
Showing posts with the label Education

Trans sex change now Gender affirmation Surgery

Every so often, the mainstream media hands us a story that so perfectly displays their contempt for Christians in the United States that it almost necessitates an educational diagnosis. Earlier this week, NBC News produced one such story, sporting the foreboding title “Betsy DeVos visits school with explicit anti-transgender policy.” Trump’s transphobes are on the move, and NBC is on the case. As it turns out, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has been visiting various schools this week for a “2019 Back-to-School” tour, and one school she dropped in on was the Harrisburg Catholic Elementary School in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. While there, she joined a round-table to promote the Educational Improvement Tax Credit, which is designed to assist students from lower-income brackets with scholarships so that they can attend private schools. But there is more to the story. According to NBC: While DeVos’ visit most immediately involved the future of the tax credit, it also made a state

California mandates LGBT ‘sensitivity’ for teachers, even when they disagree

Apparently, it's not enough that schools are indoctrinating students — they want to brainwash teachers too! In California's public schools, where the districts have their hands full just raising test scores, it looks like the faculties will have to take time out from actual educating to master a new subject: LGBT sensitivity. Under a new bill just approved by the state assembly, every junior high and high school teacher would be ordered to undergo training on how to support kids who identify as LGBTQ. That includes everything from referring students to activist organizations to launching school-wide efforts aimed at encouraging confusion like transgenderism. The legislation,  AB 243 , passed unanimously — 61-0, with virtually every Republican refusing to vote. Our friends at California Family Council are horrified that anyone would force teachers to promote an agenda that the American College of Pediatricians calls " child abuse ."   "This mandated tra

Christian schools will regret surrendering to LGBT bullies

You don't win battles when there is an abundance of white flags in your arsenal. Christian universities haven't grasped that concept. One after the other, Christian schools has hoisted the white flag of surrender regarding their practices, policies, and precepts. That's called apostasy. Last month, California passed a resolution calling on religious leaders to affirm homosexuality and "transgenderism" and to accept that Christian efforts to help people with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion are "ineffective, unethical and harmful." Eager to please, Dr. Kevin Mannoia, Azusa Pacific University (APU) chaplain and the former head of the National Association of Evangelicals, kissed the LGBTQ ring and genuflected under the rainbow flag by "directing pastors and counselors to reject biblical views of sexuality and deny counseling for those struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion." And another white flag w

Liberal Washington State nixes radical LGBT sex ed bill after massive parental outrage

Washington State MassResistance activists helped mobilize groups around the state and worked strategically to successfully  stop a hideous Planned Parenthood–backed "comprehensive sex-ed" bill from becoming law  — despite its broad support in the Legislature. Many people are unaware that Washington State has become a far-left state, on a par with California and New York. Following last year's November elections, left-wing Democrats solidified their power in the state capital, Olympia. Like other states that have gotten "bluer," the government is now pushing abusive, anti-family policies at a rapid pace. This includes the items on the LGBT and Planned Parenthood checklist for the public schools. Their major bill,  SB 5395 , was a "comprehensive sex-ed bill." It was lobbied heavily by both Planned Parenthood — a major donor to Democrat politicians — and the LGBT lobby. The bill included the following: It would require all public schools in th

LGBT groups file suit against Arizona law banning pro-gay messages in AIDS education

A pair of pro-LGBT organizations have filed a lawsuit against a decades-old Arizona law that forbids public-school lessons on HIV and AIDS from including messages that endorse or promote homosexuality. The law, enacted in 1991, allows “instruction to kindergarten programs through the twelfth grade on acquired immune deficiency syndrome and the human immunodeficiency virus” and provides guidelines for what such programs must include or avoid. Among those guidelines is a ban on instruction that “Promotes a homosexual life-style,” “Portrays homosexuality as a positive alternative life-style,” or “Suggests that some methods of sex are safe methods of homosexual sex.” Equality Arizona filed a federal lawsuit Thursday against the law on behalf of an anonymous homosexual Tucson student, reports, with assistance from Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund. The suit argues that the law “violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment” by “singling out a class

California middle school puts on LGBT fair with drag queen lessons, doesn’t tell parents

"You did what?!" Parents across Santa Ana couldn't believe it. In one house after another, the answer to "How was school today?" was nothing like they expected. Moms and dads listened in disbelief as their middle schoolers talked about going to an "LGBT Fair" that no one bothered to ask their permission for. There were even people in drag, their 11-year-olds said, giving make-up lessons — right there in school. Townhall's Kira Davis listened as one mom fumed about not knowing about the fair until after it happened. There wasn't even an opportunity to opt-out, she complained at last Tuesday's school board meeting. Unfortunately, that was just one of the infuriating examples the largely-Hispanic community used to explain how fed-up they were with the state's new sex ed law. But the problem is a lot bigger than the law, Davis explained. It's how liberals are exploiting the Spanish-speaking communities to implement it. In one of

