
Showing posts with the label Congress

Colombian Senate overwhelmingly rejects homosexual ‘marriage’

English: The President Santos entering to the pentagon, when he was minister of defense of Colombia (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The Senate of Colombia voted down a bill to create homosexual "marriage" yesterday by an overwhelming majority of 51-17, with 32 senators either not present or abstaining. The defeat of the bill means that it will not pass to the lower Chamber of Deputies , and is effectively dead.  However, the country is rapidly approaching a deadline set by the Constitutional Court in a July 2011 ruling requiring homosexual couples to be given benefits similar to those associated with marriage. The defeat followed days of growing protests outside of the Senate building, with demonstrators chanting "I won't shut up, I won't shut up, marriage is between a man and a woman!" "The bill sank because it is not of general interest.  Heterosexual marriage is of public interest because it has to do with procreation and the conservatio

Arguments against Homosexual Marriage from reason and experience

Governments should define and establish marriage because no other institution can do that for an entire society Only a civil government is able to define a standard of what constitutes a marriage for a whole nation or whole society. No churches or denominations could do this, because they only speak for their own members. No voluntary societies could do this, because they don’t include all the people in the society. If no definition of marriage is given to an entire society, then chaos and much oppression of women and children will result. Stanley Kurtz of the Hudson Institute writes, In setting up the institution of marriage, society offers special support and encouragement to the men and women who together make children. Because marriage is deeply implicated in the interests of children, it is a matter of public concern. Children are helpless. They depend upon adults. Over and above their parents, children depend upon society to create institutions that keep them from chaos. C

Marriage being tested in court again

Just yesterday, the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston declared that part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional. The federal definition of marriage as being the union of one man and one woman has applied to all federal laws, regulations and benefits since 1996. This lawsuit involves claims from same-sex couples demanding federal benefits that are reserved for heterosexual couples. Essentially, the appellate court said the federal government—and by extension, the taxpayers in all 50 states—must subsidize whatever types of arrangements a state may choose to call "marriage." Think about that for minute. In the 1800s, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the right of Congress to forbid polygamy in any territory wishing to apply for statehood. But the federal appeals court in Boston today ignored that history and declared Congress has no interest in keeping the definition of marriage the same as it has been for thousands of years. The U.S.

More than 2,000 military chaplains say ‘no’ to homosexual ‘marriage’

Image via Wikipedia WASHINGTON, October 13, 2011 ( ) – A coalition representing more than 2,000 Evangelical Christian military chaplains says its members will not perform homosexual “wedding” ceremonies. The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty announced October 5 that it is joining the Catholic Archdiocese for Military Services to say “no” to the September 30 Pentagon directive authorizing military chaplains to do homosexual “marriages.” “I was stunned at the memorandum that came out last Friday,”  said  Alliance executive director Dr. Ron Crews, who served as chaplain for 38 years.  “It appears to set the Department of Defense in opposition to Congress in that Congress has passed a definition of marriage that is now federal law.” The Alliance says that while the Pentagon acknowledges a chaplain’s right not to participate in homosexual “marriage” ceremonies, the new policy has placed the Pentagon “in the midst of a deeply controversial issue during a  Image via