
Showing posts with the label Antonin Scalia

Pope Francis same-sex ‘marriage’ in exhortation

Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation   Amoris Laetitia   is a sprawling document that seeks to address the wide variety of challenges facing the family today – from widespread divorce, pornography, artificial reproductive technologies, gender theory , cohabitation, internal family strife, and much more. Much of the debate over the document will likely focus on Pope Francis’   treatment of the question   of whether the Church can admit divorced and remarried Catholics to the sacraments. The furor over the so-called 'Kasper proposal' to loosen the Church's restrictions had dominated the headlines and discussions during last year's Synod on the Family . In today's exhortation, the pope   stakes out   a markedly more liberal position on the issue than his precedessors. (Read about that   here .) However, on numerous other hot-button issues, the Pope upholds the traditional teaching, including on abortion, euthanasia, gender theory, gay ‘marriage,’ and more.

Catholic diocese cancels gala fundraiser rather than host entertainer in a gay ‘marriage’

English: A procession of the during the first Annual Southeastern Eucharistic Congress in , USA. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) CHARLOTTE, North Carolina,  – A U.S. Catholic diocese called off an annual charitable event rather than host a performer living in obvious violation of Church teaching on marriage. The Diocese of Charlotte, N.C. , confirmed for LifeSiteNews it did not follow through with its March 12 Catholic Charities Gala for Hope in Asheville once it learned the entertainer booked for the event is in a homosexual “marriage,” and said that it was not acceptable for the diocese to have someone perform at one of its events while the person is in open conflict with Church teaching. Singer Katrina (Kat) Williams appeared the last two years for the event and was booked to perform again, but said she was informed March 1 by Catholic Charities Executive Director Gerry Carter she would not be needed for this year’s event because Charlotte Bishop Peter Jugis had read a 2013

First Aussie PM participates in open homosexual explicit March

Hot on the heels of a Federal election will be a plebiscite to redefine marriage to allow lesbian, gay, transgender, queer, intersex and others to get 'married'. Well, that’s if 'Mardi Gras Malcolm' has his way. Family First is leading the charge to keep marriage the way that it is. We are very concerned about the Liberals ’ announcement the ‘ Yes ’ and ‘No’ campaigns will not get much funding, and the media bias and censorship preventing the ‘No’ camp getting its fair say. This is just one of the many reasons why I support free speech – so you and I can speak freely about our views on marriage without fear of retribution or prosecution. Related articles Turnbull tacks to the Right. UPDATE: Shorten abuses the Right ( Some questions and answers about child marriage in the U.S. ( Safe Schools program: why zealots are trying to drag us back to the dark ages ( Australian PM orders 'investigation&

Michigan Catholic dioceses cave in to employee benefits to include same-sex partners

English: Saint Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, 530 Elizabeth Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The church is in the Register of Michigan State Historic Sites. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) In response to the U.S. Supreme Court ’s same-sex “marriage” ruling, Catholic organizations in Michigan at every level will be extending their health plans to any adult who co-habits with an employee, whether a sibling, uncle, mother, best friend or same-sex partner. Critics say the move means sacrificing Church teachings to appease “radical progressive” forces in American society. David Maluchnik, communications director of the Michigan Catholic Conference, the umbrella organization negotiating health coverage for 8,400 employees of Catholic churches , schools and agencies in the state,  said the   Obergefell v. Hodges ruling forced the conference’s hand. “We would be open to litigation and we would have lost,” he said, because the existing plan covered only employees, their children and th

Homosexual Agenda: Force Georgia to water down religious freedoms

The Georgia legislature succumbed to pressure from the Human Rights Campaign and other LGBT extremists and significantly watered down religious liberty protections before sending the legislation (HB 757) to Governor Nathan Deal for his signature. Incredibly, it's possible that Governor Deal will not sign even the modest protections in the bill, which are designed to protect pastors and religious groups from having to perform same-sex 'weddings' or forcing them to be hosted at their facilities. Opponents of the bill like to talk about “discrimination” but the fact of the matter is that the only people who've been discriminated against when it comes to gay 'marriage' are people of faith. Individuals, small businesses and religious organizations have been sued, fined, punished and threatened with jail simply for standing up for the truth of marriage in their daily lives. Over fifty million people in nearly three dozen states across our great nation went t

Australia: Homosexual Marriage should not be decided by a popular vote

Gay Couple with child (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Australia: The ABC News presented both side to the Homosexual debate unfortunately the pro- homosexual marriage position presented by  David Van Mill ( Associate Professor in Political Science and International Relations at the University of Western Australia ) presents a faulty and false argument.  Do we really need a plebiscite on same-sex marriage? The people who think so do at least get one thing right: marriage is a political matter . Response: Marriage is not a political matter - the only interest Government has in marriage is for the propagation of children, healthy and educated to become tax payers and workers for the future. This is their interest alone with marriage.  This debate is not about whether or not same-sex marriages are compatible with any moral or religious beliefs. It is about how we should decide their legality: via Parliament or a plebiscite. Response:  Wrong marriage is all about moral and re

Social conservative leaders wonder: Can homosexual activism and religious liberty ‘coexist’?

Minutes after addressing a packed room at the 2016 CPAC, two leading social conservatives told LifeSiteNews that sexual agendas are putting religious liberty at risk. The Family Research Council 's Travis Weber told LifeSiteNews that "for a lot of us, religious liberty's only been a hot-button issue recently, we're seeing in the news. Why is that? It's driven by agendas affecting matters of sexuality – marriage, abortion, contraception, and all sorts of other issues." "So what do we do about this? Some of these claims are going to be dealt with in the courts. Others, though, we need to deal with [inaudible] protections. Where's the threat right now? It's on anyone doing business with the government, having indexes with the government, those getting tax-exempt status, contracting, getting grants, etc." "And those folks need to be protected with a version of the federal First Amendment Defense Act, or state government non-disc

Will businesses be protected from the LGBT agenda?

The Missouri State Senate has passed Senate Joint Resolution (SJR39) that will put to the voters a Constitutional amendment protecting those of us who want to live out the truth that marriage is the union of one man and one woman in Missouri . I don't need to tell you that our First Freedom is under attack. As we've seen across the country Christians who stand for marriage have been under attack, even being sued for not using their talents to support same-sex "marriage". The far-left media is losing it over this bill. Here's the NY Times article. The other side will be aggressively lobbying to stop this bill. NY Times article below: A bill to give some of the nation’s broadest legal protections to opponents of same-sex marriage took a crucial step forward in Missouri on Wednesday, winning approval in the State Senate after Republicans used a rare procedural move to break a 39-hour filibuster by Democrats. Since the Supreme Court’s ruling in June legali