
Showing posts with the label MassResistance

Mainstream media coverup plans to have Olympic athletes smuggle gay propaganda into Russia

English: Vladimir Putin and Gerhard Schroeder (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) BOSTON, September 10, 2013 ( ) – Two nations' Olympic teams, a global network of LGBT activists , and unnamed international diplomats have a secret plan to flout Russia's new laws banning gay propaganda at the 2014 Olympics , a homosexual activist recently told a meeting of journalists representing the most powerful media outlets in the world – but not one has reported it. The Massachusetts-based family group  MassResistance  has  released an audio recording  of a speaker alluding to the wide-ranging plan during the  National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association  (NLGJA)'s 2013 convention, “Boston: Uncommon,” last month. The three-week-long campaign would include such antics as athletes displaying LGBT pride symbols that had been smuggled into the country by foreign policy officials from Western nations. “We've spoken with the Canadian and U.S. hockey teams. We'

Judges reject lawsuit and nix restraining order by gay sex offender against pro-family group

December 6, 2012 ( ) - A federal judge  has recommend  the dismissal of a one million dollar lawsuit filed by homosexual activist and convicted sex offender Adam Flanders against the Massachussetts pro-family organization MassResistance and its president, Brian Camenker. The lawsuit was filed in response to MassResistance’s publication of a  public letter  written by Flanders in 2007 and sent to at least two organizations, which was also published by a local newspaper, on whose website the  letter still appears .  The letter claimed to expose sexual improprieties and abuses attributed to adult leaders of a homosexual youth group in his town, and spoke of Flanders’ own sexual interactions with minors after he had reached the age of 18. Flanders was later convicted of sexual abuse of a minor in a different case, for which he is on the Maine sex offender registry.  He was also convicted of assaulting one of the boys with whom he had had a sexual relationship at

Obama’s FBI and CIA ‘going gay’ warns pro-family activist

October 2, 2012  - Both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency have embraced the homosexual movement, posing a new threat to the country’s sexual morals and to pro-family activists, according to Brian Camenker of the Massachusetts pro-life and pro-family organization MassResistance. “The US military and State Department aren’t the only branches of the US government to ‘go gay,” notes Camenker. “Since the Obama Administration took control, the FBI and CIA, the two main federal law enforcement and surveillance organizations, have fully embraced the homosexual and transgender movements, and appear to be poised to crack down on pro-family groups and citizens who are critical. ” The agencies’ new “orientation” is evident on their own websites, one of which boasts of the FBI’s “Sexual Orientation Program,” a homosexual outreach that enables gays to “come out” to their coworkers and even hosts “gay pride” events at headquarters and field offic

Vimeo kowtows to gay sex offender, deletes conservative news outlet’s videos

Deutsch: Logo des Videoportals Vimeo (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) LANGLEY, British Columbia, 14 August, 12 ( – Video streaming service Vimeo has deleted over 200 videos from the account of a Canadian conservative internet news service after a homosexual activist and registered sex offender with a habit of threatening pro-life organizations with legal action complained to Vimeo about the content of the films. Last month, RoadKill Radio News  interviewed   Brian Camenker , president of the pro-traditional-family organization, about a  $1 million lawsuit  brought against him by Adam Flanders , a homosexual activist and  registered sex offender  in the State of Maine . Flanders is pursuing criminal charges against Camenker for posting on a letter that Flanders wrote and submitted to various media outlets five years ago — when he was 20 — that detailed his sexual experiences with a minor at a gay youth club. Flanders was convic

LGBT intimidation lawsuits threaten free speech

Few things in nature are as terrifying as a prolonged drought. Rain is life-giving, a sign of God’s grace, but drought puts life to the test with a slow, consuming fire. Hence the blazing sun and a deserted town at high noon symbolize a time of trial, a final crisis when an honest man stands alone against the heat. The heat is increasing for those opposed to the normalization of homosexuality. Fewer and fewer people are willing to speak out against a movement which has the power to silence its opponents. Many leaders of the pro-family movement carefully avoid any discussion of the morality of homosexuality. Instead they prefer subtle sociological, psychological and legal arguments in support of traditional marriage . They do so not because these arguments are effective, but because they fear being called haters. Their unwillingness to confront the homosexual rights movement gives the final measure of credibility to the canard that “opposition to sodomy is bigotry.” Thes

Convicted gay sex offender loses initial bid to muzzle pro-family website MassResistance

A convicted sex abuser who has filed a one million dollar suit against the pro-family group  Mass Resistance  suffered a setback last week when his motion for a preliminary injunction to silence the group was rejected by the presiding judge. “ Maine may not punish, through criminal sanction, an individual’s actions that are protected by the free speech clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution ,” wrote District Judge Patricia G. Worth in her decision, signed on July 11. Meanwhile, a police chief that Adam E. Flanders has repeatedly claimed supported his lawsuit and described his sex abuse charge as akin to “stealing a candy bar” has disputed Flanders’ account of events in a LifeSiteNews (LSN) interview. LSN has also learned that in addition to the sex abuse charge, Flanders has been convicted of assaulting a minor with whom he had a sexual relationship, as well as the boy’s father, with a knife. Adam Flanders Flanders, a Belfast , Maine homosexual