
Showing posts with the label Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is now being blamed for promoting homosexuality!

Al Mohler. This past week I was part of an effort that put America’s theological and moral fault lines fully in view. I was a signer of something called the Nashville Statement, a document adopted by a group of evangelical Christians seeking to reaffirm traditional Christian values on sexuality. Within hours, the vitriol in response to our document showed why such clarification is necessary. (Below is the response from Christians United - the LGBTQI churches / or liberal church / apostate church - that look sound and smell like other church but are not). One of the most intense lines of criticism was that we, signers of the document, dismiss the pain and suffering of those who live outside those historic Biblical sexual norms. That we weren’t acknowledging the rejection they feel in the church and were making their sins appear more significant than our own. To be clear: Christians understand the brokenness of the world. We signers know ourselves, like all humanity, to be broken by s

Question: Is homosexual sin worse than other sins?

Question: Is homosexual sin worse than other sins? It is very tempting to suggest that all sins are equally sinful . In some sense, every single sin sufficiently justifies our eternal damnation and separation from an infinitely holy and righteous God . Yet not all sins are equal in ambition, context, or effect.  They are not all equal in ambition because some sins are so deeply rooted in conscious rebellion that they amount to blatant disobedience or refusal to believe. With regard to context, the Bible itself distinguishes sin. Some are described as "against nature" and others are not.  Paul did this in Romans 1 when he spoke about homosexuality. He used the same argument in 1 Corinthians 6 when he showed that sexual sin has a particularly sinful quality since it is, unlike other sins, directed against the body, which he argued is a temple of the Holy Spirit . Even in the Old Testament , some sins are referred to as abominations, which effectively set them apart

Some assert Apostle Paul's prohibitions on homosexuality are abusive homosexual relationships not consensual same-sex relationships?

Question: Some scholars have asserted that Paul's writings about homosexuality are actually about abusive homosexual relationships (i.e., rape, prostitution, etc.). Isn't it the case that what Paul says does not apply to consensual same-sex relationships ? Due to the work of Robert Gagnon and many other biblical scholars, we know that this was not the case.' Secular historians of the Roman Empire also record clear examples of consensual, adult same-sex relationships in the Greco-Roman world . Paul knew exactly what he was condemning . Christians need to remember, given the doctrine of the divine inspiration of Scripture , that when Paul condemns something, the Holy Spirit condemns it as well. When we cite Paul, we cite the Holy Spirit.  Romans 1 and 1 Corinthians 5 present a very sophisticated argument for the sinfulness of same-sex acts and same-sex relationships. In 1 Corinthians 5, Paul demonstrates an undeniable belief in the sinfulness of both the passive

Does homosexual orientation fall within the same scope of biblical understanding as homosexual behavior?

The Revisionist Answer The ancients, including writers of the Bible , knew nothing of homosexual orientation. Thus, even if Scripture condemns homosexual behavior, orientation cannot come under the Bible’s prohibition. The church should fully accept people who are born gay. At the least, homosexual thoughts arising from homosexual orientation are not sinful. The Biblical Answer Homosexual orientation was known in the generations in which Scripture was written. Paul gives no indication that it does not fall under his general condemnations of homosexuality in Romans , 1 Corinthians , and 1 Timothy .  Lustful homosexual thoughts are not as grave in consequence as are the acts, just as adulterous or murderous thoughts have fewer consequences than do the overt actions.  But the moral culpability for thoughts is the same as for deeds, as Jesus makes clear in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5). Scripture certainly associates evil desires and thoughts with the evil deeds b

