
Showing posts with the label Government

Teachers will be sacked and children will be indoctrinated if gay ‘marriage’ bill goes through

January 28, 2013 ( Pjsaunders ) - The Daily Telegraph carried a  front-page story  this week saying that the Government is ‘powerless’ to stop teachers getting sacked if they refuse to endorse same-sex marriage . It quotes a senior source at the Department for Education admitting that the UK is not ‘in control’ and that European judges will have the final say. We knew that teachers were under threat, but now we know the Government secretly thinks so too. The  Coalition for Marriage  (C4M) recently published a legal opinion from leading QC Aidan O’Neill (summary  here ) confirming that one of the major impacts of David Cameron ’s new law allowing same sex marriage would be in the classroom. It says that the law will require that children learn about gay marriage in sex education lessons. This is because Section 403(1A)(a) of the Education Act 1996 imposes a duty on the Secretary of State ‘to issue guidance’ ensuring that pupils ‘learn the nature of marriage and its importance

Church against draft anti-discrimination laws

Canberra Times. The Catholic Church says the draft anti-discrimination laws fail by not recognising religious freedom is a fundamental human right, not a special permission to discriminate granted by government. The church also maintains it should be allowed to refuse to employ a teacher who argues publicly against church teachings or ''lives in such a way to challenge'' those teachings. The views will be put to Thursday's hearing of a Senate committee holding its first public session in an inquiry into the government's draft of the Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill 2012. The draft legislation aims to amalgamate five existing statutes covering age, disability, race, sex and other forms of discrimination into a single statute. Father Brian Lucas, general secretary of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, will tell the hearing governments are obliged to ensure freedom of religion and the freedom to manifest religious beliefs in public is rec

Scottish children called ‘Nazis’ for opposing ‘gay marriage’, says bishops’ official

BRUSSELS, October 9, 2012 ( ) – John Deighan, the parliamentary officer of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland , told a conference in Brussels that even young children are being branded as “bigots” and “Nazis” for daring to openly oppose same-sex “marriage.” “I know, for example, of children in Scotland, including my own 12-year-old child, who have been branded as ‘Nazis’ and ‘bigots’ because they have dared to disagree with the idea of same-sex marriage,” Deighan said. John Deighan Deighan was speaking at a seminar held in Brussels of European Parliamentary groups on the growing pressure against believing Christians in Europe who oppose the “progressivist” agenda pushing acceptance of homosexuality and the redefinition of the family.  Deighan said that homosexualist lobbyists like Stonewall and the Equality Network have created “intense levels of hostility” against anyone who opposes their agenda. “People are increasingly being subjected to manipulation

Swedish high school student fails bio class for saying homosexuality ‘abnormal’

English: Sweden. Stockholm County. Nynäshamn (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) LONDON , July 27, 2012  — A Swedish high-school student recently failed a biology class for saying that homosexuality is abnormal, according to Swedish national news-site , The site  reports  that a grade 8 student at Nynäshamn Highschool in Stockholm County , Sweden , expressed the opinion that homosexuality was “onormalt” — literally “abnormal” — and, as a result, received a failing grade. When the student questioned the grade, the teacher reportedly replied that it was because of the student’s opinions. The goal of the school’s curriculum, the teacher said, was that students show respect for different sexual orientations , and the student’s views did not correspond with that goal. Any expert in biology would clearly understand the design and function of biological sexual organs, that match and perform a biological function. For the penis to be inserted in the male anus (the organ used to d

British people, of all or no faiths, must unite to defeat gay ‘marriage’

Image via Wikipedia Dr John Sentamu , the archbishop of York, (pictured) has told David Cameron , the prime minister, not to legalize gay marriage *. He said (in an  interview  in the Telegraph this weekend): “Marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman ... I don’t think it is the role of the state to define what marriage is. It is set in tradition and history and you can’t just [change it] overnight, no matter how powerful you are ... We’ve seen dictators do it in different contexts and I don’t want to redefine very clear social structures that have been in existence for a long time and then overnight the state believes it could go in a particular way ... “ Dr Sentamu rightly alludes to the actions of “dictators” when referring to David Cameron’s plans, for the following reasons: Firstly, consider the enormity of what the government intends to bring about. David Cameron and his government intend to re-define marriage: a fundamental good of human beings, the first and vital c

Supreme Court unanimously shoots down Obama admin: churches have right to choose ministers

Image via Wikipedia WASHINGTON, January 12, 2012 ( ) - Christian advocates are celebrating following a Supreme Court ruling Wednesday unanimously supporting the right of a church to select its own ministers, known as the “ministerial exception,” denying the Obama administration ’s argument that no such protection actually existed. Under the First Amendment , the high court ruled, churches are entitled to protection for their employment practices that applies beyond the head of a religious congregation to others, such as teachers, who are viewed as also carrying the message of the church. The court thus dismissed a wrongful termination suit brought against a church by a former teacher, who complained of disability discrimination to the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission . Conservative analysts note that Obama administration lawyers went farther than anti-religion interest groups weighing in on the case: Ed Whelan of National Review   said  the administrat

Leaked cables: Obama admin called Catholic Church source of spreading “homophobia” in Poland

While surveying the landscape for inroads to push the homosexual agenda into Poland , American embassy officials under the Obama administration complained that the Catholic Church teaching is a major source of “homophobia” in the heavily Catholic country, according to private cables recently published by Wikileaks . The cables from the American embassy in Warsaw, marked “sensitive but unclassified,” were part of a dump of over 250,000 official government documents last week by Wikileaks. One cable  from the American embassy in Warsaw dated August 2009 pointed to the Catholic Church as central in promoting “homophobia” in the former Soviet-controlled country. “The Catholic Church plays a significant role in the formation and propagation of anti-gay attitudes in Polish society , especially in rural areas,” states the communiqué entitled “ Gay rights in Poland : long road ahead.” Officials did note that “the Polish Episcopate has condemned violence and discrimination against gays and

Austrian Homosexual group wants legal protection of religion removed

Image via Wikipedia The Austrian Constitutional Court rejected a case last week that sought to extend the country’s anti-discrimination laws to protect homosexuals. Rechtskomitee Lambda (RKL), an Austrian homosexual interest group, asked the court to overturn the legal protections for racial and religious minorities found in Criminal Code Article 283, “ Incitement to Hatred ,” and in the Federal Equal Treatment Act, on the grounds that these protections were themselves discriminatory since they did not include homosexuals among the protected groups. The lawsuit was launched last year after legislative efforts to extend the protections found in the criminal code and the Equal Protection Act to homosexuals failed in the Austrian Parliament . In a recent statement, the group listed instances of alleged discrimination against the eight applicants in an attempt to prove the need for legal protection for homosexuals in the country. Examples included the refusal of an apartment lease