
Showing posts with the label Judeo-Christian

Pope: America is “increasingly hostile to Christianity”

VATICAN CITY , January 19, 2012 ( ) - In a meeting with various U.S. Bishops today, Pope Benedict XVI said that the consensus which once existed in America supporting “ethical principles deriving from nature and nature’s God ,” has faded.  “Today that consensus has eroded significantly in the face of powerful new cultural currents which are not only directly opposed to core moral teachings of the Judeo-Christian tradition , but increasingly hostile to Christianity as such,” he said. Photo: Steve Jalsevac/LifeSiteNews The Pope was emphatic in insisting that the threat posed by current trends threatens not only Christianity but “humanity itself.” He said: “To the extent that some current cultural trends contain elements that would curtail the proclamation of these truths , whether constricting it within the limits of a merely scientific rationality, or suppressing it in the name of political power or majority rule, they represent a threat not just to Christian faith

Obama offers plan for U.S. to be global LGBT sex cop

Image via Wikipedia The Obama administration has announced it intends to make the United States the global sex cop, with plans to try to intervene in the workings of other nations where homosexuality is not promoted as well as plans to create special provisions for homosexuals and those with other lifestyle choices to gain special admittance to the U.S. Among the provisions is a specific call for the U.S. government to “enhance” its work to provide services to “LGBT refugees and asylum seekers.” “Who knew when Reagan was talking about being a shining city on the hill the city would turn out to be Sodom,” said Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth, an Illinois organization active in revealing the truth of homosexuality. How did America get to this point? Find out in “The Marketing of Evil: How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as Freedom” The White House statement  is called the Presidential Memorandum – International Initiatives to
Image via Wikipedia When  Will & Grace  debuted in 1998, few could have imagined that scarcely a decade later, same-sex marriage would be regarded by many Americans as a constitutional right. Catholic Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York was no alarmist when he worried aloud that the next step in the marriage debate would be another redefinition to allow polygamy and infidelity. How did we get to this point? It began with making what was once marginalized and tolerated seem normal and mainstream by calling into question the very idea of norms. Pop culture excels at perpetuating this kind of relativism: gay characters were depicted as interchangeable with, if not superior to, their heterosexual counterparts. The message was clear: Only a bigot would make a fuss over homosexual behavior. This approach, while effective, was too slow for some activists. That led to the second part of the "how": the legal strategy. This strategy built on the foundation laid by abortion-right

New legal defense fund supports parents’ fight against gay agenda, moral relativism in schools

Image via Wikipedia  In a first for Canada , a group of volunteers has set up a fund to help defray the legal costs of parents who, fed up with government and school board policies aimed at eradicating all traces of Judeo-Christian morality from the education system, are willing to launch lawsuits to defend their parental rights to be the primary moral educators of their children. “Recognizing that average families don’t have $100,000 sitting around to pay for lawsuits, we’ve started this defense fund to provide financial assistance to families whose parental rights have been violated,” Lou Iacobelli, member of the board of directors and spokesperson for The Parental Rights in Education Defense Fund (PREDF), told LifeSiteNews. “To succeed though, we need people of faith to do their part by donating what they can to make this strategy a reality.” The Fund was created to help parents fight back, in the courts, against what its founders call a “belligerent government ideology” bent on

Homosexual activists wage witch hunt on UK columnist

Cover via Amazon A prominent conservative UK columnist has said she received death threats after she criticized plans to insert homosexual materials into all subjects in the curriculum in Britain’s schools. Writing in the Daily Mail this week, Melanie Phillips   said  that she had been expecting a reaction, “which would amply bear out the truth of what I had written.” “The response, however, exceeded even my expectations.” For the last week, she said, “I have been subjected to an extraordinarily vicious outpouring of hate and incitement to violence” through emails, the internet and in mainstream media. “If the gay lobby had set about trying to prove my point, it could hardly have done a better job.” Phillips had asserted that homosexualists are now attempting to suppress any public opposition to their political goals. The reaction to this statement, she said, reveals a basic “totalitarian mindset” that is behind the homosexualist agenda. “Indeed, the total inability of those who