
Showing posts with the label Holy Spirit

Bible - Homosexuality is a degrading passion or indecent act

Objection Stated Paul does not identify homosexuality, which is indeed mentioned in Romans 1 :26–27, as sin. This seems to be the thrust of L. William Countryman when he writes, “The idea that Paul was labeling homosexual acts as sinful can be upheld only if one can show that he used other terms here with an equivalent meaning.” And in a public debate, this was ACLU board member and head of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State Barry Lynn’s common refrain when dealing with Romans 1, that Paul specifically avoided saying homosexuality was a sin. Biblical Response This revisionist attempt is surely one of the weakest offered, for it requires us to believe all of the following propositions: first, that in the midst of demonstrating the awful sinfulness of idolatry and its punishment, Paul would insert a sentence where he switches subjects to something that, while possibly “unusual” in a social sense, is not actually sinful; second, that the context is t

"Will I be fully accepted at your church as a gay man?"

Below is my response to an email I received that asked the following question: “I believe church should be for all of God’s children. No exceptions. I am a gay man . My question is, would I be fully accepted with no judgment and fully welcome and able to serve at Ashland Avenue Baptist Church ?” I have changed all of the identifying information, but other than that, my response is in full below. I hope that it will be helpful to others facing similar questions.    Dear D, Welcome home to the beautiful Bluegrass. It is great to hear from you and to hear of your previous connection with Ashland. What a ministry this church has had for almost 100 years. As to your question, it depends on what you mean by “I am a gay man” and what you mean by “accepted completely with no judgment and fully welcome and able to serve at Ashland Avenue?” If by “I am a gay man” you mean that you struggle with same-sex attraction , recognizing any sexual activity outside of a covenant marriage

Bible Ignorant pop stars and homosexual sin

Français : Kylie Minogue at the Cannes Film Festival. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) KYLIE Minogue’s British fiance Joshua Sasse wants to shove homosexual marriage down Australian's throats.  He believes he can change history, Christian's view of homosexuality and the Bible by wearing and promoting a shirt that says “ Say I Do Down Under ” slogan — which he came up with — emblazoned on the front. Britsh actor Sasse has been vocal in his support of immoral homosexual marriage in Australia. But so what! Who cares what shirts a British actor wears and bleats on about?  Minogue insults millions of Australians, just like other gay advocates by stating how “backward” Australia is on the issue of homosexual marriage and said “the earth didn’t cave in” in other countries where it is legal and that “love is love”. The 'earth cave in' and the 'sky hasn't fallen' argument imply that God will immediately bring judgement upon the world by destroying the world

Culture bombards us with heterosexual and homosexual sex

Our culture bombards us with sexualized images — Facebook ads, magazines, YouTube clips, television, catalogues, Netflix , and just about every other possible medium. That’s a truth so obvious you can’t miss it. But here’s a not-so-obvious truth: not only does our culture  show  us sex; it also  speaks  to us about sex. Right or wrong, our culture teaches us about sex. The media conducts sex education all the time. Two thousand years ago, the apostle Paul warned, “Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things [for example, sexual immorality, impurity, and covetousness] the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience” ( Ephesians 5:6). Apparently, the culture of Paul’s day was speaking deceitful words concerning sexual immorality, tantalizing and seductive words empty of truth, wisdom, and godliness. What Does the Box Say? What lies does our culture tell us about sex? I once conducted an informal experiment, watching ten random minutes of a

Jesus did not affirm a gay lifestyle

It is one thing to not believe the Bible, and another to misreport what the Bible says; the Bible does not say that Jesus was fine with or indifferent on homosexuality . Jesus also doesn't talk about cars. Those who fought to make homosexual marriage legal rebutted the objection of conservative Christians by invoking the separation between church and state allegedly imposed by the First Amendment to the Constitution . But that is irrelevant to what the church believes and what the state believes and neither can interfere or the state cant start its own church. Irrelevant! Now that such rights have been secured, that separation is being blurred as many LGBTQ people seek to find affirmation inside the church as well as outside. But it is not there. They will find affirmation in liberal non Bible believing churches led by false prophets and false teachers according to 2 Peter. An example of a modern false prophet, such as Pastor John Pavlowvitz of North Raleigh Community Ch

I always thought I was born gay. Today, I’m a happily married dad.

