
Showing posts with the label Gay Marriage

Texas Judge Dianne Hensely refuses to marry homosexuals on religious grounds

The left would like every American to accept their narrative that same-sex marriage is a done deal and has been fully embraced throughout society. Of course, that narrative is nonsense. A strong majority of voters made their views on same-sex marriage quite clear by going to the polls to ensure that marriage remained the union of one man and one woman. Even after the Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell v Hodges imposing gay ‘marriage’ on the nation, a majority of Americans still believe in traditional marriage. Further, there is overwhelming public support for the concept that no American should be forced to participate in a same-sex ceremony against their deeply held beliefs. In Waco, TX Judge Dianne Hensely has been admonished by the Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct that she must officiate same-sex ‘weddings.’ Hensely is a devout Christian who according to media reports maintains that her Christian conscience and beliefs will not allow her to perform same-sex ‘weddings.’ Sh

Archbishop Defends Words on Same-Sex Marriage: No One Can ‘Update the Faith’

The Anglican Archbishop of the Diocese of Sydney, Australia, has come under fire for recent statements he made regarding the church’s position on same-sex unions. While it is not surprising that people have found Archbishop Glenn Davies’ words offensive, many news outlets have ignored the context of his speech as they have reported on it. “My own view,” said Archbishop Glenn Davies In his presidential address at the 51st Synod of the Diocese of Sydney, “is that if people wish to change the doctrine of our Church, they should start a new church or join a church more aligned to their views—but do not ruin the Anglican Church by abandoning the plain teaching of Scripture. Please leave us.” Why Did Archbishop Glenn Davies Say That? At the beginning of his speech, Archbishop Davies spent more than 20 minutes discussing the gravity of the bishop’s role, as well as the actions of specific bishops in the Anglican church. The office of the bishop, said Davies, finds its basis in Paul’

Beto's attack on religious liberty not just wrong but disastrous

Watch the latest video at Beto calls for the removal of tax-exempt status for churches who don't support same-sex marriage Democratic presidential candidates have spent the last few months introducing a rucksack of new policy proposals, some of which, if implemented, would be incredibly harmful. One of those proposals came from former Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke, who argued that religious institutions must be stripped of their tax-exempt status if they oppose same-sex marriage. This is, sadly, not the first time that people of faith have been alerted to the punishment that some of the political Left wish to mete out to dissenters. In a statement attached to the document “Peaceful Coexistence,” Martin Castro, chairman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, argued that religious believers use phrases such as religious liberty as “code words for discrimination, intolerance, racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia [and] Christian supremacy.” Wa

The Eclipse of God, the Subversion of Truth, and the Assault upon Religious Liberty

Al Mohler. Our concern in this gathering is the assault on religious liberty now experienced within the United States and throughout Western Civilization. The very civilization that paid such an incalculable price through the centuries in order to defend and preserve human rights and human liberty now grows hostile to the most basic liberty of all. History’s most courageous experiment in self-government, predicated upon unalienable rights, now seeks to alienate the unalienable. The cultural Left in the United States now dares to use the term “religious liberty” only with scare quotes. How did this happen? I believe that conservatives in the United States have vastly underestimated the reality and comprehensiveness of the challenge we face. All of us see parts, but it takes concentrated attention, a devotion to history, and a serious reckoning with ideas to see the whole—the vastness of our crisis. We see religious liberty denied when a cake baker in Colorado experiences susta

Anglican Church of Canada’s says NO to fake homosexual Marriage

According to the rules of the ACC, new measures must be approved by a two-thirds majority from three groups of delegates to the synod: laity, clergy, and bishops. While the laity were largely for the new measure which would have removed language from its canon referring to marriage as being between a man and woman, the bishops did not reach a two-thirds vote in favor of the change. 

