
Showing posts with the label Gay Lesbian and Bisexual

Children of GLB parents are not healthy, successful and well adjusted

Image via Wikipedia Judge Walker’s decision states that children raised by homosexuals are just as likely as children raised by heterosexual parents to be “healthy, successful, and well adjusted.” But new research shows children of GLB parents were more likely to either have identified as GLB or to have at least experimented with nonheterosexual behavior . The percentage “of children of gay and lesbian parents who adopted non-heterosexual identities ranged between 16% and 57%”.  Studies indicating that the children raised by homosexuals are as well adjusted as those raised by heterosexuals, may be flawed. Many of the studies have set up questionable comparisons of GLB and heterosexual parents. Often, the GLB parents have higher education , higher incomes, fewer children, as well as a likely desire to present their children in a socially desirable manner for the sake of ‘the cause. One recent study used gay fathers from households earning an average of $190,000 annually, which