
Showing posts with the label Biology and sexual orientation

Born Gay just no way!

The confused and sinful bisexual flag and Gay flag put together (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Randy Thomasson explains that's " Not Born This Way " webpage aims to educate individuals on the truth about alternate sexual orientations . The page provides facts about LGBT lifestyles, as well as scientific research disproving the popular claim that people are born homosexual . "Without any reputable evidence, the entertainment culture, the uneducated media and homosexual activists have seduced today's teenagers, in particular, to believe that people are born homosexual," Thomasson recognizes. "However, science has found no biological basis for homosexuality, bisexuality or transsexuality." Randy ThomassonOn average, says the pro-family group, the homosexual lifestyle has higher rates of cancer, sexually-transmitted diseases and early deaths than those found among heterosexuals. He also notes that the American Psychological Asso

God made me gay: No way!

XYY (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Homosexuals today commonly claim that they cannot help being homosexual. Homosexuality, they argue, is innate: perhaps genetically determined, in any case inescapable. It is what they are. God made them that way. Therefore, they conclude, church and society should accept their homosexuality as natural and normal. Similar questions arise in other areas. Some years ago, it was learned that an abnormally high proportion of men with a “double y” ( XYY ) chromosome engage in anti-social or criminal behavior . Later came the discovery that a certain gene is associated with a relatively high percentage of alcoholics. And still more recently, Simon LeVay , a gay activist and neuroscientist, argued that there are some significant differences between the brains of exclusive homosexuals and those of presumed heterosexuals. Does this research imply that homosexuality is an innate condition rather than a choice? Can it not be helped, and therefore accepted as nor