
Showing posts with the label Obama administration

Gay activists urge UN to declare ‘reparative therapy’ a form of torture

Water torture being executed in Sing Sing prison in 1860. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) American activists against “ reparative therapy ” asked the UN Committee on Torture to define the practice as a form of torture and a violation of international law. At issue is the treatment sought by persons who struggle with unwanted same-sex desires. Many therapists still offer the treatment to those who ask for it, even though professional organizations for the therapeutic community say same-sex desire is not a form of mental illness and discourage this kind of therapy. Christians simply states: this locks people into sin. There is a movement in the United States to ban all such therapy by law. Already, New Jersey and California have banned reparative therapy for minors and the National Center for Lesbian Rights is campaigning for a nationwide ban in the next five years. It was this group that went to Geneva this week. The UN Committee on Torture is a treaty monitoring body that overs

Obama administration says Title IX anti-sex discrimination law covers transgender people

 In the latest of a series of moves to  promote the transgender political agenda  through the use of  executive powers , the Obama administration has said  that the federal Title IX civil rights provisions intended to stop discrimination against women programs apply to transgender people. Designed to prevent discrimination on the “basis of sex,”  Title IX funding  – formally known as Patsy T. Mink Equal Opportunity in Education – came into being in 1972. The funding has been used to prevent sexism in hiring, college athletics, and all other areas where sex discrimination could potentially occur. Transgender advocates proclaimed the administration's decision as a major move. Harper Jean Tobin, Policy Director for the National Center for Transgender Equality , said that the "announcement is a breakthrough for transgender students, who too often face hostility at school and refusal by school officials to accept them for who they truly are." According to Pete

This is not equality

Official portrait of Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) In Nigeria , gunmen kidnapped more than 100 schoolgirls and torched the surrounding town on Tuesday. A day before, a deadly blast killed 71 people. A day later, 18 people were killed in another attack. Meanwhile, the U.S. State Department is laser-focused on . . . promoting homosexuality. In 2011, former Secretary Hillary Clinton and President Obama directed all federal agencies working abroad to protect and promote lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons. To give an example how this shakes out, within hours of an arrest – and release the same day – in Uganda of an employee of a US -funded clinic for alleged “unethical research” and “recruiting homosexuals,” the State Department released a statement. This “heightens our concern” for the safety of LGBT individuals. And the U.S. suspended operations of the entire health clinic . Patients and health providers were not at risk by it

Obama admin requires insurance companies to cover same-sex couples

WASHINGTON, D.C. , March 19, 2014 – Trying to boost enrolment numbers as March 31 approaches, the Obama administration is taking new executive actions, including requiring insurance companies participating in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to cover same-sex couples . Bloomberg   reports  that the administration has ordered same-sex couples to be treated as “families” by insurers participating in the ACA exchanges. Judicial Crisis Network Chief Counsel Carrie Severino says “the move shows Obama administration is not interested in respecting a state's inherent authority in this area. They're simply pursing a political end.”  The administration has made over a dozen changes to the ACA, some of which have been declared illegal by Republicans. Last year, the president said the health care law was “settled,” only weeks before delaying  the application of the individual insurance mandate , and mere months before  delaying  several other components of the law.  Last year,

Obama’s UN delegation tries to scrap parts of Universal Declaration of Human Rights

NEW YORK , February 27, 2014 ( ) - Angry over not getting a same-sex-friendly definition of the family into a new UN document, the Obama Administration tried to delete language agreed upon by the founders of the UN and repeated in documents since then. Regularly contentious in recent decades, the family has been a diplomatic football with one side eager to recognize “diverse forms of the family” while the other holds on to the understanding that the family is the “natural and fundamental group unit of society” taken directly from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights . Behind closed doors, US negotiators asked to replace the definition of family from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with a lengthy new description of families that have “diverse forms and functions” and express “diversity of individual preferences.” The proposed definition excluded the notion of the natural family, based on the union of a man and woman, as the norm for the procreation

Sens. Cruz and Lee introduce bill to stop Obama from imposing marriage redefinition on states

WASHINGTON, D.C. , February 14, 2014 ( ) – The Obama administration 's decision to recognize same-sex “marriages” in states that do not recognize them undermines the Constitution's protection of states rights, according to two staunch pro-family senators. They have introduced a bill to end that encroachment. On Thursday, Sens. Ted Cruz, R-TX, and Mike Lee , R-UT, introduced the State Marriage Defense Act (S 2024). This bill would allow states to preserve and enforce their definition of marriage, as voted on by their people, without interference by the federal government. Sen. Ted Cruz , R-TX A similar bill  was introduced to the House of Representatives on January 10 by Rep. Randy Weber , R-TX, and currently has  57 co-sponsors . The bill has a better chance in the Republican-controlled House than Cruz and Lee’s in the Democrat-controlled Senate. “I support traditional marriage,” Sen. Ted Cruz  said . “Under President Obama , the federal government

Obama administration to supersede state rights by granting same-sex ‘marriage’ benefits nationwide

WASHINGTON, D.C. , February 10, 2014 ( ) – Same-sex “marriage” advocates are one step closer to full federal recognition of their relationships after Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the Obama administration would provide benefits and services regardless of state laws about marriage. On Saturday, Holder said that the federal government would “strive to ensure that same-sex marriages receive the same privileges, protections and rights as opposite-sex marriages.” A Human Rights Campaign blog post  said  this “will mean that the federal government will treat married lesbian and gay couples the same as heterosexual couples when they do things like file for bankruptcy, testify in court or visit family in prison.” The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which was signed by President Clinton two decades ago, was overturned by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) last year. The majority ruled in favor of state independence on the matter, over

Obama team’s recognition of Utah same-sex marriages shows need for state marriage defense act

English: Official portrait of United States Attorney General Eric Holder Español: Retrato oficial de Fiscal General de los Estados Unidos Eric Holder (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Yesterday’s announcement by Attorney General Eric Holder that the federal government will recognize the marriage licenses of same-sex couples in Utah —even though the state announced earlier this week that it would not —highlights the need for the federal government to respect state marriage laws. Just yesterday, bipartisan legislation was introduced in the House of Representatives that does just that. The “ State Marriage Defense Act of 2014 ,” HR 3829, requires the federal government to respect state laws on marriage. The Act requires the federal government to look to the laws of the state where citizens reside to determine the definition of “marriage.” It states that the term “marriage” shall “not include any relationship which that State, territory, or possession does not recognize as a marriage,