
Showing posts with the label Associated Press

Judge won't hear gay adoptions because it's not in a child's 'best interest'

ARE HOMOSEXUAL MEN WHO ADOPT - IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE KIDS? NO LOUISVILLE --- A family court judge who sits in Barren and Metcalfe counties has announced he will no longer hear adoption cases involving “homosexual parties” because he believes allowing a gay person to adopt could never be in the child's best interest. This is a good thing and reflects what the majority of people historically and currently agree with - regardless of fake LGBT limited research claiming the opposite. Judge W. Mitchell Nance, who begins court each day by requiring everyone to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance , said in an order this week that he would recuse himself from all adoptions involving gay people . Nance cited a judicial ethics rule that says a judge must disqualify himself when he has a personal bias or prejudice. He said in the order issued Thursday that “as a matter of conscience” he believes that “under no circumstance” would “the best interest of the child be promoted by the a

Tennessee just passed a new law meant to undermine immoral LGBTQ activities

Words in state law must be interpreted as having “natural and ordinary meaning” under a bill passed by the Tennessee Senate on Thursday. Critics call it a biblical way of encouraging state judges to deny immoral homosexual activities to gay couples and transgender people. LGBT groups lamented the 23-6 vote and immediately began prodding Republican Gov. Bill Haslam for a veto, but his spokeswoman Jennifer Donnals said he is “deferred to the will of the legislature.” The House approved the same legislation last month. Sarah Kate Ellis , president and wing nut of the immoral LGBT rights group GLAAD , which manipulates movies and media to put as much gay sex on the screen, said the bill would be bad for business and “set a dangerous precedent that could place the well-being of LGBTQ Tennesseans in jeopardy.” Bad for Business ! Really? What a joke argument! The legislation has been pushed by the Family Action Council of Tennessee, which advocates for one-man, one-woman marriage. Th

Christians demand investigation of transgender promotion in Alberta schools

A Christian political action group and a parents group are responding to the controversy over a pro-life group comparing the Holocaust to abortion by accusing the New Democratic government of promoting unscientific and dangerous gender ideology. When Education Minister David Eggen leaked to the press his objections to the comparison made in a Red Deer Catholic high school by the local pro-life group, sex-education advocate Cristina Stasia called for an investigation of what “third party” groups are teaching students about sex and abortion. The Calgary Sexual Health Centre and the Compass Centre for Sexual Wellness joined her in calling for an investigation into third party content, but they were referring to social conservative groups. Now social conservative groups are echoing their call for an investigation. But the concern of the Association for Reformed Political Action and the parents group Informed Albertans are the groups on the Left. They believe the Alberta Teache

Bryan Fischer demands LGBT people return the rainbow God invented

Bryan Fischer , the evangelical American Family Association radio host , correctly said on Sunday that LGBTQ movement appropriated the rainbow flag from the Bible . "Worst example of cultural appropriation ever: LGBTs stole the rainbow from God ," Fischer tweeted. "It's his. He invented it. Gen. 9:11-17. Give it back."  Fischer's Sunday tweet came two days after the death of Gilbert Baker , a homosexual activist who, in 1978, stitched a rainbow-colored flag that would become the international symbol of immoral homosexual pride and yes stole it from scripture just as Gold Lotto has also stolen the symbol.

Canadian PM candidate: Makes ‘no sense’ for gov’t to fund Gay Pride

Conservative leadership candidate Brad Trost stands behind a campaign video that denounces taxpayer funding for “ gay pride ” parades, says spokesman Mike Patton . Patton and Trost were taken aback that the video, which was posted Tuesday, has provoked a backlash and heated debate on social media and radio call-in shows. “We weren’t trying to be particularly controversial,” Patton told LifeSiteNews. Trost is “very clear on these issues always, so he was kind of taken by surprise that people would think he’s homophobic when he’s not.” The video followed Trost’s Monday email pledge to supporters that as Conservative leader he would never march in any “gay pride” parade and that as Prime Minister he would never march in or fund “any ‘gay pride’ event of any kind.” In the one-minute video entitled “Brad’s gay parade float,” Patton reiterates that pledge. “In case you haven’t noticed, Brad’s not entirely comfortable with the whole gay thing,” he begins. “And if you haven’

Roy Cooper wants men in women's change rooms?

