
Showing posts with the label Cardinal Newman Society

Los Angeles archbishop suspends faculties of ‘Catholics for Equality’ priest

LOS ANGELES, September 14, 2012 ( ) - A priest who helped found a gay ‘marriage’ advocacy group for Catholics has been suspended from distributing the sacraments or representing himself publicly as a cleric by his bishop. Archbishop Gomez The National Catholic Register reported Monday that Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles had spoken to Rev. Joseph Palacios, co-founder of “Catholics for Equality” (CFE), a small group created two years ago with strong connections to the Human Rights Campaign . Palacios  described  the purpose of his outreach at Princeton University in February 2011, where he called the Church’s faithful the key target for effecting cultural shift in favor of homosexuality.  “The denominations are already lined up. The only group that isn’t lined up is the Catholics,” said Palacios, who was wearing a Roman collar . In Maine and California, where efforts at marriage redefinition failed, he said, “it was 3-5% of Catholics that could hav

Catholic college denies petition for homosexual club

English: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) pride flag under a "No" symbol. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) CENTER VALLEY, Pennsylvania , August 9, 2012 ( ) - An online petition circulated by an alumnus aims to push  DeSales University , a faithful Catholic college, to reconsider the decision to not allow a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender student-run organization on campus. The petition has led to a strong response from the university. DeSales alumnus Tim Gallagher reportedly posted a  petition  on in response to repeated denials by university officials to allow an LGBT student group on campus. The petition has garnered only 383 signatures at the time of publication, not all of whom are students or graduates of the Pennsylvania college . “We are truly a Catholic institution, so we wouldn’t formally endorse or support a group in direct contradiction to Church teaching,” Vice President of Student Life Jerry Joyce told

Obama admin: birth control forced next gay marriage?

WASHINGTON, January 20, 2012 ( ) - After being deluged with complaints from outraged religious groups, Obama’s health department has dug in its heels, saying its decision to force employers to provide abortifacient birth control drugs will continue as planned - although faith-based groups will be given a year reprieve. In response, U.S. Catholic bishops have not minced words, vowing to fight the order as “literally unconscionable.” Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius   announced  Friday that faith-based entities like hospitals and universities will have until August 1, 2013 to provide employees with free birth control as part of their insurance packages. The mandate will also force such groups to pay for sterilizations and, because the FDA has approved abortifacient drugs such as Ella as “contraception.” The mandate is being implemented as part of the new health care legislation that was passed in March 2010 despite vigorous opposition from U.S. Cat

Philadelphia Catholic college revises code after firing homosexual prof.

Image via Wikipedia PHILADELPHIA, December 13, 2011  - A small Catholic college in Philadelphia has revised its policies to end employment discrimination based on “sexual orientation [or] gender identity ” after its firing of an openly gay dissident priest set off a controversy, reports the  Cardinal Newman Society . While the cleric said he felt “vindicated” by the change, the school says the change simply reflects recent changes in city non-discrimination rules. Chestnut Hill College leaders earlier this year explained that the college terminated an adjunct teaching contract with Jim St. George, who presented himself as “Fr. George,” when the college discovered that he was engaged in a long-term relationship with another man. St. George is a member of the  Old Catholic Apostolic Church of the Americas , a group that broke away from the Catholic Church in the 19th century. “At the time St. George joined our faculty, he presented himself as Father St. George and openly wore a tradi

‘More Than a Monologue’ preaches homosexuality at Catholic universities

December 6, 2011 - Two Catholic universities have hosted a series funded by gay rights leaders that criticized the Church’s stance against same-sex ‘marriage’ - after the schools’ presidents assured bishops that the event would not be used as a “vehicle for dissent,” the Cardinal Newman Society   reports . “More Than a Monologue: Sexual Diversity and the Catholic Church” is described on the Fairfield University website as “an unprecedented collaboration ... to change the conversation about sexual diversity and the Catholic Church.” The seminar was held in October at the Jesuit Fordham and Fairfield Universities, as well as two Christian insitutions, Yale Divinity School and Union Theological Seminary . “For too long, the conversation on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues in the Roman Catholic Church has been only a monologue — the sole voice being heard is that of the institutional Catholic Church,” states the organizers. “We must engage in more than a monologue by havi

Chicago’s Jesuit-run Loyola U. drag show asks: ‘what does your gender mean to you?’

Image via Wikipedia  The Jesuit -run Loyola University of Chicago again hosted an annual drag show on the university campus last week, featuring a lineup of crossdressers and inviting students to “question why gender is rigidly controlled.” “We all step in line when it comes to gender. Men wear pants. Women put on makeup. Girls get pink and boys blue,” states Advocate LUC, the school’s gay rights group, on the event’s Facebook site. “This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it can be if we never question why gender is rigidly controlled.” One of the participants in Loyola University's "drag" fashion show. Students were invited to “a night of inquiry, fun and dance as students perform in drag and share their experiences with their peers.” (Pictures of the event are available  here .) Patrick Reilly of the Cardinal Newman Society , which noted the annual event on  its blog  this week, said the event betrays the trust of parents who wish to send their teens to a genuinel