
Showing posts with the label McCaskill

Sacked because she didn't support homosexual marriage

Dr. Angela McCaskill has the distinction of being the first deaf black woman to receive a PhD from Gallaudet University , where she has served as their Chief Diversity Officer and has worked as a teacher, administrator and leader  for twenty-three years. Today she was summarily put on administrative leave while university officials "determine her future" at Gallaudet. Why?  Because it was brought to their attention that she signed the petition to allow the people of Maryland to vote on same-sex marriage ! No one is safe when marriage is redefined. The architects of same-sex marriage are bent on silencing and firing those who oppose their agenda. The irony of a university putting its own chief diversity officer on leave—a woman who by all accounts has served the institution with distinction for  over two decades —simply because she chose to exercise her rights as a citizen, cannot be ignored. This is a wake up call to all of us. We all have a stake in marriage. If