
Showing posts with the label California Proposition 8 (2008)

Prop. 8 backers: judge’s gay relationship voids ruling

Image via Wikipedia After the judge who struck down California ’s traditional marriage amendment last August confirmed a long-standing sexual relationship with another man earlier this month, pro-family backers have called for the ruling to be thrown out as clearly biased. Protect Marriage, the coalition defending California’s Proposition 8 , had at first remained silent when Justice Vaughn Walker on April 6 confirmed strong rumors that he was in a homosexual relationship.  Walker, who presided over the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California before retiring last February, said he never considered recusing himself from the case in which he ruled Prop. 8 unconstitutional for defining marriage as between a man and a woman. He called it a “slippery slope” to consider a judge’s sexuality a possible source of conflict of interest. Walker had refused to confirm or deny the rumors of his relationship while the Prop. 8 case was ongoing. Pro-family constitutional at

Judge Walker's own homosexuality must vacate

Image via Wikipedia Proposition 8 is an amendment to California’s State Constitution. It was passed by a comfortable margin via ballot initiative in 2008.  Prop 8 maintained the age-old definition of marriage in the Golden State as requiring binary male-female compatibility. It remains tied-up in Federal Court today. Back in February of 2010 it became rumored that retired Federal Judge Vaughn Walker – who presided over the case at the District level – was a practitioner of the homosexual lifestyle. It was further reported that he had a longtime male lover. Judge Walker refused to confirm or deny the rumors. At the time I was one of the few people to publicly call for his recusal . It’s inexplicable that attorneys defending Prop 8 didn’t make such a motion. With Judge Walker’s recent admission that he does in fact practice homosexuality, the case for recusal has been proven. His ruling on the Prop 8 case should be immediately vacated as he possessed both an incontrovertible and