
Showing posts with the label Homosexuals

Homosexuality and confused Catholics

Spokesman for James Martin Recommended Catholic LGBT Ministry: “I love di*k…” On July 16, 2017, James Martin, S.J., addressed the LGBT Ministry, Out at St. Paul, located at St. Paul the Apostle Parish in New York City . He  had previously spoken  to the group on March 2, 2017. In the past, Out at St. Paul sponsored and promoted  a Mass at the site of the Stonewall Riots ,  “Vogue” dance classes ,  a “gay” Jesus , and  an outing to a local gay bar . On several occasions, Martin has recommended both the Parish and Out at St. Paul (see  video interview , and a  Facebook live  discussion.) Following his July appearance at Out at St Paul, to publicize his latest book, “Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter Into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity,” Martin posted pictures to his Facebook account from the event  and thanked the following : Thanks to Fr. Gil Martinez, CSP, the pastor; Xorje Olivares and everyone at “Out at

How can we say that homosexual behavior is wrong in light of such biblical examples as David and Jonathan, Naomi and Ruth, and Jesus and John?

The Revisionist Answer Examples from the Bible show that homosexual or lesbian couples existed throughout Bible history. It is unfair and un- Christian to forbid homosexual or gay unions because of distaste for homosexuality , where mutual respect and love prevail. The church is large enough to encompass all people, gay and straight. The Biblical Answe r No evidence within the text of Scripture supports the claims that these or any other godly people of the Bible were part of a homosexual bond or gay marriage or union. The examples from the Old Testament show within the contexts of the stories themselves that these people were married and led heterosexual lives. Indeed, David ’s sexual weaknesses lay in heterosexual lust. That these people had a high level of love for and devotion to another person has no sexual connotations. Jesus formed close friendships with men and women and had an especially close relationship with John and perhaps James, but these relationships ar

Homosexuality must reject - Adam & Eve - Male and Female

Justification of homosexuality from the Bible must take into account the record of Creation in Genesis 1–2. Such revisionist interpreters as Boswell have not overlooked this matter. They so interpret these passages that homosexuality escapes condemnation. The assumption that the record of Creation and the Old Testament emphasis on marriage show tacit rejection of one-gender sexual relationships is “insupportable in a modern context,” asserts Boswell. “It does not seem to have occurred to early Christians.” Indeed, “intense love relations between persons of the same gender figure prominently in the Old Testament.” Boswell cites Saul and David , David and Jonathan, Ruth and Naomi . Boswell does not argue that these relationships were sexual. He suggests as much, however, by observing that literature of the Middle Ages sometimes represented these relationships as erotic. He believes that Genesis employs symbols and myths “to explain all its fundamental truths.” He observes that the

What does the Old and New Testament say about homosexuality?

Homosexuality, a word for which there is no specific equivalent in the Hebrew Bible or in the Greek NT, since the concept of homosexuality as a “sexual orientation” originated only in the nineteenth century. Nevertheless, there are a few biblical references to people who engage in sexual acts with persons of the same sex. In the Hebrew Bible, the most explicit references to sexual acts between men are in the Holiness Code of Leviticus , where, under penalty of death, a male is strictly prohibited from lying with another male as he would with a woman (18:22; 20:13). In addition to these passages, the Bible contains two narratives in which men desire to have sexual relations with other men.  The first of these is set in the city of Sodom and provides the derivation for the term “sodomy,” which in modern English is sometimes used as a pejorative term for “homosexual sex acts.” In the biblical account, the men of Sodom intend to rape two male visitors who have come to the house of

Why should the Victorian Government force Christian Schools to hire homosexuals

THE VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT WILL DETERMINE - IF CHRISTIAN BELIEFS ARE NEEDED FOR CERTAIN JOBS ....bizarre! Should a cricket club have freedom to appoint persons who share the values of their club? Should a political party have liberty to pre-select individuals who support and will promote their policies? Should not a corporation employ professionals who will abide by the values and vision of that institution? For most of our nation’s history Churches and Governments have enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship; understanding their distinct roles while together serving for the good of society. Both have had their failings as well as making enormous contributions to building our society, but Australians have always been careful not to confuse the two. Tomorrow (Tuesday 8th November) this judicious relationship may come to an end as the Victorian Government proposes a hostile takeover of all religious organisations. The Victorian Legislative Council will tomorrow debate an

