
Showing posts with the label Cameron

Split among Tories on gay ‘marriage’ a ‘disaster for Cameron,’ says top marriage campaigner

 David Cameron, Leader of the Conservative Party, United Kingdom, Photo credit: Wikipedia ) LONDON, February 5, 2013 ( ) – With  the passage  of the government’s gay “marriage” bill today, Prime Minister David Cameron ’s days as leader of the Conservative Party may be numbered, according to a top marriage campaigner and one of the UK's leading newspapers. The bill passed overwhelmingly earlier this evening, but at the cost of the cohesion of the party, and possibly the next general election. In tonight’s vote, the Daily Mail reports that of 303 Tory MPs in the House, 139 voted against the wishes of their leader, a sign that the Conservative Party is struggling with a crisis of unity. Today Cameron, faced with the biggest Tory rebellion in the party’s history, was forced to rely on support from political rivals Labour and the Liberal Democrats to pass his legislation. The majority of those refusing to support “gay marriage” were backbenchers, but the

‘Gay marriage’ will destroy Tory party’s chances in 2015 election: poll

English: David Cameron's picture on the 10 Downing Street website (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) LONDON February 4, 2013 ( ) – A ComRes poll released this weekend has shown that Prime Minister David Cameron ’s insistence on pushing through same-sex “marriage” will almost certainly cost him the government at the 2015 election. The poll, commissioned by the group Campaign for Marriage, has indicated just how damaging the issue has been for the Conservative party . It found that 20 per cent of Conservative Party voters agreed with the statement, “I would have considered voting Conservative at the next election but will definitely not if the Coalition Government legalises same-sex marriage”.    The numbers, while suggesting that a small majority of party voters support same-sex “marriage,” also show that the party has lost enough support that it will be impossible to win the next general election.    The marriage bill, described by the government as a “sma

UK: 58 cross-party MPs oppose same-sex ‘marriage’

LONDON, December 17, 2012 ( ) – 58 Members of Parliament, from all three main parties,  have announced  their opposition to the UK coalition government’s plans to institute “gay marriage”. In a letter to the government, the group said they are “united in supporting the institution of marriage defined in law as a union between a man and a woman”. They added that they “recognise the value of a loving and committed relationship,” and “respect civil partnership”. One leading pro-family organization, however, said it will take more than this to stop the determination of the Prime Minister, and that an all-out public rebellion will be required. A rebellion is brewing in David Cameron's Conservative Party, and some insiders worry that gay "marriage" could spell the demise of the party. The group of MPs noted that at the time of the last general election none of the three main parties included a policy of redefining marriage. “It was not contained in a

The ‘disciple of Nero’: UK bishop castigates David Cameron over gay ‘marriage’ plans

LONDON, December 10, 2012 ( ) – In a two-page letter to Prime Minister David Cameron , Joseph Devine , the Catholic bishop of Motherwell in Scotland, has compared Cameron to Nero , the Roman emperor who persecuted Christians , for his determination to bring forward “gay marriage.”  Cameron and his government are “devoid of moral competence,” wrote Bishop Devine, adding that that no one believes their promises that the churches will be immune from legal action by homosexualist activists if gay “marriage” is legalized. Cameron is “out of his depth” and is speaking out of both sides of his mouth when giving assurances to British Christians, the bishop said. Cameron told media this weekend that he is in favour of churches being “allowed” to conduct “gay weddings.” The bishop also brought Cameron to task over his government’s pursuit of  a legal case  at the European Court of Human Rights against Christians being allowed to wear crosses at work. Such contr

David Cameron faces ‘biggest Tory rebellion in modern times’ over gay ‘marriage’ plans

LONDON, November 28, 2012 ( ) – With nearly 120 MPs ready to rebel against David Cameron ’s plans to create same-sex “marriage,” a project that appeared in no Tory policy book during the last election campaign, the UK prime minister is facing a crucial test of his leadership of the Conservative Party . The Daily mail  revealed  this week that 118 Tory MPs have written to their constituents that they intend to oppose any bill brought forward to change the legal definition of marriage, a development that the Daily Mail is calling the “biggest Tory rebellion in modern times”. Parliamentary sources have said that a bill could be released “within a few weeks”. Since the announcement of the plan to redefine marriage in September 2011, the plan has met with steadily increasing opposition not only from conservative Christian groups, but from within Cameron’s own party. The government angered voters when its public consultation only allowed discussion on “how” to legal

Gays protest Kirk Cameron's Christian conference on marriage

Actor Kirk Cameron, at Calvary Baptist Church in Manhattan, May 5, 2007. Photo by Luigi Novi. You are free to use this photo as long as I am visibly credited in each instance in which it is used. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Protesters gathered in front of the Great Auditorium in Ocean Grove, New Jerser last Friday to rally against actor Kirk Cameron 's presence at a Christian conference, claiming his expressed convictions on marriage are harmful to gays and lesbians. Reportedly 100 protesters, mainly part of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community ( LGBT ), marched silently in front of the Great Auditorium to protest Cameron's Christian views regarding homosexuality. The protesters, a part of the self-described civil rights group Ocean Grove United, marched with signs that read "Kirk! Your Words Hurt Us!" as roughly 6,000 couples showed up to hear Cameron speak on "Love Worth Fighting For," a presentation on Christian marriage . In

A gay man opposes Cameron's Homosexual Marriage obsession

When David Cameron committed the Government to supporting same-sex marriage some months ago, he declared: ‘I don’t support gay marriage despite being a Conservative. I support gay marriage because I’m a Conservative.’ His argument being that the party should support a long-term commitment in any relationship. The unexpected policy shift caused uproar in the Tory Party in Parliament and across the country. A poll by Catholic Voice of 550 gay men and women suggested only 40 per cent identified the change in marriage as their priority Now, a submission by the Church of England into the Government’s consultation on gay marriage has warned of an historic division between the Church’s canon law — that marriage is between a man and a woman — and Parliament. It suggests the schism could even lead to ‘disestablishment’, a split between the Church and the State, and the removal of the Queen as Supreme Governor of the Church. Calculated Despite the opposition of ever