
Showing posts with the label Paris

One million French protest against Homosexual marriage

With two more American states legalizing  unmarriage,  with the Boy Scouts organization adopting a wholly unworkable compromise, with media and political figures in America throwing up their hands and throwing in the towel, it would be easy to get discouraged over marriage. But look to France . There, the amazing “Manif pour Tous” (Demonstration for All) is growing, not diminishing, in intensity. It is a movement largely composed of young people. For the fourth time in a year, pro-marriage demonstrators hit the streets of Paris in the hundreds of thousands. They brought together Catholics and Evangelicals, Jews, Muslims, and some atheists for marriage. They even recruited gay Frenchmen who understand that “everyone needs a mother and father.” One of the strongest arguments made by this Manif is that for the rights of children. Not only do they have a right to a mother and father, but they have a natural right  not to be treated as commodities.  Because of our “Anglo-Saxon

Pro heterosexual marriage revolution building in France: up to 1 million march

The French have done it again. Two weeks after same-sex “marriage” became legal, the odds seemed against a major turnout for the latest national demonstration against the new law. And the minister of the Interior , Manuel Valls , certainly did his best to discourage would-be participants from joining the march: all day Saturday, he sent out alarming messages on television and on the radio warning that in view of expected violence families with children would do best to stay at home. But on Sunday, organizers estimated that up to a million people marched from three different points in Paris towards the Invalides , including large numbers of young people and families with children and babies in push-cars. One mother answering the press said she had originally intended to come without her kids – Valls’ intimidation tactics encouraged her to bring them along.  The estimate given by organizers is more than six times the number given out by the ministry of the Interior. However, hav

Pornographic lesbian film wins Palme d’Or: festival director urges gay ‘marriage’ opponents to watch

On the same day as up to a million traditional marriage supporters  marched  in Paris against France's new gay 'marriage' law this past weekend, a sex-saturated film about lesbian lovers took home the country's top film award: the Cannes Film Festival 's Palme d’Or. The French film , entitled in English “Blue is the Warmest Color,” focuses on a 15-year-old French girl who falls in love with an older art student. It has been as much talked about for its no-holds barred graphic sex scenes, as for the quality of the story or the acting. According to the UK’s  Daily Mail , one lengthy sex scene, clocking in at nearly 12 minutes, leaves “nothing to the imagination.”  A writer for Variety said the film contains "the most explosively graphic lesbian sex scenes in recent memory."  The over-the-top sexuality was viewed by some as a barrier to the film’s success, but on Sunday the Cannes jury announced that the director and two lead actresses were to

Ant-Homosexual French suicide was actually Anti-Muslim immigration suicide

 All of France , especially French Catholics, were deeply shocked to hear on Tuesday afternoon that French historian and essayist Dominique Venner had shot himself in the mouth on the steps of the main altar in the transept of Notre-Dame Cathedral , in the heart of Paris. Only minutes after the event, mainstream media described him as an “anti-gay marriage activist” who had prepared his gesture as a protest against the “Taubira law” legalizing same-sex “marriage,” which was signed into law last Saturday. While Dominique Venner certainly had voiced his sincere opposition to this social revolution, his writing reveal that it is completely inaccurate to present him as a Catholic, and his purpose was clearly not a call to action against homosexual “marriage." Dominique Venner was no Christian. He was, instead, protesting the massive influx of Muslim immigrants to France, which he considered a form of population replacement, and he hailed paganism and Nietzsche's will

French president signs immoral homosexual ‘marriage’ law but majority reject outright

Christiane Taubira during Ségolène Royal and José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero's meeting in Toulouse on April, 19th 2007 for the 2007 presidential election. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Hours after the French Constitutional Counsel approved the gay ‘marriage’ law, President François Hollande signed it into law together with the prime minister, the minister for Health and Social affaire, Minister of Justice Christiane Taubira, and the deputy minister for the family. Symbolically, the law, known as the “Taubira law” after Minister of Justice Taubira, who introduced it, will bear the date of May 17th, 2013: the “International Day against Homophobia.” The decision by the Constitutional Counsel to release their verdict on the law the same day as a global pro-LGBT event is being seen as a sign that the Counsel, which is supposed to play a role similar to that of the American Supreme Court in verifying that new legislation is compatible with the French Constitution, made a political and par

People of France so NO to Homosexual Immoral Marriage

 Last weekend a number of major French cities held new rallies against same-sex ‘marriage’ that, despite the Spring vacation, attracted many thousands of participants. Organizers of “La Manif pour tous” ( Demonstration for all) claim 35,000 demonstrators in Paris , 20,000 in Lyons, 20,000 in Rennes , and thousands more in Lille, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Dijon and many smaller towns. This is the fourth major rendezvous since November 17th, not counting numberless local demonstrations in Paris and the provinces that marked every stage of the legislative procedure. On April 12th the National Assembly passed the definitive language of the “ Taubira Law ,” named after French justice minister Christiane Taubira who introduced the bill in the name of François Hollande’s socialist government. But opponents have promised: “We’ll never give up, never, never, never!” Hopes are not high regarding the Constitutional Court’s decision, which is expected to give the law the green light. Weeks

France passes immoral homosexual ‘marriage’ and divides the nation

April 23, 2013 - The French National Assembly voted for the text legalizing same-sex “marriage” and adoption by 331 votes against 225 on Tuesday afternoon . The Socialists were joined by the Greens, the Communist party and the Radicals and other leftwing groups, but also by Centrists and two members of the opposition UMP (ex- president Sarkozy ’s party), in adopting what Christiane Taubira , the French Justice minister, called a “change of civilization.” A handful of Socialists, Communists and Radicals voted against. Seconds after voting most of the opposition members left the chamber while the majority of the Left gave a standing ovation to the law. Clapping in rhythm, they chanted: “Equality, equality!”  A few minutes before the vote, the Assembly’s socialist president, Claude Bartolone , had reacted angrily to a move by the public in the galleries, when two young men started to unfurl a white banner with the word “Referendum.” “Get those enemies of democracy out of here!”

French Assembly to vote on gay ‘marriage’ Tuesday: spontaneous protests growing

Not a day has passed since the French Senate adopted the law legalizing same-sex “marriage,” on Friday, April 12th, without vigorous protests in many towns in France. At least 150,000 demonstrators took to the streets once again in Paris on Sunday (40,000, say official police figures, 270,000 according to the “Manif pour tous”, the “ Demonstration for all” which is opposing “marriage for all”). This was the fourth major rally in Paris since November 18th, when 300,000 people joined, and those organized on January 13th and March 24th which attracted approximately a million and a million and a half demonstrators, respectively. Last Sunday’s event was a “minor” affair, aimed only at Paris and its region, organized at a few days’ notice in preparation of Tuesday’s formal and public vote at the National Assembly which is expected to adopt the legislation in the same terms as the Senate, completing the accelerated legislative procedure devised by François Hollande’s socialist gover