
Showing posts with the label Peter LaBarbera

‘Bringing people together’? Conservatives say gay ‘wedding’ at Rose Bowl was extreme

WASHINGTON, D.C., January 3, 2014  – Pro-family activists are criticizing the Tournament of Roses Association (TRA) for letting two homosexual men use a float in the annual Rose Parade to conduct a gay "wedding" ceremony. The TRA allowed its parade “to be used to make a political statement in favor of a radical and controversial cause: the redefinition of marriage ,"  Family Research Council  Senior Fellow for Policy Studies Peter Sprigg told Sprigg also criticized the AIDS Healthcare Foundation for sponsoring the float on which the “marriage” took place, telling LifeSiteNews, “it is clear that  the single change which would do the most to reduce the impact of AIDS would be for men to abstain from ever engaging in sexual relations with other men .” The Foundation  says  it is “the largest provider of HIV/AIDS medical care in the U.S.” and has “the sole aim of saving more lives.” In November 2013, the Center for Disease Control release

Federal government considering letting gay men donate blood despite huge rise in HIV rates

W ASHINGTON, D.C. , December 5, 2013 ( ) – The federal government is considering changing its lifetime ban regarding blood donations from sexually active homosexuals. The news comes less than a week after the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that in 48 states men who have sex with men (MSM) represent the  majority of HIV/AIDS sufferers . Today members of the HHS Advisory Committee on Blood and Tissue Safety and Availability will be hearing  seven presentations  on the issue. The committee  declined  to change the policy in 2010. Existing policy bars men who have had sex at least once since 1977 from donating blood for life, due to the high risk of exposure to HIV/AIDS.  Other countries , such as Spain and Italy, have lifted their bans. Australia, Brazil, Japan, and Britain have a one-year deferral after sex. Canada has a five-year deferral policy. The nation's major blood bank organizations – the American Association of Blood Banks (AAB

Portland bar owner must pay $400,000 for kicking transgender patrons out of bar

P ORTLAND, OR, September 4, 2013 ( ) – A Portland bar owner will have to pay a $400,000 fine for kicking out a group of cross-dressers whom he says were ruining his business. Chris Penner, the owner of the Twilight Room Annex, has to pay 11 transgender patrons the hefty sum after asking them to stop coming to his bar. Mike Zacchino/The Oregonian Penner  said  female patrons complained that the transgender men went to the restroom with the stall doors open, then left the toilet seats up when they were finished. “I feel for this bar owner. Obviously these gender-confused men who want to be 'women' were causing him to lose customers with their outrageous behavior,” Peter LaBarbera , president of  Americans For Truth About Homosexuality , told “Now he's been hit with a massive fine courtesy of discriminatory pro- LGBT laws .” Penner left a voicemail asking the men, who call themselves the T-Girls, to stop coming to his bar (the

No ‘witchhunt’: New Scout alternative will allow gay scouts, too, but emphasize chastity

Boy Scout leaders who bolted the organization after it voted to allow homosexual boys to join have announced that the new group they are founding will also allow boys who consider themselves gay to join – but the new group will emphasize chastity and “principles and values that reflect a Christian worldview .” John Stemberger, the founder of OnMyHonor.Net – one of the groups leading the formation of the new scouting group, has said, "There is not going to be any acting out, nor is there going to be a witch-hunt.” "We wouldn't expect any flaunting, innuendo, gestures or speech," he added. Adult leaders will be required to sign a statement affirming Christian beliefs . But some warn the new guidelines are not distinct enough to prevent moral confusion among impressionable young scouts. "I do not think it is wise for this new alternative to the Scouts to affirm that homosexual youths are allowed to join, even with the caveat that they won't be

Memo to parents and churches: Please urge the Boy Scouts not to capitulate on homosexuality

History of the Boy Scouts of America (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) CHICAGO, January 31, 2013, ( AFTAH ) – Peter LaBarbera , president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality ( ), issued the following analysis of the  Boy Scouts of America’s (BSA)   reported capitulation  to pro-homosexual activists—potentially rescinding its national policy on homosexuality and allowing local councils to set their own policies on “sexual orientation”: 1) This decision is not yet final – parents, sponsoring churches and concerned citizens should lobby the Scouts  now  prior to their Board Meeting next week. TAKE ACTION:  Urge the BSA  not  to sacrifice the safety and moral well-being of boys to the demands of “gay” activists and a few corporate bigwigs threatening to withhold grants. Lines are jammed, but contact the BSA at    972-580-2000  or  972-580- 2597 ; or use their  Contact Page . E-mail: . Find your local Scout Council nationwide  HERE , or use the BSA’s 

Tammy Baldwin's Election and 'Glee' are Signs that America is 'Falling Apart'

Talk show host Janet Mefferd invited Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality onto her  program  on Friday to mourn the recent string of electoral victories of openly gay candidates and gay rights measures.  Mefferd : Seven million white voters stayed home, everything was about this minority group and we should’ve been more pro-amnesty etcetera, and there was a lot of discussion about how the GOP needs to be for amnesty now, needs to do this and that to reach the particular Latino group or what have you, and in fact you wonder how many of those white voters who stayed home actually would’ve come out if they would’ve had a candidate who had a backbone on issues that are culturally important to them. LaBarbera : Let’s talk about the homosexual issue Janet, of course Romney barely, I don’t know in the general election, was it raised at all? Mefferd : No. LaBarbera : We’re talking about a sin movement here. Would we be ticking off any other collective grou

Leading homosexual rights advocate arrested on child pornography suspicions

SAN FRANCISCO, CA , September 25, 2012 ( ) – A prominent homosexual rights advocate surrendered to police on Thursday after being charged with two felony counts of child pornography possession and distribution, according to the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD).  Larry Brinkin was first arrested on the same allegations in June, but was released, with the SFPD citing the need for further investigation.  Now he is awaiting arraignment while out on bail. Larry Brinkin The SFPD has released information indicating that some of the children used for Brinkin’s alleged pornography collection appear to be as young as one, two and three years old.  Accompanying the pornographic images of the children were racist and violent remarks also alleged to be made by Brinkin. Peter LaBarbera , president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, told LifeSiteNews that people shouldn’t be shocked to learn that Brinkin, “the pioneering San Francisco homosexual act

Convicted gay sex offender loses initial bid to muzzle pro-family website MassResistance

A convicted sex abuser who has filed a one million dollar suit against the pro-family group  Mass Resistance  suffered a setback last week when his motion for a preliminary injunction to silence the group was rejected by the presiding judge. “ Maine may not punish, through criminal sanction, an individual’s actions that are protected by the free speech clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution ,” wrote District Judge Patricia G. Worth in her decision, signed on July 11. Meanwhile, a police chief that Adam E. Flanders has repeatedly claimed supported his lawsuit and described his sex abuse charge as akin to “stealing a candy bar” has disputed Flanders’ account of events in a LifeSiteNews (LSN) interview. LSN has also learned that in addition to the sex abuse charge, Flanders has been convicted of assaulting a minor with whom he had a sexual relationship, as well as the boy’s father, with a knife. Adam Flanders Flanders, a Belfast , Maine homosexual