
Showing posts with the label Anal sex

Nearly two-thirds of gay men who know they have AIDS have sex without condoms: CDC report

WASHINGTON, DC ,  – A new  report  from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) shows approximately  62 percent of gay men  who know they have HIV/AIDS continue to engage in sexual relations without using a prophylactic, a behavior that can spread AIDS.  The report, which was released on the Friday after Thanksgiving, analyzed data gathered in 2011.  According to the report, the percentage of men with HIV/AIDS having sex with other men without a condom had increased from 55 percent in 2005, to 57 percent in 2008, to 62 percent today. CDC spokesperson Nikky Mayes told in an e-mail that the “new analysis of data suggests concerning signs of sexual risk for HIV infection among gay and bisexual men in 20 major U.S. cities.” The surveys cited in the report examine men having sex with men (MSM) for a period of 12 months. In the report, many MSM said they tried to reduce their risk of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections by only having sex with ot

Britain’s public health chief warns of catastrophic global gay HIV epidemic

The UK's National Director of Health and Wellbeing warns that there is an increasing and potentially catastrophic HIV epidemic in homosexual men in every part of the world. Speaking at the  British HIV Association's Autumn Conference  earlier this month, Professor Kevin Fenton said that despite an increasing number of tools to combat HIV infection, the incidence and prevalence of the disease in MSM (men who have sex with men) is increasing rather than decreasing globally. Dr. Fenton laid the blame for the MSM HIV epidemic squarely on the two most obvious characteristics of homosexual sex: anal intercourse and promiscuity. In his address, titled "The Resurgent Global HIV Epidemic among MSM," Dr. Fenton said that while homosexual men everywhere have higher rates of HIV than in the general population, contrary to popular opinion MSM in wealthier countries have a vastly higher rate of infection than residents even of poorer countries. "It is estimated

What does the Bible say about anal homosexual sex or sodomy?

There is no overt mention of anal sex in the Bible . In the account of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19 , a large group of men sought to gang rape two angels who had taken the form of men. The reasonable presumption is that the men of Sodom wanted to have forcible anal sex with the angels. The men’s homosexual lust is obvious, but again, anal sex is not mentioned in the passage. The words  sodomy  and  sodomize   come from this biblical account. Sodomy is, literally, “the sin of Sodom.” In modern language, the term sodomy has acquired a broader definition than what is biblically warranted. Today, “sodomy” often refers to any form of non-penile/vaginal sexual act, which includes anal sex and oral sex . If the biblical text is used as the basis for the definition, though, “sodomy” cannot include oral sex or, technically, even anal sex. The strict understanding of sodomy , based solely on the events of Genesis 19, would have to be “forcible anal sex, with one male homosexually raping

The Negative Health Effects of Homosexuality

Homosexual activists attempt to portray their lifestyle as normal and healthy, and insist that homosexual relationships are the equivalent in every way to their heterosexual counterparts. Hollywood and the media relentlessly propagate the image of the fit, healthy, and well-adjusted homosexual. The reality is quite opposite to this caricature which was recently conceded by the homosexual newspaper New York Blade News: Reports at a national conference about sexually transmitted diseases indicate that gay men are in the highest risk group for several of the most serious diseases. . . . Scientists believe that the increased number of sexually tranmitted diseases ( STD ) cases is the result of an increase in risky sexual practices by a growing number of gay men who believe HIV is no longer a life-threatening illness. [1] Instability and promiscuity typically characterize homosexual relationships. These two factors increase the incidence of serious and incurable stds. In addition, some hom

Decriminalized Homosexual danger destroys health

Image via Wikipedia Just after Canada ’s House of Commons narrowly passed a ‘transgender’ bill (Bill C-389) that would criminalize discrimination based on “gender identity” and “gender expression,” Joe Comartin , New Democratic Party MP for Windsor-Tecumseh , introduced an amendment to the Criminal Code, Bill C-628 that had First Reading on February 11.   The amendment would “remove the distinction between anal intercourse and other forms of sexual activity. It also amends other sections of that Act in consequence.” Currently, Section 159 of the Criminal Code states that “(1) Every person who engages in an act of anal intercourse is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction,” and “(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to any act engaged in, in private, between (a) husband and wife, or (b) any two persons, each of whom is eighteen years of age or more, both of whom consent t