
Showing posts with the label Gay Lesbian and Bisexual

Will the Duck Dynasty controversy awaken people to the homofascist intolerant juggernaut?

The gay bullying and intimidation deployed against Duck Dynasty ’s Phil Robertson is nothing new to the ex-gay community. For too long in this country, gay rights organizations have incorporated ex-gay bashing as an integral part of their mission. Christian ex-gays are ridiculed for their faith, while people seeking therapy for unwanted same-sex attractions are painted as dangerously delusional. On this one-way street of intolerance, former homosexuals are accused of being liars or fakes while transgenders are celebrated for changing their gender identity. Using their political power and mainstream media support, gay activists work to keep ex-gays in the closet while demanding legal recognition of single-sex marriage as an equal right. This well-organized and heavily-funded bullying of former homosexuals and ex-gay speech is known by the ex-gay community as ‘homofascism.’  Like Phil Robertson, ex-gays are subjected to demands that they apologize for their existence and vi

The danger of homosexual relationships

New Report Shows Once Again How Dangerous Gay Relationships Can Be A report funded by the Department of Justice surveyed more than 5000 youths. Young homosexual and transgendered people are at much higher risk to be in unstable or down right abusive relationships.  Not a surprise when most of the time these kids are having sex with people who are much older than them. The LifeSiteNews story on the report is  here . The report itself is  here . The danger of homosexual relationships ( Homosexual Marriage is about love isn't it? ( "Homosexuality is criminal offence, Supreme Court rules." ( New Mexico groups promote same-sex "marriage" as a benefit to kids, ignoring the evidence ( Sleazy gay men who ju set want boys ( Children in Homosexual Marriages (gaychristianbeliever.blogs

Being Against Gay Marriage Doesn’t Make You a Homophobe

Author: Danny Burke. Last April, Brandon Ambrosino authored one of the most compelling articles that I have read all year: “ Being Gay at Jerry Falwell’s University .” Appearing in  The Atlantic , the essay is his own story of coming out of the closet while he was an undergraduate at Liberty University . What riveted me about his account is how the Christians at Liberty University responded to the revelation of his sexuality. He had feared that they would want to stone him. But instead, he found out that quite the opposite happened. Even though professors and administrators believed homosexuality to be a sin, they loved him and embraced him with open arms. His expectations of these Christians were so low that he realized he had been suffering from “homophobia phobia .” These fundamentalist Christians didn’t turn out to be the nasty caricatures that they are often made out to be. Earlier today, Ambrosino released another article for  The Atlantic , and I think it is just as signi

Healthy children and Homosexual Marriage

“ Victoria ’s deputy chief psychiatrist – and State Government-appointed equal opportunities champion – has joined forces with doctors lobbying the Federal Government to ban same-sex marriage. Twenty-two Victorian GPs, anaesthetists, obstetricians, palliative care specialists and psychiatrists, including Prof Kuravilla George, have joined 150 colleagues interstate to argue gay marriage poses a health risk to society. “In a letter to the Senate’s inquiry into marriage equality, the group wrote that it was ‘important for the future health of our nation’ to retain the definition of marriage as being between a man and woman. ‘We submit the evidence is clear that children who grow up in a family with a mother and father do better in all parameters than children without,’ they wrote. The doctors also said they were concerned legalising gay marriage would ‘normalise’ homosexual behaviour and the ‘health consequences’ linked with it, such as HIV and syphilis.” Finally a group of doctors and

WorldPride 2014: Toronto taxpayers to double funding for ‘state-backed celebration of immoral homosexual nude parade

TORONTO, December 5, 2013 ( ) – Toronto Council may double its funding — to the tune of $280,000 at taxpayer’s expense — to Pride Toronto , organizer of the 2014 WorldPride event. Councillor Shelley Carroll   told   homosexual news service  Xtra  that the funding boost is included in the upcoming January budget under the city’s Major Cultural Organizations program. During budget committee meetings at the beginning of the month, no one disputed doling out more tax-generated funds for the WorldPride event, reported  Xtra . “If this budget is adopted, [the funding] is adopted, too,” said Carroll. The funds will be on top of the $250,000 of public services - such as policing, garbage pick-up, and street cleaning - the event promoting the normalization-of-homosexuality receives each year. Pride Toronto executive director Kevin Beaulieu estimates the WorldPride budget around $4.5 million. According to Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam , there is widespread suppo

The myth of being born gay

Are people ever born with conditions that are not normal and sometimes harmful? Is there any difference between sexual desires (“orientation”) and sexual behavior? Should people act on every desire they have? Homosexuals are born as males or females, so why should they follow their desires but not the design of their bodies?  Some homosexuals insist that they have had homosexual desires as long as they can remember. Somehow this is supposed to prove that these desires are the result of nature not nurture. But this argument ultimately fails to justify homosexual behavior or any behavior for that matter.  First, notice that “born-that-way” is an argument from nature or design: “Since I was designed with these desires, I ought to act on them.” The people who say this normally presume that the Designer is God . 63   But if you insist that God designed your desires, then you cannot deny He designed your body as well.  This raises the question to homosexuals who make this argument:  Why ar

Can Homosexuals change or born gay?

Cannot change what—behavior or orientation? Many homosexuals have changed not only their behavior but also their orientation (desires).  Thousands of ex-homosexuals testify of their change, and renowned Columbia University psychiatrist, Dr. Robert Spitzer, documented some of those changes. His 2003 study shows that some highly motivated individuals can change their orientation from homosexual to heterosexual through reorientation therapy . 67  This is significant because Spitzer is no propagandist for the religious right. Quite the contrary—a self-described “ Jewish atheist ,” Spitzer was considered a hero by gay activists for getting homosexuality declassified as a mental disorder back in 1973.  Homosexual activists don’t like his new study though. In an interview, Dr. Spitzer said that his study “has been criticized severely by many people, particularly gay activists, who apparently feel quite threatened by it. They have the feeling that in order to get their civil rights, it’s h

Is opposing same-sex marriage is bigotry?

Same Sex Marriage (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Opposition to same-sex marriage is not based on bigotry but on good reason. Consider murder, rape, and incest. Our laws rightly discriminate against those behaviors because those behaviors are harmful. Imagine murderers , rapists , or the incestuous calling us “bigots” for enacting those laws. Such laws are the antithesis of bigotry. Bigotry involves pre-judging something for no good reason, but laws against murder, rape, and incest are based on good reason and evidence. Namely, we reasonably conclude that the health and welfare of the public are higher values than allowing individuals to do whatever they want. The same holds true with preserving marriage. The health and welfare of the public are higher values than allowing individuals to marry whomever they want. We don’t discriminate in favor of natural marriage and against same-sex marriage out of bigotry or bias, but because we are sensible human beings who draw on thousands o

Homosexual Marriage Arguments - Truthful Slogans?

Homosexual activists have done a great job advancing their cause with slick moralistic slogans about equal rights, discrimination, and so forth. As we will see, few, if any, of the pro-gay marriage slogans tell the truth. They sound good to a passive audience, but upon closer analysis, they are exposed as half-truths and deceptive distortions. The activists have been able to get away with that because our fast-paced lives and sound-bite media provide the perfect environment for propaganda to replace truth. It only takes ten seconds to utter a lie, but it can often take ten minutes to provide enough evidence to explode that lie. The problem for the truth is that there is no such thing as a ten-minute sound bite (that’s why this is a book, not a slogan). Gay Marriage Arguments - False Premises  The questions below help expose the false premises behind arguments for gay marriage. Take a minute to marinate on each of these questions and consider how you would respond. If you are honest