
Showing posts with the label Christ

Jesus is talking about accepting singleness not that born eunuchs are gay

Some homosexual groups who do not understand the scriptures, or its meaning, point to Matthew 19:12 and attempt to say that Jesus supports the notion of BEING BORN GAY - when he speaks of three types of eunuchs and the first is a person born as a eunuch. However, the context of the conversation has to do with the disciples incorrect view of marriage.  Jesus was now alone in a house with the disciples (Mark 10:10), where they felt free to comment on what He had just been saying. They may have discussed divorce and remarriage with the Lord at some length before finally saying to Him, “If the relationship of the man with his wife is like this, it is better not to marry.” Because they had grown up in a culture where divorce was rampant, largely due to that rabbinical teaching which not only permitted but even required divorce for virtually any reason, the Twelve were more than a little perplexed by what Jesus taught. Many Jews considered divorce a virtue almost on a par with m

For those who are currently practicing homosexuals

Whatever the cause of your behavior, it is nevertheless sinful. The Bible admonishes you to repent of your interests and behavior. You must forsake them. Not to put too fine a point on it, these deeds are yours, and you will be held responsible. God will not allow you to blame someone else for your conduct, but, believe it or not, this truth is a source of great hope: The fact that homosexual desires and deeds are willful sins for which the person is morally responsible is overwhelmingly important if there is to be any hope in the Christian perspective on homosexuality. When responsibility for homosexuality is removed, hope for homosexuality as an unchangeable inner domination by those drives or desires doom the sinner to despair. And such despair is unnecessary, unwarranted, untrue to Scripture. Because homosexuality is sinful, there is divinely guaranteed hope for its reversal. Christ came to die for sinners and to deliver them by His Spirit from their sins. Not only has our

For those who find themselves interested in homosexuality

God ’s Word forbids desires that are sinful as well as deeds that are sinful. If the Bible prohibits a certain behavior, the longing for or the inclination toward performing such behavior is sinful as well. We are not contending that sins of inclination are the same (or as sinful) as the expression of that inclination into deeds, or homosexual acts. We are, however, asserting the biblical truth that both the desire for that which is sinful and the sinful acts themselves are morally unacceptable.  By recognizing a distinction between desire and deed, we have said nothing about the moral acceptability of either. Only God can determine the morality of any particular desire or action. Since God has declared homosexuality to be sinful, it necessarily follows that the desire or the inclination toward homosexuality is sinful as well. To use another example, as God has declared adultery to be contrary to His holiness, even the lusting after or the longing for adultery is forbidden ( Matt

Homosexuality - Which authority is final: my interpretation of my personal experience, or the revelation of God in Scripture?

The oft-repeated mantra “Scholarship has spoken, the homosexual case is closed” can bring great pressure to bear upon the Christian who seeks to be faithful to the Word’s moral imperatives. This is surely the case when the issue of homosexuality and the abiding relevance of God ’s moral law in our lives is under discussion. Many struggle to understand how scholars can know the Word with such depth, understand its backgrounds and its languages, and still conclude that behaviors such as homosexuality are viable alternatives for the believer. A compilation of articles by scholars at Princeton Seminary on the subject of homosexuality appeared in 1996, titled Homosexuality and Christian Community. The work was edited by Choon-Leong Seow , an Old Testament scholar and author of the widely used beginning Hebrew grammar A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew. Seow authored a chapter titled “A Heterosexual Perspective.” We have chosen to examine his conclusions as a very helpful example of how it

Is gay marriage a biblical covenant?

What is the truth about marriage? Biblically considered, marriage is to be between one man and one woman. A man is to leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife. One man and one woman are to become one flesh; they are to be joined together (Genesis 2:24). In marriage, the man and the woman are united in what the Bible calls a covenant (Malachi 2:14; Proverbs 2:17). The covenant is something that they have entered into. It is something outside of the man and woman; it is not of their design.  This covenant is God ’s design, and He has nowhere designed such a covenant for members of the same sex. Furthermore, the man and the woman are to be complementary to one another; they are to work together in the ways that God has prescribed (Genesis 1:27–29; 2:20–24; Proverbs 31:10–31; 1 Corinthians 7:2–5).  Part of this “complementariness” is seen in the role of the married man and woman in their ability to produce children, solely possible with two sexes ( Genesis 1:28 ; Malachi