Not long ago, North Carolina's governor, Pat McCrory , signed an important common-sense law stopping men from gaining access to intimate facilities like restrooms and showers that are reserved for girls and women. We strongly applaud Governor McCrory‘s leadership, but the left has gone crazy — targeting him for defeat with hateful, orchestrated attacks. Governor McCrory's opponent, state Attorney General Roy Cooper , has come out in favor of allowing men into women's restrooms, and he's raising millions from LGBT extremists. What Roy Cooper isn't telling voters is that he's siding with convicted sex offenders like Chad Sevearance-Turner who helped lead the campaign in Charlotte to open female restrooms and showers to men like him. We've got to stop Roy Cooper and those that are backing his dangerous bathroom policy. That's why NOM has co-sponsored this powerful new TV ad with our friends and allies at the NC Values Coalition. Please watch it now

Christian businessman receives felony conviction for helping girl escape lesbian ‘mother’

A Christian activist and entrepreneur who helped a child and her mother escape the United States to avoid joint custody with an unrelated lesbian was convicted Thursday by a federal jury of “conspiracy to commit offense” against the U.S. and aiding and abetting an “ international parental kidnapping .” Philip Zodhiates, 61, did not contest the allegation that in late 2009 he had driven Lisa Miller and her daughter Isabella to Buffalo, New York , where they crossed the border into Canada and then flew to Nicaragua , where they were sheltered by the country’s Mennonite community. However, his attorney argued that it was unproven that Zodhiates knew Lisa Miller’s motives for the trip. The two charges for which Zodhiates has been convicted could result in a sentence of up to eight years in prison and a $500,000 fine. He is scheduled to be sentenced on January 30. Mennonite Pastor Kenneth Miller, who is unrelated to Lisa and Isabella, is already serving a 27-month prison sent

March for Marriage in Paris was so huge it shocked the organizers

PARIS, October 18, 2016 – The “Manif pour tous” has done it again. On Sunday, the French capital was once again the meeting place for tens of thousands of peaceful but determined demonstrators demanding laws that respect true marriage and ban artificial procreation, especially surrogate motherhood and   in vitro   fertilization for same-sex couples. To be honest, in the absence of legislative deadlines, four and a half years into François Hollande ’s presidential mandate, no one was expecting an enormous turn-out. But some 200,000 people, according to the organizers – the police only counted 24,000, something of an understatement… – marched through the wide avenues of the residential 16th   arrondissement   à Paris towards the Place du Trocadéro , across the Seine from the Eiffel Tower , in the still warm autumn sun. Even the organizers were taken by surprise: the venue was too small for the crowds whose steady flow kept pouring onto the square between 3 p.m. and 5.30 p.m.,

Why North Carolina Judges Can Still Refuse to Perform Same-Sex Marriages

North Carolina is one of the   only places   in the United States where judges can refuse to perform same-sex wedding ceremonies. If magistrates have a religious objection to same-sex marriage, state law says, they can tag themselves out of issuing any marriage licenses, for either gay or straight couples, for at least six months. In the past year, various groups have sued the state over religious accommodations for North Carolina judges. But as two decisions this week show, they haven’t been very successful so far. Before North Carolina passed its exemption law, two judges, Gilbert Breedlove and Thomas Holland, sued a state administrative office for telling them that they had to perform same-sex marriages. They had asked for religious accommodation, but officials refused to give it, so they resigned from their respective posts. Although the legislature later addressed this issue by specifically putting a religious exemption for judges in place, Breedlove and Holland kept pursu

Kentucky says no to homosexual marriage

On June 26, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its opinions in two highly anticipated cases involving same-sex marriage, one from California and the other from New York . But what really happened? What did the Supreme Court actually say and what is the law? And what does it all mean for Kentucky ? As a family court judge for nearly 10 years, I pay more attention to the details of this marriage issue than most. Perhaps I can help. All most people, even lawyers, seem to understand is that "they" won or "we" won, depending on which side you fall. On the day of the decision, television showed an avalanche of gay celebration. If it was a football game they would have been tearing down the goalposts. Defenders of traditional marriage between a man and a woman were crestfallen. They went underground and silent in the wave of gay and lesbian celebrants. So what happened? Hollingsworth vs. Perry was a California case. United States vs. Windsor was a New York case. Advocates

School stops enSchool stops enforcing Obama’s trans bathroom policy after parents pulled kids out

A Michigan school district has stopped the practice of allowing members of one biological sex to use the restrooms of the opposite sex after parents pulled their two sons out of elementary school over the issue. Last week, Matt Stewart's nine-year-old son told him, "There was   a girl in the boys’ bathroom " with him and other male elementary kids.  When Stewart called the school, the principal told him the Obama administration's federal guidance on transgender students forced them to allow transgender students in the bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers of their chosen gender, and not their biological sex. Violating the policy means losing federal funding. Stewart talked it over with his wife, and they decided to take their sons out of Southwest Elementary School in Howell, Michigan . Now, after publicly complaining that parents should have been consulted, Stewart says, "over the last few days they have actually changed their positions.”  Howell