
Showing posts with the label Catechism of the Catholic Church

Catholic schools’ approach to homosexuality at odds with bishops’ statement: concerned parents

Image via Wikipedia Catholics parents are concerned that the pastoral approach to homosexuality advocated by the Ontario bishops’ curriculum arm is at loggerheads with the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops ’ recent strongly-worded letter on ministering to youth with same-sex attractions. The CCCB warned in a pastoral letter June 27th that misrepresentation and silence about the Church’s teaching in this area can have serious consequences for youth.   “Avoidance of difficult questions or watering down the Church’s teaching is always a disservice,” the letter said.  “Such attitudes could lead young people into grave moral danger.” As head of ICE, Sr. Cronin exercises considerable influence in the Ontario Catholic educational system .  Her group oversees development of Catholic curriculum, including the Fully Alive family life program. They also worked with the Ontario government in developing the controversial equity and inclusive education strategy. Lobo pointed out that
Image via Wikipedia The superintendent in charge of “equity and inclusion” at the Toronto Catholic school board , who has come under fire from Catholic parents and ratepayers after appearing to ridicule Catholic teaching on homosexuality, says his comments were “taken out of context.” The school board did not respond to a direct question about whether superintendent Keyes agrees with the Church’s teaching that homosexual acts are gravely depraved and the homosexual inclination is “objectively disordered,” as stated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church . In an interview with Xtra, Canada ’s top gay magazine, on June 22, Patrick Keyes appeared to ridicule an amendment that would have required the Catechism of the Catholic Church to be referenced whenever homosexuality is discussed.   “[The amendment] stated that every time a teacher spoke about homosexuality they had to also say to students, ‘By the way, you’re intrinsically disordered,’” he said. “For some people, [homosexual

Praying to the god of anti-homophobia at Catholic school board?

Image via Wikipedia The Toronto Catholic school board , the largest in Canada, opened a workshop to develop their policy on equity and inclusive education earlier this year with a prayer calling the homosexual inclination a “manifestation of [God’s] goodness.” The revelation has Catholic parents calling foul and pleading for the bishops of Ontario to have another look at the equity policy. The prayer, read at the January 24th meeting, asked Christ to “give us all the grace to own our sexual identity, whatever its orientation, as another manifestation of your goodness.” “Give us the vision to recognize and reject the homophobia around us and in our own hearts, as well,” it added. The revelation heightens concerns that some at the board are using the equity policy, which comes as part of the Ontario government’s mandatory and controversial equity and inclusive education strategy, to subvert Catholic teaching in the area of homosexuality. Sr. Joan Cronin, head of the Ontario bishops