Bible - Homosexuality is a degrading passion or indecent act

Objection Stated Paul does not identify homosexuality, which is indeed mentioned in Romans 1 :26–27, as sin. This seems to be the thrust of L. William Countryman when he writes, “The idea that Paul was labeling homosexual acts as sinful can be upheld only if one can show that he used other terms here with an equivalent meaning.” And in a public debate, this was ACLU board member and head of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State Barry Lynn’s common refrain when dealing with Romans 1, that Paul specifically avoided saying homosexuality was a sin. Biblical Response This revisionist attempt is surely one of the weakest offered, for it requires us to believe all of the following propositions: first, that in the midst of demonstrating the awful sinfulness of idolatry and its punishment, Paul would insert a sentence where he switches subjects to something that, while possibly “unusual” in a social sense, is not actually sinful; second, that the context is t


As noted above, however, this clamor for the acceptability of homosexuality, which is heard even in the church, is not without a stated authoritative base. The people making this claim appeal to the Bible and assert that a homosexual lifestyle is perfectly compatible with its teaching. The same-sex controversy is, at its core, a controversy over the authority and interpretation of the Bible. Throughout the history of the church, and revealed in the historical understanding of Scripture,5 homosexuality has been seen as contrary to the morality set forth in the pages of the Bible. Today, however, we are being told that the moral opposition to homosexuality, based in and upon Scripture, is actually a rather recent phenomenon. We are being “informed” that the Bible nowhere condemns homosexuality as it is predominantly known and practiced today and that, as a matter of fact, a lifestyle of committed homosexuality is consistent with biblical morality. Ironically, this makes for a remar

"Will I be fully accepted at your church as a gay man?"

Below is my response to an email I received that asked the following question: “I believe church should be for all of God’s children. No exceptions. I am a gay man . My question is, would I be fully accepted with no judgment and fully welcome and able to serve at Ashland Avenue Baptist Church ?” I have changed all of the identifying information, but other than that, my response is in full below. I hope that it will be helpful to others facing similar questions.    Dear D, Welcome home to the beautiful Bluegrass. It is great to hear from you and to hear of your previous connection with Ashland. What a ministry this church has had for almost 100 years. As to your question, it depends on what you mean by “I am a gay man” and what you mean by “accepted completely with no judgment and fully welcome and able to serve at Ashland Avenue?” If by “I am a gay man” you mean that you struggle with same-sex attraction , recognizing any sexual activity outside of a covenant marriage

Former gay activist battles megaphone protest at Sydney University

The University of Sydney logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) About 100 students provided a rowdy backdrop to a lunchtime talk by former gay activist-turned-Christian family man James Parker at the Sydney University campus today. The protesters from various groups on campus attempted to disrupt the meeting, held by Sydney University Catholic Society as part of a weeklong series of events on issues concerning life and the human condition. The events come in the same week that the Sydney University Union (USU) backed down on removing faith-based membership clauses for religious societies, including the Catholic Society. The USU Board, in a statement, said it was proposing the establishment of an ongoing “Faith Roundtable” to promote greater interfaith and intercultural understanding. Constant heckling, catcalls and booming megaphone speeches failed to silence Parker, who insisted he loved his brothers and sisters outside the tent just as much as the audience inside the tent. “It’s not

Ex-gay man: ‘Homosexuality is just another human brokenness’

Dean Bailey , 50, is not afraid to tell anyone he is living proof that ‘ sexual orientation’ can in fact be changed. But he prefers to use the word ‘restored’ rather than ‘changed.’ Bailey remembers how from an early age he felt different from other boys. He felt he did not fit in and thought of himself as awkward, out of place. He remembers never feeling treasured or affirmed by his dad who was an alcoholic and who consumed pornography. Bailey believes this began a pattern of turning to other males to find the affirmation he never received from his dad. When a new outgoing boy began to attend school when Bailey was in grade three, he remembers trying hard to become the boy’s friend. It was during a sleepover at the boy’s house that Bailey was introduced to sexual play, including streaking and oral copulation . The experience not only robbed him of his childhood innocence, but awakened in him a sense of sexual curiosity. From here, Bailey became preoccupied with images of