
Showing posts with the label Gay-straight alliance

Mandated gay clubs in Catholic schools can’t help students overcome homosexuality: Ontario gvmt

Image via Wikipedia Ontario Catholic schools will not be permitted to use the support groups that are being mandated under the government’s controversial equity and inclusive education strategy to counsel homosexual students to “reform their sexuality.” The government revealed the unprecedented challenge to the province’s publicly-funded Catholic education system. Some Catholics have suggested that the student-led support groups for homosexuals could be used as a means to provide authentic pastoral support based on Catholic Church teaching. But the Ministry of Education told LifeSiteNews that that won’t fly.  “Groups for LGBT students that counsel the students to reform their sexuality or try to stop them from being gay are not considered consistent with the ministry’s equity policy which is to support students,” said Mike Feenstra, press secretary for Minister of Education Leona Dombrowsky . The Ministry’s demand stands in direct opposition to the teachings of the Catholic Ch

Gay-straight alliances: Promoting “safe schools” or homosexual activism?

Image via Wikipedia Claiming gay-straight alliance clubs are essential for “safe schools”, homosexual groups have pressured Ontario’s Catholic schools in the last month to jump on the GSA bandwagon. All stakeholders seem to indicate that they want to protect students from bullying. At the same time, many question whether the “safe school” claim is merely a cover for using the schools to promote widespread acceptance of homosexuality. There is substantial evidence to indicate that the charge is probably valid. One clue would be that Canada’s online hotspot for GSAs - - the one such resource linked by the Toronto District School Board , is run by Egale - Canada ’s leading homosexual activist group.  GSAs are also  promoted  by Planned Parenthood’s Canadian Federation for Sexual Health. Egale’s site, which includes a directory of Canada’s GSAs, and resources for teens, parents, and teachers, recommends books to help teens “come out” and get oriented to the homosexual lifest