
Showing posts with the label American Family Association

Record number of GOP candidates for Congress back gay ‘marriage’: report

Crowd in support of Gay Marriage (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Congress could see a historic number of Republican members who support same-sex “marriage” after the 2014 elections. This week, National Journal reported that 11 Republicans running to represent their states and districts on Capitol Hill support same-sex "marriage," as do three incumbents not running in 2014. Six of the 11 candidates are incumbents, while the rest are challengers. Andrea Lafferty of the Traditional Values Coalition told LifeSiteNews that while the number of GOP candidates and incumbents has grown in recent years, perspective is necessary. "Let's keep in mind there are currently 233 Members of the House and 45 Senators who are Republican," she said. "Whether the numbers of gay marriage supporters are 3, 5, 6 or 11 – out of 278, these numbers do not make a seismic shift." Tim Wildmon , president of the influential American Family Association, warned that "th

Indiana won’t recognize last month’s same-sex ‘marriages,’ says Gov. Mike Pence

Mike Pence, member of the United States Congress. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) All but one of the same-sex “ marriages ” performed in Indiana in a 72-hour gap where they were temporarily permitted in the state will be treated as invalid by the state per an order from Republican Governor Mike Pence . The “marriage” ceremonies took place in the interval between a lower court ruling declaring the state’s ban on gay nuptials unconstitutional, and a subsequent circuit court ruling ordering the ban reinstated pending appeal. Gov. Pence issued the order in a memorandum (PDF) on Monday, explaining that the upper court’s order means that at least for now, state law still defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman. As such, the state cannot offer marital benefits to same-sex couples. “I appreciate the confusion that has been created by different federal court decisions, but as governor I have to see to it that the state operates in a manner consistent with Indiana law,” Pence s

Pro-marriage Republicans win big in Indiana state elections

INDIANAPOLIS, IN, May 8, 2014 ( ) -- Pro-family and religious groups  showed their clout  in Indiana politics Tuesday, ousting two Republicans who opposed a marriage amendment earlier this year and successfully defending several vulnerable allies. Two Republican members of the state House , Kathy Heuer and Rebecca Kubacki , lost their races after opposing a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex “marriage” in the state. In addition to ousting Heuer and Kubacki in favor of Christopher Judy and Curt Nisly, respectively, family groups made sure Rep. Eric Turner won against a challenger despite an ethics controversy. Indiana Rep. Eric Turner Turner was given special attention by pro-family organizations because he was the sponsor of the constitutional amendment.  While he was found innocent  of the charges brought against him, it made his re-election campaign more difficult. The investigation focused on Turner's public and behind-the-scenes opposition t

Pro-family leaders: We forgive World Vision, but it’s time to ‘clean house’

SEATTLE, WA , March 27, 2014 ( ) – While influential Christian groups are praising World Vision for  reversing  its recent  policy change  validating same-sex “marriages,” some pro-family leaders are insisting that while they will forgive the organization, it must "clean house" if it hopes to rebuild trust among its supporters. "World Vision has asked for [forgiveness], so I believe that we need to extend it," Bryan Fischer , director of issue analysis for the American Family Association,  said  on AFA Radio Thursday. But, he added, "There is a difference between forgiveness and trust. … Trust, once it is shattered, … it takes a long time to rebuild. … It cannot be rebuilt with a letter of apology." Life Training Institute President Scott Klusendorf likewise thanked World Vision for the reversal, but  called  for the resignation of “the President and every board member who voted for the initial policy change.” While “we should

Kids targeted by homosexuals

Image via CrunchBase Homosexuals of course cannot reproduce – they can only recruit. And recruiting children into this dangerous lifestyle has long been part of their agenda. There are plenty of ways in which they target children, and they have made their aims quite clear here. Way back in 1987 for example we had this now infamous declaration of war against our children made by the homosexual militants: “We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups . . . Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.” Many homosexuals speak of being introduced to the homosexual lifestyle by someone older, while they were still in their teens. Consider this representative quote: “Nobody is fooled when we

SPLC urges army to declare American Family Association an ‘extremist’ group

WASHINGTON, D.C., December 16 ( ) – In response to calls by the Southern Poverty Law Center to have the army declare the American Family Association as an “extremist” group, the spokesman for the AFA has shot back, accusing the SPLC of being the true “hate” group. “The AFA doesn’t hate anyone,” AFA Director of Issue Analaysi and Spokesman Brian Fischer told in an e-mail. “The real hate in all this debate is coming from the SPLC and is directed toward people of faith. The real hate group here is the SPLC.” Last week, the SPLC  urged  Army Secretary John McHugh to list the American Family Association (AFA) as an extremist group.  AFA Director of Issue Analysis and spokesman Brian Fischer. According to SPLC's Josh Glasstetter , McHugh should classify the AFA as an extremist group because, he claims, Director of Issue Analysis and spokersperson Bryan Fischer has said homosexuals are responsible for the Holocaust. He also says Fisher ha

ABC hires gay activist to write 8-hour history of the ‘gay rights’ movement

ABC plans to air an 8-hour miniseries about the history of homosexual activism, penned by a prominent homosexual political activist.  Homosexual writer and director Dustin Lance Black will write the miniseries.  Its timeline will reportedly begin with the  1969 Stonewall Riots , in which a police raid on a gay bar resulted in several nights of  violent demonstrations by homosexuals .  Gay activist Dustin Lance Black will pen the 8-hour miniseries. Black, 39, has been  active  in the homosexual advocacy movement since the beginning of his film career. He made his debut as a director and screenwriter with 2000’s  The Journey of Jared Price , a gay romance film, followed closely by  Something Close to Heaven , a gay coming-of-age short film.  The following year, he made a documentary in which he was also a subject called  On the Bus,  about six homosexual men on a road trip to the Burning Man music festival.  Black, who was raised Mormon, is a co-founder of the American Found

American multinational oil company says 'No' to homosexual agenda

DALLAS, Texas , May 30, 2013 ( ) - At its annual shareholder meeting this week, the world's largest oil company,  ExxonMobil , rejected a proposal demanding changes to its Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) policy that would have granted special rights to homosexual employees. "Had the resolution passed, the company would have been forced to begin promoting and providing 'acceptance' training of homosexuality to all employees, even if they had religious objections," said Tim Wildmon , president of the  American Family Association . The proposal, voted down by 81 percent of ExxonMobil's shareholders on May 30 read, "The Shareholders request that ExxonMobil amend its written equal employment opportunity policy to explicitly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and to substantially implement the policy." This vote marks the 14th year in a row that the company has refused to cave in to th