
Showing posts with the label New Ways Ministry

Billionaire funds pro-homosexual groups with churches

Image via Wikipedia Top ‘gay-rights’ groups claiming to represent Christians and Catholics, and at least one Jesuit-run college, are being funded by a major homosexualist business magnate with the aim of stirring up dissent within the ranks of the church. In a  recent article  Thomas Peters, Cultural Director for the National Organization for Marriage and founder of the American Papist blog, revealed the funding sources of various groups that promote acceptance of homosexuality under the guise of representing concerned members of the Judaeo-Christian community. Groups such as New Ways Ministry , a top group recently  condemned by the U.S. Catholic bishops, have received large sums from the Arcus Foundation for the purpose of promoting same-sex “marriage” specifically among Catholics, Lutherans, Episcopalians, and Jews. The Arcus Foundation was begun by Jon Stryker , an openly gay billionaire stockholder and a leading supporter of homosexualist initiatives. A 2006  Salon article  

Praying to the god of anti-homophobia at Catholic school board?

Image via Wikipedia The Toronto Catholic school board , the largest in Canada, opened a workshop to develop their policy on equity and inclusive education earlier this year with a prayer calling the homosexual inclination a “manifestation of [God’s] goodness.” The revelation has Catholic parents calling foul and pleading for the bishops of Ontario to have another look at the equity policy. The prayer, read at the January 24th meeting, asked Christ to “give us all the grace to own our sexual identity, whatever its orientation, as another manifestation of your goodness.” “Give us the vision to recognize and reject the homophobia around us and in our own hearts, as well,” it added. The revelation heightens concerns that some at the board are using the equity policy, which comes as part of the Ontario government’s mandatory and controversial equity and inclusive education strategy, to subvert Catholic teaching in the area of homosexuality. Sr. Joan Cronin, head of the Ontario bishops

Pro-homosexuality Catholic group condemned

Image via Wikipedia The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) warned Catholics this week against the self-identified “Catholic” group New Ways Ministry ’s position on homosexuality. In a statement from the USCCB, Cardinal Donald Wuerl , Archbishop of Washington and chairman of the Committee on Doctrine, condemned the group’s newly published booklet entitled “ Marriage Equality : A Positive Catholic Approach,” written by the group’s executive director Francis DeBernardo. “In no manner is the position proposed by New Ways Ministry in conformity with Catholic teaching, and in no manner is this organization authorized to speak on behalf of the Catholic Church or to identify itself as a Catholic organization,” wrote Wuerl. Archbishop Wuerl affirmed Cardinal Francis George ’s statement of last year, while he was acting as president of the USCCB, regarding New Ways Ministry.  “I wish to make it clear that, like other groups that claim to be Catholic but deny central aspects of C