
Showing posts with the label LGBT parenting

Pro-Homosexual Marriage studies flawed

Gay Couple with Child (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) At the  Daily Caller  last week, political commentator David Benkof argued that “all the gay parenting studies are flawed.” He said he  examined  "more than 50 studies that supposedly ‘prove’ same-sex parenting is completely equal to opposite-sex parenting,” but "every single bit of research had at least one of the substantial drawbacks I outline below."  Those drawbacks include a lack of objectivity by homosexual researchers whose results showed homosexual relationships were not inferior to heterosexual relationships, as well as potential funding biases Benkof says Friedman ignored. Benkof also pointed to the flaw of appealing to the authority of the APA and other organizations that "lean sharply leftward." Benkof highlighted the support of the APA, which "has issued studies and statements favoring abortion and mandatory handgun licensing, and opposing welfare reform." Related articles

Rome parents fight back against Father’s Day ban for children with ‘two mommies’

Giuseppina La Delfa, who chairs Famiglie Arcobaleno ("Rainbow families") group, demonstrating before the "National conference on family" in Milan, November, 8-10 2010. Picture by Giovanni Dall'Orto, November 8, 2010). (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) ROME , March 20, 2014 ( ) – A municipality of Rome has proposed to ban the observance of Father’s Day in Ugo Bartolomei kindergarten in cases where a child might come from a lesbian same-sex family . The decision by Rome’s Municipality II has raised the ire of parents, a large group of whom launched a complaint at city hall. The municipal commissioner has agreed, saying, “I feel I share the disappointment of these families.” Councillor Gloria Pasquali of the municipal education policies office, said, “It is not a matter of despising someone, but I do not think it is correct to change the schedule of school activities.” She added that Fathers’ Day could be considered educational “for those with no

Children of Homosexual parents

Are children reared by two individuals of the same gender as well adjusted as children reared in families with a mother and a father? Until recently the unequivocal answer to this question was “no.” Within the last decade, however, professional health organizations, 1  academics, social policymakers and the media have begun asserting that prohibitions on parenting by same-sex couples should be lifted. In making such far-reaching, generation-changing assertions, any responsible advocate would rely upon supporting evidence that is comprehensive and conclusive. Not only is this not the situation, but also there is sound evidence that children exposed to the homosexual lifestyle may be at increased risk for emotional, mental, and even physical harm. Biology matters Over thirty years of research confirms that children fare best when reared by their two biological parents in a loving low conflict marriage. Children navigate developmental stages more easily, are more solid in their ge

Unstable homosexual relationships causes problem for children?

Young adults from broken homes in which a parent had had a same-sex relationship reported modestly more psychological and social problems in their current lives than peers from other families that had experienced divorce and other disruptions, a new study has found, stirring bitter debate among partisans on gay marriage. The study counted parents as gay or lesbian by asking participants whether their parents had ever had a same-sex relationship; the parents may not have identified themselves as gay or lesbian. Gay-rights groups attacked the study, financed by conservative foundations, as biased and poorly done even before its publication on Sunday in the journal Social Science Research. But outside experts, by and large, said the research was rigorous, providing some of the best data yet comparing outcomes for adult children with a gay parent with those with heterosexual parents. But they also said the findings were not particularly relevant to the current debate over gay marriage o

Self-reporting survey of gays claims their kids are identical to heterosexuals

This is an article that appears in the SMH and AGE. You check the studies that are being quoted by the author Deb Dempsey and you note straight away that all these studies are "self reporting" surveys where the participants are not compared, to general non- homosexual data, nor is the collection of data being done by a third party. They do acknowledge this issue in a highlighted box, quoting several researchers who have questioned this method but then, the authors moves on and simply ignores it.  The journalist believes what she is fed.  So there is no surprise here in this false report. You look closer again at the background, books, articles, symposiums attended, presentations of the author of the AIFS, and you see the problem of lack of neutrality on this topic.  the AIFS statement is skewed. ..................................................................................................... Children raised by same-sex parents fare just as well in their education

Gay Parents Raising Children Badly: The Mark Regnerus Study

A new study 2   by Mark Regnerus has selected 3,000 study participants randomly by telephone in order to reduce sampling bias . In addition, the participants are the   children   who report on their respective parents. Although the methods are much better for this study than previous studies, the reporting of the comparisons is what has drawn the ire of many gay groups—and with some justification. One of the arguments made by those who oppose gay marriage is that homosexual parenting produces children with social and other deficits compared with children raised by heterosexual parents. Numerous recent studies, authored by gay scientists, have shown that children of gay parents fare identically to children of straight parents. 1   However, all of these studies have suffered from the fact that the sampled populations were not randomly selected , largely because few gay parents actually exist. So, investigators have used advertising (mostly online and in gay magazines) in order