
Showing posts with the label Christian Church

ussian Orthodox Church condemns gay ‘marriage’ legislation in UK, France

MOSCOW, March 11, 2013 ( ) - The Russian Orthodox Church , through its Department for External Church Relations, has issued a  statement  saying the same-sex "marriage" legislation in France and the UK is a "revolution in the European societies ’ understanding of marriage" that will lead to the eventual collapse of those societies. The document notes that the "Russian Orthodox Church preserves and defends the primary Christian understanding of marriage and family, sanctifies marital relations in the church Sacrament and asserts the importance of marriage for the wellbeing and development of society as a whole."  It adds, "In the countries which have embarked on the path of a radical revision of traditional family ethics, this process has resulted in a demographic crisis which is growing from year to year." "The revision of fundamental norms of family law on which the human community has been built for ce

Bahamas Baptist bishop: Strong, loving families 'last bastion against homosexual avalanche'

NASSAU, February 28, 2013, ( ) - A Baptist bishop says the best way to avert the growing homosexual subculture in the Bahamas is to promote and encourage stable, natural families. Bishop Simeon Hall, the senior pastor of New Covenant Baptist Church in Nassau and former president of the Bahamas Christian Council, said that spousal abuse, incest, and rape in families have irreversible negative effects on children and weaken families, contributing to the growth of a lesbian and homosexual community in the Bahamas. Bishop Hall said he believes that, although some persons choose a lesbian or homosexual lifestyle, "some studies show that most practicing homosexuals come from dysfunctional families ." "We must, in imitation of Christ, reach out with love to those persons chained to this lifestyle," the answer to the "homosexual avalanche" lies in promoting faithful marriages of one man to one woman, strenthening and supporti

New Zealand Churches say no to Homosexual Marriage

Church leaders will use their Sunday sermons this month to implore their congregations to speak out against gay marriage . With three weeks left for submissions on the bill to legalise gay marriage, the New Zealand Christian Network has asked members to write to the Government in opposition of the law change. In an email to be "read out in churches" this month, the network encourages Christians to "take time to seek God 's heart before writing their submission with grace and truth". National director of the New Zealand Christian Network Glyn Carpenter said it was "highly probable that this bill will not be good for New Zealand". "This bill on its own will not bring about the destruction of society as we know it," he said. "Marriage is already facing a number of challenges, and anyone with an ounce of common sense can see that families and society are weaker and poorer as a result. "What politicians should be doing is looking at w

Can Christians embrace a same-sex lifestyle and still be members in good standing in a Christian church?

Exodus International (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Can Christians embrace a same-sex lifestyle and still be members in good standing in a Christian church ? I've been asked to comment on the  controversy  provoked by a recent interview in the  Atlantic  with Alan Chambers , the president of Exodus International —an evangelical ministry founded to help Christians and non-Christians find freedom from the guilt and power of a same-sex lifestyle. Christians may debate public policy, but in this interview, Chambers raises issues that are very clearly addressed in Scripture . Especially when we are dealing with human lives, daring to draw our counsel from God , we need to affirm the simplicity of biblical teaching on the subject while rejecting an over-simplifying of the issues involved. The problem (sin and death) as well as the solution (redemption in Christ through the gospel) are simple, but hardly simplistic. In terms of sin, Scripture is quite clear about the condit

Christian Church facing a revolution that is shaking its foundations: the gay revolution

Image via Wikipedia The Christian church has faced no shortage of challenges in its 2,000-year history. But now it’s facing a challenge that is shaking its foundations: homosexuality. To many onlookers, this seems strange or even tragic. Why can’t Christians just join the revolution? And make no mistake, it is a moral revolution. As philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah of Princeton University demonstrated in his recent book, “The Honor Code ,” moral revolutions generally happen over a long period of time. But this is hardly the case with the shift we’ve witnessed on the question of homosexuality. In less than a single generation, homosexuality has gone from something almost universally understood to be sinful, to something now declared to be the moral equivalent of heterosexuality—and deserving of both legal protection and public encouragement. Theo Hobson , a British theologian, has argued that this is not just the waning of a taboo. Instead, it is a m Image via Wikipedia oral inv

Christian response to Homosexual Lives

The Demands of Love: A Christian Response to Homosexual Lives Written by Dr. David Kyle Foster    First Things First The first thing that love demands is that we repent for the unkind, unchristian and unloving ways in which Christians have in the past responded to those who struggle with homosexual confusion. We have condemned them in our hearts. We have reacted with revulsion and fear. We have considered ourselves better than they.  Many of us have simply turned away and offered no help at all. We have sinned as great a sin against them as they may have sinned against God (provided they have responded to their homosexual inclinations in ways that make them culpable before God). Scientific studies have shown that people are not naturally born homosexual. But what is also true is that most people with homosexual neurosis never consciously choose to have it. In fact, many (perhaps even most) spend endless years begging God to take it away. It is a condition of arrested em