
Showing posts with the label Eucharist

True marriage vs Homosexual Marriage

Simon Ushakov's icon of the Mystical Supper. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Last year at the March for Marriage on the National Mall , my friend Eric Teetsel, executive director of the Manhattan Declaration, opened his speech with the facetious question, “Is anyone else out there on the wrong side of history?” That is, after all, what many proponents of one-man, one-woman marriage keep hearing. To oppose gay marriage is to be relegated to history’s ideological dustbin along with those who resisted civil rights for African-Americans or the vote for women. Of course, as we’ve seen in the forced resignation of Mozilla’s CEO, opposing gay marriage can make your career history as well. Even more disheartening are the Christian voices joining in on the chorus. World Vision’s announcement on hiring same-sex married employees shook the evangelical world before the organization recanted. Mega-church Vineyard pastor Ken Wilson made a splash when he endorsed same-sex marriage. And many of us

UK bishops assure Catholic MPs they won’t be denied Communion for backing same-sex ‘marriage’

LONDON, April 2, 2014 – The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales assured Catholic Members of Parliament this week that there are “no plans” to refuse them Holy Communion after they voted to support the “gay marriage” legislation that came into effect yesterday. Greg Pope , head of parliamentary relations at the conference and a former Labour Party MP, wrote to MPs assuring them that comments by the bishop of Portsmouth , Philip Egan, on the Church’s Code of Canon Law forbidding Communion to “manifest grave sinners,” would not be applied to them. Portsmouth Bishop Philip Egan Today the media office of the bishops’ conference confirmed with LifeSiteNews that the letter was addressed to the Catholic MPs with the bishops’ full authorization. “Many thanks for your mail. Mr. Greg Pope was speaking as a spokesperson for the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales,” a spokesman with the bishops’ Catholic Communications Network said. “The statement was appr

Ex- Gay Porn Actor says sex acts among homosexual men are aberrations of nature.

Joseph Sciambra, 44, will be the first to tell you of his large-hearted and abiding love for gays . He will also be the first to tell you that despite its feel-good name, genuine happiness cannot be found in the “gay” lifestyle. The former gay porn actor has described his own journey into the darkest core of the gay underworld in the Castro District of San Francisco in the early 90’s as like being “ Swallowed by Satan ” – the title of his new book, in which he recounts his experiences.  Joseph, who left the gay scene thirteen years ago after a dramatic reconversion to the Catholic faith , says his quest for love and acceptance through sex began with pornography . At the age of eight, he one day naively flipped through a porn magazine left out by an older brother. This was followed by more graphic porn magazines. Then came masturbation and the urge to act out with others what he saw in the magazines.  Joseph Sciambra Joseph says that what he craved to experience was a d

New Jersey Archbishop Myers: Catholics who back gay ‘marriage’ should not receive Holy Communion

NEWARK, NJ , - On Tuesday Newark Archbishop John J. Myers released a pastoral letter calling on Catholics , especially Catholic politicians, who do not accept the teaching of the Church on marriage, to “in all honesty and humility refrain from receiving Holy Communion .”  The Archbishop said that “to continue to receive Holy Communion while so dissenting would be objectively dishonest.” Archbishop John J. Myers The New Jersey prelate made a distinction between those struggling at times unsuccessfully against sin, and those who would willingly oppose Church teaching.  He said: “there is a difference between trying to live the whole Gospel while repenting of failures along the way, and not even trying. Worse still is the attempt by some to alter or pervert the authentic teaching of the Church, which is the true teaching of Christ .”  Archbishop Myers warned, “ Jesus had very harsh things to say to those whose false teachings led others, especially the young, astray.”

Homosexual groups seek prosecution of bishop over sermon on homosexuality

April 18, 2012 ( ) - Homosexual groups are seeking the prosecution of a Spanish bishop after he gave a sermon repeating the Catholic Church ’s teaching associating the gay lifestyle with the suffering of hell, and then an interview in which he endorsed psychological treatment for homosexual behavior . Bishop Juan Antonio Reig Plà Bishop Juan Antonio Reig Plà of the diocese of Alcalá de Henares began the brouhaha on Good Friday earlier this month, when he gave a sermon on the death of the soul as a result of sin. Referring to various kinds of sinful behavior, including adultery, theft, and failure to pay wages to workers, Reig Plà added homosexual behavior to the list as well. With regard to each example of sin, the bishop spoke of the act itself, and the resulting destruction of the soul. With regard to homosexual behavior, Reig Plà said: “One must not corrupt people, not even with false messages. I would like to say a word to those people carried away by so many i

Lesbian denied Communion at her mother’s funeral is also a Buddhist

Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia GAITHERSBURG, MARYLAND , March 8, 2012, ( ) – The lesbian who is attempting to get a Catholic priest removed from his parish for denying her Holy Communion at her mother’s funeral is a Buddhist who describes herself as a “naturally born agitator” committed to a “culture war.” Barbara Johnson created a national feeding frenzy after alerting the media that Fr. Marcel Guarnizo had refused to give her the Eucharist after asking her not to come forward to receive, because she is a sexually active homosexual. Fr. Marcel Guarnizo On February 26, Fr. Marcel Guarnizo of St. John Neumann Catholic Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland,  covered the ciborium containing the Host  as Johnson approached and whispered, “I can’t give you Communion because you live with a woman, and in the eyes of the Church, that is a sin.” In the ensuing national media coverage, Johnson was repeatedly painted as the victim of prejudice, while the priest was l