John Piper on homosexuality and other grevious sins

Question to John Piper: Very often Christians point out the sin of homosexuality as a major problem in this country, while seemingly forgetting about the massive amounts of sinners addicted to other sinful patterns in life. Is homosexuality truly more detrimental to a society than other sins? How would you weigh the cultural impact of this sin against, say, the sins of pride and overeating and greed?” My answer to the last question can be straightforward. I do not doubt that millions more people are ruined in this life and the next through greed and covetousness, through pride, through selfishness, through excessive anger than are ruined through same- sex orientation or through homosexual behavior . The reason for that opinion on my part is twofold. “ Jesus Christ , the Son of God , came into the world to save sinners — heterosexual and homosexual alike.” Tweet Share on Facebook On the one hand, the sins of greed and pride and selfishness and anger are more w

False Bible Argument - Born Eunuchs are gay

THE METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH ( GAY CHURCH)  MCC justifies its existence on interpreting Bible scripture that appear to say that God made homosexuals. In particular,  simply states that - Born Eunuchs are homosexuals, hence Jesus affirms - You can be born gay. But is this a correct interpretation of Matthew 19 ? Below is the statement from "Would Jesus Discriminate"  Here Jesus refers to "eunuchs who have been so from birth." This terminology ("born eunuchs") was used in the ancient world to refer to homosexual men. Jesus indicates that being a "born eunuch" is a gift from God. SO LET'S EXAMINE IN CONTEXT THIS STATEMENT OF JESUS Matthew 19:12 The linking γάρ (‘for’) confirms the role of v. 12 as explanatory of v. 11. But the explanation is anything but immediately transparent. We are introduced to three kinds of eunuchs, each introduced in a separate clause and classified in term

For those who are currently practicing homosexuals

Whatever the cause of your behavior, it is nevertheless sinful. The Bible admonishes you to repent of your interests and behavior. You must forsake them. Not to put too fine a point on it, these deeds are yours, and you will be held responsible. God will not allow you to blame someone else for your conduct, but, believe it or not, this truth is a source of great hope: The fact that homosexual desires and deeds are willful sins for which the person is morally responsible is overwhelmingly important if there is to be any hope in the Christian perspective on homosexuality. When responsibility for homosexuality is removed, hope for homosexuality as an unchangeable inner domination by those drives or desires doom the sinner to despair. And such despair is unnecessary, unwarranted, untrue to Scripture. Because homosexuality is sinful, there is divinely guaranteed hope for its reversal. Christ came to die for sinners and to deliver them by His Spirit from their sins. Not only has our

For those who find themselves interested in homosexuality

God ’s Word forbids desires that are sinful as well as deeds that are sinful. If the Bible prohibits a certain behavior, the longing for or the inclination toward performing such behavior is sinful as well. We are not contending that sins of inclination are the same (or as sinful) as the expression of that inclination into deeds, or homosexual acts. We are, however, asserting the biblical truth that both the desire for that which is sinful and the sinful acts themselves are morally unacceptable.  By recognizing a distinction between desire and deed, we have said nothing about the moral acceptability of either. Only God can determine the morality of any particular desire or action. Since God has declared homosexuality to be sinful, it necessarily follows that the desire or the inclination toward homosexuality is sinful as well. To use another example, as God has declared adultery to be contrary to His holiness, even the lusting after or the longing for adultery is forbidden ( Matt

Is gay marriage a biblical covenant?

What is the truth about marriage? Biblically considered, marriage is to be between one man and one woman. A man is to leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife. One man and one woman are to become one flesh; they are to be joined together (Genesis 2:24). In marriage, the man and the woman are united in what the Bible calls a covenant (Malachi 2:14; Proverbs 2:17). The covenant is something that they have entered into. It is something outside of the man and woman; it is not of their design.  This covenant is God ’s design, and He has nowhere designed such a covenant for members of the same sex. Furthermore, the man and the woman are to be complementary to one another; they are to work together in the ways that God has prescribed (Genesis 1:27–29; 2:20–24; Proverbs 31:10–31; 1 Corinthians 7:2–5).  Part of this “complementariness” is seen in the role of the married man and woman in their ability to produce children, solely possible with two sexes ( Genesis 1:28 ; Malachi