Relentless mom overthrows LGBT agenda at her kids’ school

When a California school district began to implement a full "transgender" indoctrination program targeting its elementary school children, one of the parents became a MassResistance activist, organized others, and successfully derailed its big week-long propaganda push. In the  Anaheim Elementary School District , most of the families are Latino and over 80% are Spanish speaking. These are poor, immigrant communities where the parents work two jobs to make ends meet. They often don't have time to attend school board meetings and keep track of what the districts are teaching. In these environments, the LGBT agenda often thrive. There is little citizen oversight of the school board meetings. Some of the parents don't even know what "LGBT" means. Most of the school materials aren't available in other languages, and therefore homosexual activist groups like the Human Rights Campaign and GLSEN get away with pushing their agenda without opposition.

Will more teachers smash boundaries under compulsory ‘LGBT’ school lessons?

The door is now wide open in many public schools for corrupting teachers to enter and poison the minds and bodies of impressionable children. Most teachers try to do what's right, but with so-called "non-discrimination" school policies in place, sexually immoral adults and pro-abortion/"LGBTQ" activists cannot be barred from classroom access to children. And now in New Jersey, it's easier than ever, since "gay" indoctrination just became a state requirement. Beginning in the 2020 school year, N.J. schools must teach that homosexuality and gender confusion are wonderful and normal behaviors with a legacy of brave heroes. This will be, of course, a bald-faced lie. The timing is ironic. Just two weeks before this deviance-mandate bill was signed by New Jersey's Democrat governor, Mission America received a distraught email from a mother in north central New Jersey. She contacted us after reading articles on our website and provided infuriating

Brazil’s new president to eliminate transgender, pro-gay ideology from schools

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro announced plans last week to revise textbooks in public schools and eliminate references to homosexuality, same-sex “marriage,” and violence against women. There are also proposals to give the military control of some public schools. Once Bolsonaro took office, the Ministry of Education issued new guidelines for textbook publishers that erased references to gender ideology and sexism. The ministry also eliminated its diversity department. On the eve of his Jan. 1 inauguration, Bolsonaro tweeted his intentions. “One of the goals to get Brazil out of the worst positions in international education rankings is to combat the Marxist rubbish that has spread in educational institutions.” Education Minister Ricardo Velez Rodriguez vowed in his inaugural speech to end the “aggressive promotion of the gender ideology.” In a poll published Jan. 8 by Datafolha, 59 percent of evangelical Christians said they did not approve of sex education being discussed at sch

LGBT activists want to force Catholic schools in Canada to hire teachers in same-sex ‘marriage’

Expecting Catholic school employees to abide by long-standing Catholic morals will be added to the legal understanding of “discrimination,” if a case currently before the Alberta Human Rights Commission succeeds against Calgary Catholic School District. At issue is the district’s language in teacher contracts that holds them to “Catholic values,” particularly a “lifestyle and deportment in harmony with Catholic teaching and principles.” The Calgary Herald reports that Barb Hamilton, a former principal in the district, is one of two people suing over the requirement; another teacher has chosen to remain anonymous. Hamilton has filed her human-rights complaints on “marital status, religious beliefs, and sexual orientation” grounds, Catholic News Agency reports . “Their perspective is I resigned and my perspective is I wasn’t given a choice,” she claims. “Relationships that would be acceptable are those recognized by the Catholic Church, that have to be acknowledged by a Catholic priest

Virginia school board fires teacher who refused to call female student ‘he’ or ‘him’

A school board in the Virginia town of West Point has unanimously voted to fire a high school French teacher who respectfully refused to refer to a female gender-confused student as male, despite the vocal support of other students. This school year, one of Peter Vlaming’s students at West Point High School came back having “transitioned” to living as a boy over the summer, and wanted to be recognized as such. Vlaming agreed to use the masculine name she had chosen and attempted to avoid referring to her with female pronouns, but said his Christian faith prevented him from calling a girl “he” or “him.” Nevertheless, the girl says the compromise made her feel “singled out,” and her family complained to the administration, which  placed him on administrative leave . At Vlaming’s request, the West Point School Board held a four-hour hearing Thursday evening to consider the matter. Before an overflow crowd containing many students and parents who supported the embattled teacher