
Showing posts with the label American Psychiatric Association

‘New Atlantis’ editors push back after gay advocacy group bashes homosexuality study

Editors of the   New Atlantis , a scholarly journal "devoted to science and technology issues and their relation to social and political affairs," are defending two authors against an onslaught of gay accusations. A review of research studies and scientific literature on homosexuality summarized by Dr. Lawrence S. Mayer and Dr. Paul R. McHugh , entitled   “ Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences ,”   has come under vehement condemnation by the pro-homosexual advocacy group, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). Dr. Mayer is a scholar in residence in the Department of Psychiatry and Dr. McHugh is University distinguished professor of psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine . According to its website, the Human Rights Campaign is "the largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer" ( LGBTQ ) gay activist organization and political lobbying group in the United States , claimin

State senator’s comments cause transgender backlash

Recent comments from a group of Republican South Dakota legislators on proposed legislation in the state have caused controversy among the transgender movement. In a discussion on a bill that would limit bathroom and shower facility use in South Dakota schools to students sharing the same gender, State Senator David Omdahl referred to individuals suffering from gender dysphoria as "twisted" due to their identity confusion and said they would benefit from psychological treatment. "I'm sorry if you're so twisted you don't even know who you are," said Omdahl, explaining the intent behind   HB 1008   at a legislative coffee this past Saturday. Omdahl first praised the bill, stressing that it was about protecting the state's children, before indicating that gender dysphoria would be better served by psychological treatment. "They're treating the wrong part of the anatomy. They ought to be treating it up here," he said, pointi

Think gay sex is wrong? Then you’re not right in the head, claim scientists

The Supreme Court narrowly redefined marriage and handed the gay-rights movement a major victory: full “equality” and recognition by the government. With that box checked, the gay-rights movement can now focus on its ultimate goal: silencing those who disagree. One new and troubling strategy has emerged from the scientific community. Instead of vilifying those who believe in natural marriage, suggest some researchers, we should  diagnose  them. It’s an ironic reversal. Years ago, homosexuality was listed in the American Psychiatric Association ’s manual of disorders. But in 1986 it was removed, followed by a concerted push from Association members to normalize homosexual behavior . In just thirty years, America went from a country where homosexuality was a diagnosable disorder to one where you can be fined for refusing to bake a gay “wedding” cake. Now things are going a step further. New research published in “ The Journal of Sexual Medicine ” suggests that  homophobia

The Truth about Same-Sex Marriage

Lutzer’s The Truth about Same-Sex Marriage reflects his usual careful research and considered judgment, and the culture war he describes, with its various lines of debate and prominent issues of concern, reads like tomorrow’s news. One goal of the book is simply informative, attempting to bring Christians to a more realistic understanding of this culture war. Lutzer exposes the gay activist agenda as one that is very intentional, well organized, and driven by (immorally) idealistic agendas that will not allow the facts or the truth to get in its way. With more than enough well-selected quotes from “the other side” he demonstrates how fierce and relentless this battle is – and, consequently, now naïve the church has been in maintaining its silence. The information provided here regarding the gay agenda itself, and its implications, alone make Lutzer’s book a valuable read. Another goal of the book is to address, specifically, the various arguments that are advanced in attempt to j

Feminist icon: Transgender ‘women’ like Bruce Jenner aren’t women. They’re delusional.

Australian author and feminist Germaine Greer at the 2006 Humber Mouth Festival. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Author and '60s radical feminist Germaine Greer is coming under fire after telling the BBC that transgender "women," such as Bruce Jenner , are not women and that they don't "look like, sound like, or behave like women.” Greer was responding to a petition that was being passed around by leftist activists demanding that Cardiff University   cancel a lecture   by the radical feminist scheduled for November 18 because of her history of making statements questioning transgenderism. Criticizing Glamour magazine ’s decision to name Jenner " Woman of the Year ," Greer told the BBC, "I think misogyny plays a really big part in all of this, that a man who goes to these lengths to become a woman will be a better woman than someone who is just born a woman.” Greer suggested that Jenner's transition was part of an effort to gain attent

Congresswoman considers new federal ban on treatment for teens’ unwanted gay attractions

WASHINGTON, D.C. , April 20, 2015 ( ) -- A congresswoman known for her opposition to sexual orientation change efforts for minors is once again calling for states to make the treatment illegal, calling it "abusive quackery.” Rep. Jackie Speier , D-CA,  reintroduced the "Stop Harming Our Kids" Resolution  on Tuesday. While the measure is non-binding, Speier said in a press release that it "is the first proposed federal action to put an end to these practices." Speier is also considering introducing "a full federal ban of the practice." The bill was introduced in a press conference with several influential homosexual activist groups, including the Human Rights Campaign , PFLAG , and the National Center for Lesbian Rights . "It’s time to end this abusive quackery masquerading as medicine," she said. “Being transgender, gay, lesbian, or bisexual is not a disease to be cured or a mental illness that requires treatment

Marco Rubio: Born gay? Science says: No - Republican Candidate says: Yes

WASHINGTON, D.C., April 20, 2015 ( ) – This weekend, Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio said that one's "sexual preference" is an inborn trait and cannot be chosen. “You have said you're against gay 'marriage,'” interviewer Bob Schieffer said, casting his eyes away from the Florida senator, to each side on CBS's  Face the Nation  this weekend. “Do you think that homosexuality is a choice?” “It's not that I'm against gay marriage, but I believe the definition of the institution of marriage should be between one man and one woman,” Rubio began. He said those who wish to change the immemorial definition of marriage should engage in a “political debate” and win others to their side, not impose their views from above. “I don't believe that courts should be making that decision, and I don't believe same-sex marriage is a constitutional right.” Then he answered Schieffer's question about genetics. “I