I grew up believing myself to have been born gay having always, and only, had the most powerful, all-consuming, erotic attraction towards my own sex. Teenage years were hell. I often thought of suicide, occasionally self-harmed and had a growing problem with alcohol. I lived in a rural mining community in the north of England believing I would never be accepted among my own as a gay man , particularly as I watched a male cousin some ten years older than me – now deceased from a drug overdose – struggle to find his place as a gay man in the late 70s and early 80s among a society dominated by working men’s clubs. In floods of tears I came out to my parents when 17 years old. Dad and Mum were amazing. They said they had known I was gay and affirmed their unconditional love for me. My mates in high school also told me they had known I was gay and not only honoured me for coming out but affirmed me in what they too believed to be my true sexual orientation. My deepest fears rapi

Why is homosexuality wrong?

EVERY PERSON COMES TO THE matter of homosexuality with an established opinion, which has been shaped by a worldview. By worldview I mean a person’s concept of self, the world, and everything else. Every worldview encompasses what one views as real, the nature of truth, how we come to know what is true, and how we define what is “good” in an ethical sense. One’s worldview determines whether homosexuality is perceived as right or wrong. My own worldview is founded upon my confidence in the existence of a creating and governing God . This God has spoken or communicated both in general revelation through the created order and in the special revelations of Scripture and His Son, Jesus Christ . General revelation includes the complexity of the design and creation of the human body, the awareness of the spiritual self and conscience, and the unfolding of a plan that is shown through history. Reality encompasses both seen and unseen dimensions, the earthly and the heavenly. Jesus Chris

Queensland Australia: Jailed for stating homosexuality is a sin?

Christianity is being criminalised and the more it is, the more we lose our freedoms. What happened to George Youssef from the 'Operation 513' Team on the Gold Coast , because he shared the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is a classic case in point. Friday night, 4 December 2015, for George Youssef and his team was like any other Friday night of the year. The Operation 513 street evangelism team gathered in the Cavill Mall , Surfers Paradise to share the good news of God's love through Jesus Christ. The name  Operation 513 is taken from the words of Jesus found in Matthew 5:13 , "You are the salt of the earth but what good is salt if it has lost its flavour"(NLT). Many might call the 513 Team, 'Street Preachers', and argue that they are rather unusual but the truth of the matter is that George Youssef and his team come from a long line of street preachers. John Wesley , George Whitfield , St Francis of Assisi were all street preachers. The greatest s

If I am a Christian who experiences same-sex attraction, should I pray to not have homosexual feelings?

Every Christian should pray exactly as the Lord taught us to pray in the Lord's Prayer : "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven" ( Matt. 6:10 KJV ). This kind of prayer not only longs for world systems to align with the kingdom of Christ , but also longs for our lives to align with God 's will.  It reflects a desire to become more faithful to Christ and more conformed to his image. This certainly includes our sexual orientation . We should also pray, "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil" (v. 13).  Asking God to draw us away from things that tempt us should be the content of our prayer. We should ask God to replace gay homosexual temptation with holiness. Heterosexuals are also tempted sexually. "Lead us not into temptation" is a prayer for both the heterosexual Christian and the Christian battling same-sex attraction , or any other form of sexual desire. We don't celebrate murder, adult

Love, Hate, and Homosexuality

In particular, a couple of commenters listed a number of popular arguments for why they believe homosexuality is reconcilable with Christianity. I wanted to take Thursday and Friday to address a couple of those arguments that I encounter most often. My hope is that I might serve those who erroneously believe that faith in Jesus and His Word can be reconciled with attempts to legitimize homosexuality. I honestly think that this issue gets to the very heart of the disagreement. This goes deeper than just our views on homosexuality or the definition of marriage. It strikes at the very core of the worldview of contemporary wisdom. It has to do with the notion of love. The objection goes something like this: “In the midst of all of your attention to details of various Bible verses, you’ve lost the big picture. The cardinal virtue that Jesus taught His followers was love. If you value love, what’s the problem with two consenting adults making a commitment to each other out of love? Love