Australia: Response to Brad Chilcott - Homosexual, Women and Slaves and the Bible

BRAD CHILCOTT'S  ARGUMENT - BIBLE SUPPORTS HOMOSEXUAL CHURCH LEADERS "Two thousand years ago the Apostle Paul wrote that in Christ there is no male or female, slave or free, Jew or non-Jew. I wonder what social divides he would’ve included were he writing that letter to the church today.  Many churches are struggling with gender inequality, women are unable to preach or take senior leadership positions. Others have changed their interpretation of Scripture in this area and fully include women. Some denominations don’t let divorced people share in leadership and some rituals of the church, like communion.  Many, many churches have decided that LGBTIQ people should not be allowed to have equal participation rights in leadership and ministry. We have a different practice on all these issues because we believe that regardless of gender, sexuality or background there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus and all are loved, welcomed and included equally. All people are w

Slaves, Women and Homosexuals

This article will show that an acceptance of an egalitarian view does not logically move one toward acceptance of a homosexual lifestyle.  Six biblical and theological reasons will serve to illustrate the point: the core value of gender boundaries, the direction of redemptive movement, the vice/virtue and penal-code lists, the lack of canonical variance, biblical purpose statements, and pragmatic clues. A seventh, nontheological reason will highlight egalitarians who are producing major scholarly works against accepting homosexuality. Besides the transcultural core value of gender boundaries, there are a number of other reasons that acceptance of egalitarianism does not logically lead to accepting homosexuality.  One of the clearest hermeneutical reasons for rejecting this logical-acceptance thesis is the dramatic difference in “movement” within biblical homosexuality texts compared to women texts. At this point we need to return to the idea that “movement provides meaning

Australia: Victorian Premier will force by law Christian Schools to employ homosexuals

Two weeks ago Daniel Andrews' Labor Government launched an extraordinary attack on religious freedom in Victorian Christian schools and churches. On 30 August the Equal Opportunity Amendment (Religious Exceptions) Bill 2016 was introduced. If passed this Bill would restrict the ability of religious bodies, charities, schools and educational institutions to employ staff according to their faith and ethos. Peter Kentley, Executive Director of the Christian Federation based in Melbourne warns,"on Wednesday afternoon this week, the Victorian State Government will debate a bill to deny religious institutions exceptions from anti-discrimination law. ... This is a direct attack on religious freedom that will sooner or later go national if it gets through in Victoria." The stakes couldn't be higher, reports Dan Flynn, the Victorian Director of the Australian Christian Lobby. He writes "This Bill would be the end of Christian schooling as we know it." Christi

Evangelicals Declare New Commitment To Reject the sin of homosexuality

Travis Weber, Director of the Family Research Council’s Center for Religious Liberty, encapsulated this new conversation on the right in a post he  published Wednesday on FRC’s blog entitled, “How can Christians oppose same-sex marriage and yet pray and care for the LGBT victims in Orlando at the same time?” He answered the question in his opening line: “In a word: Love.” When we decline to agree that same-sex marriage (or any sexual conduct at odds with God’s standard) is okay, we are doing this for the good of those who may engage in that conduct which is harmful to them. When we pray for the well-being of the LGBT victims of violence in Orlando, we are doing it for their good. There should be no tension between the two for a Christian. Telling LGBT people that their lives are sinful can have severe mental health consequences . The have no concept of sin and so they see it as offense only. They don't see God as holy and homosexual sin as unholy ...just offended. But when

Athlete who left wife for gay lifestyle ‘epitomizes’ our hopes for students: Catholic university

In a prominent video on its website’s homepage, a Catholic university is promoting an alumnus who left his wife to pursue same-sex relationships and homosexual activism. Loyola Marymount University (LMU), which only recently   reinstated an employee who faced a “hate crime” investigation for her Catholic, pro-family views on human sexuality , is celebrating its former student and openly gay professional baseball player Billy Bean with a video touting his LGBT activism. The video, titled “Billy Bean’s Path to MLB Ambassador for Inclusion,” details Bean’s journey from LMU star baseball player to Major League Baseball (MLB) player to LGBT activist. Bean now is the MLB’s “Ambassador for Inclusion,” a role designed to provide “guidance and training related to efforts to support those in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community throughout Major League Baseball” and develop “educational training initiatives against sexism, homophobia and prejudice,” according t