
Showing posts with the label Evangelicalism

Christian Law school looses accreditation because of homosexuality

Since the US Supreme Court legalized gay “marriage” last month, a number of people (including those of us at AiG) have been warning that legalizing gay “marriage” is only the beginning of an agenda. From what we’ve seen and know about the LGBT movement , the leaders don’t just want legalization of their immmoral behavior, but also want to force acceptance of this on everyone. They want everyone not just to tolerate their position, but to accept it while they themselves show intolerance for those who do not hold to their views. I encourage you to read this article from Canada , which we believe is a warning of things to come in the USA . The article is titled, “ Canada Court Denies Christian Law School Accreditation Due to University’s Rule against Gay Sex .” It states, A Canada court has upheld the denial of accreditation to a Christian law school, holding the private school’s prohibition of homosexual behavior is sufficiently discriminatory that its degrees can be invalidated for th

Decision time: Are you going to stand with Scripture or the Sexual Revolution?

Tony Campolo: Author and speaker on political and religious topics (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The very first issue of  Christianity Today  is dated October 15, 1956. In his first editorial, Carl F. H. Henry set his course for the magazine: “Those who direct the editorial policy of  Christianity Today  unreservedly accept the complete reliability and authority of the written Word of God. It is their conviction that the Scriptures teach the doctrine of plenary inspiration.” Henry also affirmed continuity with the great orthodox tradition of biblical doctrine and moral principles: “The doctrinal content of historic Christianity will be presented and defended. Among the distinctive doctrines to be stressed are those of God, Christ, man, salvation, and the last things. The best modern scholarship recognizes the bearing of doctrine on moral and spiritual life.” In that same issue, Billy Graham stressed the authority of the Bible in evangelism. “I use the phrase ‘The Bible says’ b

Catholic and Evangelical leaders: Same-sex ‘marriage’ more harmful than divorce and cohabitation

Redefining marriage to include same-sex couples will damage the institution far more than divorce and cohabitation already have, a joint  statement  signed by several dozen Catholic and evangelical Christian leaders argues. They warn that since same-sex “marriage” was created by the state, “where the family is a creation of the state, children become, in important legal respects, the property of the state.” The statement, authored by the group Evangelicals and Catholics Together and contained in the March issue of  First Things  magazine, calls same-sex unions a “parody of marriage” and warns that divorcing marriage from its original purpose of uniting a man and woman for the purpose of creating new life will have devastating consequences for society at large – and children especially. “An easy acceptance of divorce damages marriage; widespread cohabitation devalues marriage. But so-called same-sex marriage is a graver threat, because what is now given the name of marriage i

Catholic school pulls out of Boston Saint Patrick’s Day Parade after gay group approved

English: Saint Patrick stained glass window from Cathedral of Christ the Light, Oakland, CA. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) February 26, 2015 ( ) -- Immaculate Heart of Mary School of Still River, MA has withdrawn its marching band and float of Saint Patrick from this year’s Saint Patrick’s Day Parade after learning that a small homosexual activist group will be allowed to march while publicly identifying its homosexuality. The school is compelled by the teachings of the Catholic Church to pull out. According to the Principal, Brother Thomas Dalton, “Catholics are forbidden to sponsor or even participate in an event which openly promotes unnatural and immoral behavior. The Church will never accept nor condone same sex marriage and the homosexual life style.” For 25 years the school has participated in the parade dedicated to Saint Patrick and believes that to have a float with his representation leading a group openly promoting and proud of its homosexual ide

British judge suspended and ‘re-educated’ for thinking children do best with a mom and dad

Richard Page, a 68-year-old British Justice of the Peace and evangelical Christian , has been condemned by the country’s highest legal authorities, suspended, and subjected to a day-long re-education session to rid him of the dangerous belief that a child would be better off being adopted by a family with a mother and a father than by a same-sex couple. Page sat on a family court tribunal last summer to consider a social worker’s recommendation that a foster child be adopted by a gay couple. “I raised some questions in private with the other judges, including that I thought that because a baby comes from a man and a woman it made me think the child would be better off with a father and a mother than with single-sex parents. The other judges didn’t agree at all,” he told LifeSiteNews. British Justice of the Peace Richard Page Worse, the other judges complained. A review committee concurred, suspended him from the bench and recommended he be kicked off the lowest rung of the judic

God, the Gospel and the Gay Challenge: A Response to Matthew Vines

English: Al Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Evangelical Christians in the United States now face an inevitable moment of decision. While Christians in other movements and in other nations face similar questions, the question of homosexuality now presents evangelicals in the United States with a decision that cannot be avoided. Within a very short time, we will know where everyone stands on this question.  There will be no place to hide, and there will be no way to remain silent. To be silent will answer the question. The question is whether evangelicals will remain true to the teachings of Scripture and the unbroken teaching of the Christian church for over 2,000 years on the morality of same-sex acts and the institution of marriage. The world is pressing this question upon us, but so are a number of voices from within the larger evangelical cir­cle — voices that are calling for a radical revision of the church’s understa