
Showing posts with the label Gene Robinson

Africa and Homosexuality

Homosexuality involves sexual attraction to those of the same sex. Homosexuals may be either male or female (with the latter group sometimes referred to as lesbians). It may be constitutional (or static), in which case it is a “predominant and persistent psychosexual attraction towards members of the same sex”. This sexual preference is a fixed reality in the person’s life, even though it may or may not be acted on. Alternatively, homosexuality may be situational (or dynamic). Situational homosexuality tends to occur when someone has a series of homosexual experiences during a specific period, for example, while imprisoned or during a war, but then reverts to heterosexuality when the situation changes. Much of the modern attempt to justify homosexuality is based on the belief that certain people are constitutionally homosexual, possibly even at the genetic level. Various scientific and biological arguments have been advanced in support of this belief. It is argued that such people hav

Homosexuality = Sin

Bishop Gene Robinson of New Hampshire at Trinity Church, Columbus, Ohio, on June 16, 2006, during the 75th General Convention of the Episcopal Church. Image cropped and color adjusted by Angr. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Nothing less than “complete and total acceptance!” This often is the answer given when homosexual activists are asked what they are seeking from the public in general.  Such activists equate acceptance with civil liberties and equality. They believe that those individuals who do not accept the homosexual “lifestyle” are committing the unpardonable sin—the sin of intolerance (see Bloom, 1987, p. 25).  In fact, certain school systems today actively teach youngsters the idea that we must embrace every concept that society popularizes, else we will be unloving and intolerant.  Thus, many children are quietly convinced from a very young age that if they do not give everyone “complete and total acceptance,” then they are bigoted and mean spirited.Using books like  He