
Showing posts with the label Italy

Italian court rules that Tuscan city must accept gay ‘marriage’ contracted in New York

ROME,  – A court in the Tuscan city of Grosseto has ordered the city council to accept the “marriage” of two men, the first time such a union has been given juridical recognition in Italy . Giancarlo Cerrelli, vice president of the Catholic Lawyer’s Guild, says the ruling is a “creative judgment that takes no account of the Civil Code and the jurisprudence of the European Union .” Two homosexual men, Giuseppe Chigiotti and Stefano Bucci, contracted a legal “marriage” ceremony in New York in December last year, then returned to Italy and filed a suit against the town of Grosseto in an attempt to force the issue through the courts. The method has been highly successful in most jurisdictions around the western world, where courts in Canada, the US, Britain, Australia, and across Europe have been used by homosexual activists to overturn laws defining natural marriage. Despite what some media outlets have claimed, however, both legal experts and homosexual activists recognize

Start fighting Mozilla

April 15, 2014 ( ) -- While the horror show involving  Brendan Eich, Proposition 8, and Mozilla  was reaching its ignominious crescendo, I was in  Milan, Italy , speaking before an energized crowd of activists in the Lombardy region ’s county hall. Unaware of the witch hunt carried out by McCarthy ’s rainbow-brandishing gay great-grandsons in Silicon Valley , a middle-aged man came forward and cried out in Italian, “Is it just me, or is the gay lobby imposing a dictatorship on us with their so-called scientific experts?” The science to which he referred wasn’t JavaScript , but rather psychology and pediatrics.  He was referring to homosexual activists’ constant invocation of research supposedly proving that kids don’t need a mom and a dad , because  scientists in lab coats with horrendous conflicts of interest  publish  peer-reviewed papers  claiming that the statistics prove that children can be removed from a parent and still be “well-adjusted.” Milan co

Italian MPs introduce bill to protect parents’ constitutional rights against confused homosexual ‘gender ideology’

ROME , April 9, 2014 ( ) – Italian Deputies Eugenia Roccella and Alessandro Pagano have introduced a bill in Parliament that would establish the rights of parents to make decisions about their children’s education, particularly on moral issues. The move comes in response to increasing concerns by some deputies, parent groups, and civil rights organizations that the government is being co-opted by organized activists to push the so-called “gender ideology” in schools and other Italian institutions. Eugenia Roccella The purpose of the bill, Roccella said at a press conference, is to “reaffirm and ensure the fundamental right to educational choice of parents, as set out, inter alia, in the European Convention on Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child .”  Which means in practice, she said, that in all school activities that “relate directly or indirectly to the issues related to relationships, affectivity and sexuality education, and ot

Rome parents fight back against Father’s Day ban for children with ‘two mommies’

Giuseppina La Delfa, who chairs Famiglie Arcobaleno ("Rainbow families") group, demonstrating before the "National conference on family" in Milan, November, 8-10 2010. Picture by Giovanni Dall'Orto, November 8, 2010). (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) ROME , March 20, 2014 ( ) – A municipality of Rome has proposed to ban the observance of Father’s Day in Ugo Bartolomei kindergarten in cases where a child might come from a lesbian same-sex family . The decision by Rome’s Municipality II has raised the ire of parents, a large group of whom launched a complaint at city hall. The municipal commissioner has agreed, saying, “I feel I share the disappointment of these families.” Councillor Gloria Pasquali of the municipal education policies office, said, “It is not a matter of despising someone, but I do not think it is correct to change the schedule of school activities.” She added that Fathers’ Day could be considered educational “for those with no

Italian singer defends song about gay man becoming straight, but says it ruined his career

MILAN, Italy , – Famed Italian singer Giuseppe Povia says the persecution he has suffered from homosexuals and their allies in the entertainment business following his controversial 2009 song “Luca era gay” (Luca was gay), about a man who converts from the gay lifestyle to heterosexuality, has ruined his career. In his most recent blog entry, Povia says that since he won second prize for the song at Italy’s Sanremo festival , “Gay associations in many provinces have repeatedly invited me to apologize to the gay community,” and he has found it difficult to find work because of a whispering campaign against him by homosexuals. Italian singer Giuseppe Povia “ Apologize for what? For singing a song? A true story?” asks Povia, adding that he “wants to apologize for not realizing we live in a violent media, psychological, artistic and cultural dictatorship.” “Wherever I present myself … there’s always prejudice,” continued the singer. “Povia is evil, he’s against gay peo