Australia: Consequences of homosexual fake marriage

The former head of the Australian Christian Lobby says Christians have suffered consequences as a result of the legalization of same-sex marriage. Israel Folau is the prime example of intolerance towards Christians who know homosexuality is a sin. Lyle Shelton, managing director of the powerful ACL said the government had ignored his warnings in the lead up to the 2017 plebiscite and passage of same-sex marriage laws.  "They ploughed ahead with the change the definition of the marriage based on the Yes campaign saying there were no consequences, " Mr Shelton told Sky News on Thursday night. "I'm going to say that was a lie and not true. Massive consequences have emerged since the legislation. There's big complications and implications for people's freedom of speech and freedom of religion and parents' rights about gender indoctrination at schools."  LGBTQ deny any consequences and mock any evidence, lie about any situation that question thei

More Corporations Promote Same-Sex Marriage. Does Anyone Care?

The 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision to extend legal marriage rights to same-sex couples was a legal loss for social conservatives. It was the latest of many cultural losses on marriage . It seems every month brings news of further losses in its wake. This month, Jared’s and Macy’s threw same-sex “marriage” in America’s face. Few seemed to care. What Did Jared Do? Jewel company Jared released several “Dare”-themed ads on November 8. One criticized by authors at The Federalist and The Washington Examiner showed a woman asking a man to marry her. This “Dare to Ask Him” ad broke norms, but it didn’t endorse moral wrong. Meanwhile, there was little complaint about two ads which endorsed same-sex sexual relationships. One 15-second ad was titled “Dare to Make a Scene.” That ad was included in a longer ad called “ Dare to be Devoted .” Both show two men at a nightclub singing onstage. One of the men asks the other to “marry” him. The men hug in joy in front of a crowd. The reverse-enga

Book Review: Scripture, Ethics & The Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships

Karen R. Keen has written the most recent book making the case that the Bible supports same-sex relationships: Scripture, Ethics & The Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships (Eerdmans, 2018). Overall, this book makes similar arguments as found in books by James Brownson , Matthew Vines , and David Gushee . Yet, there are a few fresh contributions as well. Let’s begin by considering a few positive aspects of the book. First, in chapters 4 and 5, Keen carefully lays out her hermeneutical approach for drawing ethical conclusions from Scripture. It is immensely helpful to see the hermeneutical process that enables her to conclude that the Bible supports same-sex relationships. I wish more authors on all sides of the debate would be so clear. Second, for the most part, she accurately represents conservative views and arguments regarding same-sex unions. I was pleasantly surprised to see how carefully she articulates four “traditional arguments” for natural marriage (p. 26-30). Regardl

Franklin Graham: Jimmy Carter ‘absolutely wrong’ about Jesus backing abortion, gay ‘marriage’

Evangelical leader Rev. Franklin Graham took to social media on Tuesday to forcefully denounce former Democrat President Jimmy Carter’s claim that Jesus Christ would embrace same-sex “marriage” and at least some abortions. Over the past few days, several websites have drawn attention to a  2015 interview Carter gave to  HuffPost Live  in which he discussed the tension between his professed Baptist faith and the left-wing dictates of his party. Jesus didn’t come to promote sin, He came to save us from sin Faith has “always been important in my life. Y’know, I’m a born-again Christian, so-called, I’m a Baptist. I taught Sunday school the day before yesterday, I’ll be teaching again next Sunday, I teach every Sunday that I’m home in Plains,” he told interviewer Marc Lamont Hill, claiming to have “never run across any really serious conflicts between my political obligations and my religious faith.” However, he went on to claim that “Jesus would approve gay marriage,” adm

Complete Biblical Objection to homosexuality and Gay Marriage

I. Introduction Homosexuality is a controversial issue in many societies. For some, it has become an equal rights issue to legalize same-sex marriage. For many, it is also a religious and moral issue because it is addressed in the Bible. Debates, discussions, arguments, and, very sadly, sometimes even violence occurs from interactions on this issue. For some, this issue of the Biblical perspective on homosexuality has a merely academic attraction. This would perhaps be the person who is neither a Christian nor a homosexual. The topic might not personally affect them, but since it is a current issue it is of interest. For others, this is very personal. This would perhaps be the person identifying as a Christian, as a homosexual, or as a homosexual Christian. Regardless, this article is intended to be a gracious, loving, and truthful resource. In that manner then, this article will detail the Biblical-Christian view of homosexuality. 1 It will not take long for the reader to