education – favor Romney over Obama by 20 points, 53 percent to 33 percent. Political scientist Larry Sabato has said “those Reagan Democrats have long since become operational Republicans.” But pundits

Why should 1.7% dictate homosexual marriages?

Kinsey interviewing a woman. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) How many gays are there in the United States? Gary Gates has an idea but acknowledges pinpointing a solid figure remains an elusive task. Mr. Gates is demographer-in-residence at the Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy , a think tank based at the University of California, Los Angeles . For the institute ’s 10th anniversary this week, he took a scholarly stab at answering the question that has been debated, avoided and parsed since sex researcher Alfred Kinsey said in the 1940s that 10 percent of the men he surveyed were “predominantly homosexual.” Mr. Gates ‘ best estimate, derived from five studies that have asked subjects about their sexual orientation, is that the nation has about 4 million adults who identify as being homosexual, representing 1.7 percent of the 18-and-over population. That’s a much lower figure than the 3 percent to 5 percent that has been the conventional wisdom in the last t

‘Reprehensible and disgusting’: Censoring the ex-homosexual message

Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Montgomery County Courthouse IMG_3344 (Photo credit: OZinOH ) March 5, 2012 ( - Montgomery County Public Schools Superintendent Joshua Starr called it “reprehensible,” “deplorable” and “disgusting.” What could trigger such a response? Child sexual abuse by a teacher? Drug dealing in the high schools? A drunk driving accident that killed students? No - it was a one-page flier distributed to students in several Montgomery County, Md. , high schools as part of the “backpack flier” program that helps nonprofit organizations reach students in the schools. The flier included “disgusting” declarations such as, “All individuals deserve the right to self-determination and happiness,” and such “reprehensible” advice as “[I]mportant decisions should not be made on feelings alone.” The controversy arose not because of its relatively innocuous content, but because of its source: an organization called Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays

The Top Ten Harms of Same-Sex "Marriage"

Image via Wikipedia By Peter Sprigg Some advocates of same-sex "marriage" scoff at the idea that it could harm anyone. Here are ten ways in which society could be harmed by legalizing same-sex "marriage." Most of these effects would become evident only in the long run, but several would occur immediately. Immediate Effects Taxpayers, consumers, and businesses would be forced to subsidize homosexual relationships .  One of the key arguments often heard in support of homosexual civil marriage revolves around all the government "benefits" that homosexuals claim they are denied.  Many of these "benefits" involve one thing-taxpayer money that homosexuals are eager to get their hands on. For example, one of the goals of homosexual activists is to take part in the biggest government entitlement program of all- Social Security . Homosexuals want their partners to be eligible for Social Security survivors' benefits when one partner dies. The fact

Homosexual activists ‘increasingly aggressive’

WASHINGTON, DC , November 25, 2011  – Homosexual activists have becoming “increasingly aggressive” in attacking their opponents and in shutting down any debate, but despite their efforts “there are legitimate grounds for debate on the origin, nature, and consequences of homosexuality,” argues a  new analysis  from the Family Research Council . Homosexual activists “misunderstand (or misrepresent) the views of social conservatives , in part because of conflicting paradigms for understanding homosexuality,” says FRC Senior Fellow for Policy Studies in a  press release  announcing the publication of the report, titled, “ Debating Homosexuality: Understanding Two Views.” Peter Sprigg of Family Research Council The conflicting paradigms Sprigg addresses have created a disconnect and fundamental misunderstanding between those promoting homosexuality and social conservatives, who see the homosexualist agenda encroaching upon fundamental freedoms. Homosexualist groups “have come to adopt

Outraged parents oust gay sex books from New Jersey school reading list

Image via Wikipedia Two books, one containing an explicit depiction of statutory lesbian rape, and the other a homosexual orgy, have been ousted from a local high school by outraged New Jersey parents. The texts, “ Norwegian Wood ” and “Tweak: Growing up on Methamphetamines,” originally appeared on the summer reading list for both middle school and high school students at Monroe Township schools this year. “Norwegian Wood,” a novel by Haruki Murakami , includes a graphic depiction of a 31-year-old woman raping a 13-year-old girl, while “Tweak,” a story about addiction, describes a homosexual orgy scene as well as the details of drug use. The books, school officials say, were included on the list by a group of teachers, librarians, and administrators, and approved by the board of education. Chuck Earling, superintendent of Monroe Township Schools Image via Wikipedia  in Williamstown, N.J., told  Fox News  that the committee “didn’t feel it was inappropriate based on the language that’

Ex gays increasing

Image via Wikipedia A Martian who visited modern America today might well think that half the population was homosexual - and the other half wished it were. This is bizarre, especially when you look at the actual statistics which show that as few as 2% of the general population identify themselves as “gay.” Writing in May in USA Today, conservative radio host Michael Medved noted, “UCLA’s Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy offered a new estimate of homosexual identification: concluding that 1.7% of Americans say they’re gay, and a slightly larger group (1.8%) identified as bisexual….” Despite the small numbers (and Medved cites a different study that puts the number at only 1.4%), this issue seems front and center everywhere. When The Flintstones theme first crowed, “we’ll have a gay, old time,” it would have been difficult to imagine how the meaning of that phrase has changed to a cultural phenomenon sweeping the nation. June might have been the weddi