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The Danger of Homosexual Marriage fully explained

A crowd in front of the Argentine National Congress, waiting for the result of the debate on same-sex marriage in Argentina (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Rainbow flag. Symbol of gay pride. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Crowd in support of Gay Marriage (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Author:  John Milbank  is  Research Professor  of Politics,  Religion and Ethics  at the  University of Nottingham , Director of the  Centre of Theology and Philosophy The controversy surrounding gay marriage has now reached a fever pitch in countries like  Australia  and the  UK , as governments have begun to move past debate and towards legislative change. While such intensity can have the benefit of clarifying just what is at stake - on both sides of the  argument  - it can also obscure some of the deeper, intrinsically related issues. So, in the UK, the arguments put forward by the coalition government in favour of legalising gay marriage have been, appropriately, at once liberal and conservative. In liberal term