
Showing posts with the label Alliance Defending Freedom

Homosexual Marriage and the Criminalization of Christianity

English: Writer and journalist Masha Gessen at the 6 Moscow Internacional Book Festival Español: La escritor (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) It's never fun to be proven right when warning of some impending wrong. Many in the pro-family movement have long stressed that the cultural Marxist left's belligerent push for the judicial fiction that is " gay marriage " was never about gaining "equal access" to this biologically exclusive male-female institution, as they profess, but, rather, is, and has always been, about control. While there are many layers to unfold, the almost instant explosion in government-sanctioned, anti- Christian extremism on display post   Obergefell v. Hodges , confirms the poisonous three-fold agenda that underlies the "social justice" mob's flowery "marriage equality" propaganda. That is: First, the ultimate destruction of marriage; second, forced affirmation of sexual deviancy under penalty of law; and third

The children of homosexual parents - LGBT want to hide these stories

As you know I am now an Official Bonafide Jet-setter and as such I was in DC (people who move and shake drop the Washington part and now that I am so worldly, well, you know) last weekend for a panel discussion hosted by Alliance Defending Freedom called “What about the children?” They invited me to speak alongside marriage law expert Caleb Dalton and Dr. Paul Sullins who happens to be The Go -To Man on the impact of same-sex parenting . He is responsible for studies that capture data representative of more than all of the oppositions studies represent combined. So basically, with a legal expert and social scientist at my side I just got to show up and blather. Here’s a few blather-inspired video clips: Is “love makes a family” really a fair thing to say to kids? When kids watch their father love their mother Gender matters in jury selection and parenting selection The broken bond of same-sex parenting If we get the real message of marriage across, we could have the most pro-marri

USA - Support for Gay Marriage drops

Crowd in support of Gay Marriage (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A new national survey released a few days ago by the Associated Press/GfK found that support for same-sex 'marriage' has collapsed. Since the Supreme Court ruling, support for SSM has dropped by 6 points and opposition has increased by 4 points — a combined 10 point movement in public opinion . That is an astonishing degree of movement in such a short period of time! The AP survey found that 42% of Americans support same-sex 'marriage' while 40% now oppose it. Statistically, that is a dead heat. Just this past April, supporters of SSM enjoyed a 12 point advantage, 48%-36%. Since the Supreme Court decision imposing gay 'marriage' in every state, we're now in a whole new ballgame. I am so encouraged by the public reaction to the illegitimate decision of the Supreme Court because it means that NOM's five-point plan to contain and then reverse it has a real chance of capturing the support

Isn’t the Christian position to love homosexuals and allow them to marry?

English: Christian Bible, rosary, and crucifix. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The  Christian  position is to represent God properly and bring Him glory ( Isaiah 44:3). God tells us to love Him ( Matthew 22:37 ) and also to love our neighbor (Matthew 22: 39). However, loving our neighbors does not mean we approve of their  sin . True Christians will acknowledge the sinfulness of  homosexuality  as well as the Biblical position that marriage is between a man and a woman. Furthermore, it is not up to Christians to allow or not allow homosexuals to marry . Christians are not the ones who decide the laws of the land. Different countries have different legal systems , and it is those legal systems that establish parameters of marriage. However, Christians are obligated to stand in opposition to those things which are against God’s word, so they are obligated to stand against homosexual marriage. This opposition can be manifested in different ways such as a verbal declaration, writte

Condemning Homosexuality is practicing discrimination and this is wrong

The AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power, a group against AIDS, protests in New York City against the Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Discrimination is not automatically bad. I discriminate on the kinds of foods I eat, on the programs I watch, and what movies I let my kids see. In fact, we all discriminate. We all have criteria by which we judge what is and is not acceptable. I discriminate against child molesters , and I will not let them be with my children unattended. I discriminate against various theological teachings that contradict the  Bible . I discriminate all the time and so do you. When it comes to homosexuality , I believe that  God  has condemned it as a  sin  (Rom. 1:18ff). But my agreeing with God that homosexuality is a sin is not the same as discriminating against homosexuals. I have no problem working with homosexuals in a secular environment. I have no problem with homosexuals being my neighbors. I have no problem with working out a

The 21st century gestapo: fringe extremists in the homosexual movement

The Gestapo in Nazi Germany entered Jewish-owned shops to intimidate and demolish them. To do so, they had the full support of the state, the courts and the media to carry out their mission. Today, we are witnessing a similar attempt in Canada , the U.S. and the U.K. to intimidate and demolish businesses — only this time, it is not Jews who are being persecuted, but Christian men and women. Today’s apparent Gestapo are the fringe extremists in the homosexual movement and their supporters, who target Christian businesses, such as  flower shops, print shops, bakeries , church halls, etc. to demand they supply services for their same-sex activities, such as same-sex marriages and receptions: These activists do so with full knowledge that the owners of these shops would be in contravention of the principles of their Christian faith. When refused the service, the activists then report to the Human Rights Commission and lay a complaint of discrimination against the offenders, knowi

U.S. Supreme Court unanimously blocks gay ‘marriages’ in Virginia…for now

U.S. Supreme Court building. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously today that the state of Virginia does not have to begin sanctioning same-sex “marriages.” The stay comes after a panel of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 to  strike down the state's constitutional marriage protection amendment . The appeals court refused to grant a stay until the Supreme Court decided the case, a decision that would have forced Virginia clerks to begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples  starting this week . However, one such clerk, Michele B. McQuigg , petitioned Chief Justice John Roberts to grant a stay. The order was allowed without dissent. “This is another indication that the rush to judgment declaring marriage to be unconstitutional is not only premature, but incorrect,” said Brian Brown, president of the  National Organization for Marriage . “The U.S. Supreme Court has determined that states have the right to define marri

Lesbian sues Missouri diocese after she was fired over her gay ‘marriage’

Roman Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-Saint Joseph (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A former Catholic parish employee in Missouri is suing the Diocese of Kansas City -- St. Joseph two months after she was fired when the diocese learned she had "married" a female Lutheran minister. Colleen Simon says that a year after " marrying " Donna Simon in Iowa, she took the position as Director of Social Concerns for St. Francis Xavier . According to Simon, her relationship was not an issue for the former and current pastors of St. Francis. However, once Colleen and Donna were highlighted by a local publication, Bishop Robert Finn  became aware of her relationship  and told St. Francis' pastor to terminate her employment. In a public statement sent to LifeSiteNews, the diocese said that while it "has not seen the filing," it reserved "the right to live and operate according to our faith and Church teachings." "We regret this situation ha