
Showing posts with the label Log Cabin Republicans

Pro-gay millionaire bribes Republican vote to support immoral gay marriage

Will pro-gay-marriage millionaires divide and conquer the GOP ? You and I know that marriage is not a partisan issue. Pro-marriage leaders like Democratic Sen. Rev. Rubén Díaz in New York , or Maryland Delegate Emmet Burns, are demonstrating that every day. But you and I also know that advocates of gay marriage have relentlessly sought to marginalize, stigmatize and suppress the voice of Americans who believe that to make a marriage you need a husband and wife. An enormous amount of money and brainpower is now directed at muting or silencing the remaining bastions of pro-marriage voices: faith leaders—and the GOP. Mayor Bloomberg is one voice for this new effort. He's now worried that Mark Grisanti, one of the four New York Republican senators who (after the seductive promises of Republican billionaires) decided to abandon the views of their constituents and vote for gay marriage, may decide to take the hundreds of thousands he's helping raise for him and  defect to the

NY Gay Marriage needed Bribed Republicans

Gay money, immoral republicans, bribes and  manipulation pushed the NY Gay Vote through: here The Log Cabin Republicans , a pro- gay rights conservative group, immediately launched a fundraising drive to protect those four members who backed its cause. Clarke Cooper, the group's executive director , said it wasn't meant to be a " quid pro quo ."  The organization's state officials were a bit blunter. "Right now, agenda item number one is making sure that those four courageous Republicans who voted yes are protected" GOOD LUCK! IMMORALITY BOUGHT FOR 30 PIECES OF SILVER Related articles Log Cabin Republicans claim DADT victory at 9th Circuit Court; 'We are delighted,' attorney says ( Govt Asks 9th Circuit to Reverse Order Which Halted 'DADT' Discharges ( Administration asks court to reconsider DADT order ( Administration asks court to reconsider 'don't ask, don't te