
Showing posts with the label CANBERRA

Australia's High Court says NO to Homosexual Marriage

Homosexual couples who rashly went ahead and wed last weekend in the ACT, and sought to influence both public opinion and the High Court will have their marriages annulled after the High Court ruled against the laws . Today the High Court in Canberra unanimously ruled that the laws were inconsistent with the Federal Marriage Act, and were therefore unconstitutional. The ruling is a victory for the Commonwealth , for the majority of ordinary thinking Australians who believe marriage is between a man and a woman, for Churches, for all religious organizations, for all church schools, church hospitals and other religious non-profit organizations and just ordinary people. The ACT tried to argue that its laws could sit beside the federal legislation because it had defined a different type of marriage between same-sex couples . However, the unintended consequences of this proposal was obvious but homosexual politicians who are zealots could not see they were setting up more problems for

Confused lesbianians lured by homosexuals zealot legislation

The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Emily Jehne and Ellie Filler were married in their backyard by some celebrant.  The 26-year-old medical student and 29-year-old teacher were among couples to wed under the ACT's same-sex marriage legislation, holding a brief ceremony in Canberra on Sunday. The couple have been together for almost a decade. The inference of this article is that the 29 years had a lesbian sexual relationship with a sixteen year old. The article does not mention family members who agree or disagree with this long term immoral relationship.  The question is recognizable by whom? Peers? The Apostle Paul condemns homosexuality and in fact identifies lesbianism first as the worst sin, and that God has given them over to their shameful lusts. Romans 1:26 "Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones." The Bible clearly says the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men an

High Court Transcript shows ACT's Homosexual Marriage Act will create confusion

The Commonwealth of Australia v The Australian Capital Territory [2013] HCATrans 299 (3 December 2013) Last Updated: 3 December 2013 [2013] HCATrans 299 IN THE HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA Office of the Registry Canberra No C13 of 2013 B e t w e e n  - THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Plaintiff and THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY Defendant FRENCH CJ HAYNE J CRENNAN J KIEFEL J BELL J KEANE J TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS AT CANBERRA ON TUESDAY, 3 DECEMBER 2013, AT 10.15 AM Copyright in the High Court of Australia MR J.T. GLEESON, SC , Solicitor-General of the Commonwealth :  May it please the Court, I appear with  MR M.P. KEARNEY, SC ,  MR C.L. LENEHAN  and  MR G.A. HILL , for the Commonwealth as plaintiff. (instructed by Australian Government Solicitor ) MR P.J.F. GARRISSON, SC , Solicitor-General of the Australian Capital Territory) :  May it please the Court, I appear for the defendant with my learned friends,  MS K.L. EASTMAN, SC  and  MS H. YOUNAN . (