
Showing posts with the label Kevin Rudd

Christian politician bullies pastor on homosexual marriage

rudd (Photo credit: weldonwk ) Eternity Newspaper  have an interview with the questioner Matt Prater   here  and a transcript of the above scene  here . Elsewhere  Sandy Grant has written an excellent response  to Rudd’s ridiculous claim that “the Bible also says that slavery is a natural condition” (2:26 in the video above). I won’t write more about that except to quote Sandy: I am appalled at how this national leader, publicly claiming “an informed conscience and a Christian conscience”, misrepresented the Holy Book of the faith he confesses, on its teaching on one matter (slavery) to avoid its teaching on another matter (of marriage), in order to justify his abandonment of that biblical teaching. It is naïve in the extreme—just a poor reading strategy—to assume an endorsement of an institution or activity, simply because it is recorded without particular narrative assessment at one point, or because it is regulated—for what might be called harm-minimisation , or an e

Christian politician rejects Christ accepts immoral homosexual marriage

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglican Church, Ashfield, New South Wales. Illustrates Jesus' description of himself "I am the Good Shepherd" (from the Gospel of John, chapter 10, verse 11). This version of the image shows the detail of his face. The memorial window is also captioned: "To the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of William Wright. Died 6th November, 1932. Aged 70 Yrs." (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Sandy Grant has written an excellent response  to Rudd’s ridiculous claim that “the Bible also says that slavery is a natural condition” (2:26 in the video above). I won’t write more about that except to quote Sandy: I am appalled at how this national leader, publicly claiming “an informed conscience and a Christian conscience”, misrepresented the Holy Book of the faith he confesses, on its teaching on one matter (slavery) to avoid its teaching on another matter (of marriage), in order to justify his

False slavery argument and homosexual marriage

English: Kevin Rudd, 26th Prime Minister of Australia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Kevin Rudd supports homosexuality on a false basis. As homosexual behavior gains wider acceptance in our culture and the biblical view of love and sex is increasingly marginalized, believers are criticized for not embracing homosexual acts as good and holy, even though most Christians today would never own a slave. Although In the New Testament slavery is akin to house or business managers even work contracts, sometimes in charge of the house finances. This is substantially different to that of modern day slavery and 1800 century slavery in the USA as hinted at by Kevin Rudd? How is it possible, unbelievers ask, for believers to have “grown” in their understanding so that they repudiate slavery and yet refuse to grow in their view of sexuality and stop calling homosexuals to repent? There are many answers to this question, but we will focus on this point: while Scripture does not repudiate

False slavery argument and slavery on homosexual Marriage

Kevin Rudd (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) We are facing a true moral inversion — a system of moral understandings turned upside down and being spearheaded by the Prime Minister of Australia Kevin Rudd . Where homosexuality was even recently condemned by the society, now it is considered a sin to believe that homosexuality is wrong in any way. A new sexual morality has replaced the old, and those who hold to the old morality are considered morally deficient. The new moral authorities have one central demand for the church: get with the new program. This was evidenced by Kevin Rudd bullied a pastor on ABC Q&A inferring he was an idiot, he hadn't moved on. This puts the true church, committed to the authority of God ’s Word, in a very difficult cultural position. Put simply, we cannot join the larger culture in normalizing homosexuality and restructuring society to match this new morality. Recognizing same-sex unions and legalizing same-sex marriage is central to this project.

Facing the homosexual agenda and Kevin Rudd

We are facing a true moral inversion — a system of moral understandings turned upside down. Where homosexuality was even recently condemned by the society, now it is considered a sin to believe that homosexuality is wrong in any way. A new sexual morality has replaced the old, and those who hold to the old morality are considered morally deficient. The new moral authorities have one central demand for the church: get with the new program. This puts the true church, committed to the authority of God ’s Word, in a very difficult cultural position. Put simply, we cannot join the larger culture in normalizing homosexuality and restructuring society to match this new morality. Recognizing same-sex unions and legalizing same-sex marriage is central to this project. Liberal churches and denominations are joining the project, some more quickly and eagerly than others. The cultural pressure is formidable, and only churches that are truly committed to Scripture will withstand the pressu

Homosexuality is an offensive sin to God

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” ( Gen. 1:27 ). It is all too easy to come across as “holier-than-thou” when we condemn sexual sin  or politicans who claim to be Christians who promote sin like homosexuality.  Yet no person merits forgiveness ( Eph. 2:4–7 ), and we sin if we portray ourselves as guiltless, explicitly or implicitly, or think we are less deserving of wrath than others ( Luke 18:9–14 ).  As ambassadors of Christ , we are called to extend love and the hope of restoration to all people. His Great Commission does not send us to some transgressors and not others; we are to preach the Gospel to all people ( Matt. 28:18–20 ). Our Father can free those in bondage to homosexuality just as He frees other sinners. We must love those enslaved to homosexuality and seek their redemption. True love in this case involves calling homosexual behavior a sin. We may be ostracized when we do this, but we canno

Homosexuality, Gay Unions, Marriage Equality and the Bible

English: Kevin Rudd on Novembre 2005. Français : Kevin Rudd en novembre 2005. (Image découpée à partir Image:Rudd4.jpg) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Kevin Rudd claims to be a Christian yet supports homosexual sin condemned in scripture.  How have these and other damaging views about homosexual sin infiltrated the church? A detailed answer to that question could alone be the subject of an entire book. Simply put, it’s because “other voices” now, consistently as never before, compete for our ears, claiming authority equal to or even surpassing that of the Scriptures. More devastating is the fact that many in our churches are listening to those voices. Some of these voices call for the ordination of homosexuals to the Gospel ministry. In some denominations, we are seeing this pursued with little or no consequence, if not whole-hearted celebration. In some instances, church discipline is threatened and imposed, not for those advocating sexual immorality , but for those who would

Homosexuality, Marriage Equality equals wrong sinful and offensive

Liberals have a way of renaming things in order to make them acceptable. When former- President Clinton committed adultery he called it a “mistake.” Of course, it was sin. When Prime Minister Kevin Rudd calls homosexuality a worthy social issue that brings equality to all, it is still a sin. Everyone knows that the words “choice” and “fetus” have been used to justify murder. Recently, politically correct wordsmiths have coined the phrase “same-sex marriage.” From a biblical perspective, however, a proper name for this activity, is “legalized  homosexuality .” Regardless of the attempt of two same-sex partners to justify “ marrying ” by declaring in a ceremony that they will be faithful to one another, God will neither condone nor accept their acts — even if the state eventually does. Indeed, taking vows to remain in such a sinful relationship only aggravates the situation. Moreover, the church of the Lord Jesus Christ must never participate in nor promote the legaliza