
Showing posts with the label Alfred Kinsey

Is 10% of the Population Homosexual?

It’s often said that if you repeat something loud enough and long enough, people will begin to believe it. Such is the case with the claim that 10% of the population is homosexual. Though it’s commonly believed, the figure is rarely questioned. The media only contributes to the problem. It seems like every movie and television show includes the obligatory homosexual character(s). It’s no surprise, then, that American perception of the prevalence of homosexuality is skewed. A Gallup poll in 2002 found that Americans estimated the percentage of homosexuals to be 21.5% of the population, a startling number that would even shock pro-gay advocates! The origin of the 10% statistic is from a 1948 book by Alfred Kinsey called Sexual Behavior in the Human Male . Kinsey concluded from his research that “10 percent of the males are more or less exclusively homosexual for at least three years between the ages of 16 and 55.” [1] But just who are “the males” in Kinsey’s research? It turns out tha

Darwinism the root of the culture of death & homosexuality: expert

Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia WASHINGTON, February 17, 2012 ( ) - What do Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger , “father of the sexual revolution” Alfred Kinsey , Lenin, and Hitler have in common? All these pioneers of what some call the culture of death rooted their beliefs and actions in Darwinism - a little-known fact that one conservative leader says shouldn’t be ignored. Hugh Owen Hugh Owen of the Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation told an audience on Capitol Hill before the March for Life last month that the philosophical consequences of Darwinism has “totally destroyed many parts of our society.” Owen pointed to Dr. Josef Mengele , who infamously experimented on Jews during the Holocaust, Hitler himself, and other Nazi leaders as devotees of Darwinism who saw Nazism and the extermination of peoples as nothing more than a way “to advance evolution.” Darwinism was also the “foundation” of Communist ideology in Russia th

Homosexuality is a sinful choice

JUSTIFICATION OF HOMOSEXUALITY BASED ON OBSCURE SURVEYS Research on jail prisoners by Dr Alfred Kinsey in the USA during the 1940s gave skewed statistical evidence of 10% of the population must be gay. Kinsley also felt that gay and straight were not watertight, irreconcilable and mutually exclusive sexual orientations . He found that human sexuality is, in fact, a continuum of desires and behaviours, ranging from exclusive heterosexuality to exclusive homosexuality. Kinsley inadvertantly verfied the truth of scripture that homosexuality is a sinful choice.  In Sexual Behaviour In The Human Male (1948), Kinsey recorded that 13% of the men he surveyed were either mostly or exclusively homosexual for at least three years between the ages of 16 and 55. Twenty-five per cent had more than incidental gay reactions or experience, amounting to clear and continuing same-sex desires. Altogether, 37% of the men Kinsey questioned had experienced sex with other males to the point of orgasm, an

Leading UK homosexualist admits the condition neither genetic nor fixed

Image via Wikipedia Peter Tatchell , one of Britain’s most vocal advocates of the homosexualist political movement, has admitted that sufferers of same-sex attraction are neither “born with” nor stuck with the condition. Much of the argument upon which the promotion of homosexuality as a “legitimate lifestyle choice ” is founded is the paradoxical assertion that it is not a choice at all, but a fixed state of being, probably determined by genes. This is the basis of the claim that opposition to homosexual activity is “ homophobia ” and tantamount to racism. But Tatchell, writing last month in an article in the  Huffington Post , titled, “Future Sex: Beyond Gay and Straight ,” cited the notorious Alfred Kinsey , the researcher often called the grandfather of the sexual revolution, denying that “gay and straight” are distinct categories. Kinsey’s research, Tatchell said, “was the first major statistical evidence that gay and straight are not watertight, irreconcilable and mutually excl

Gay activist says orientation not fixed; Russian city to outlaw promoting homosexuality

Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia St. Petersburg legislature set to outlaw promotion of homosexuality The municipal government of St. Petersburg, Russia ’s second largest city and cultural centre, is set to pass a bill prohibiting promotion of homosexuality. The bill, which prohibits “public activities promoting homosexuality,” is being denounced by homosexualist activist groups as “anti-gay” and it is being vocally opposed by the U.S. State Department . The bill proposes to outlaw the dissemination of information “which could cause damage to the health or moral and spiritual development of minors, including by inducing them to form warped perceptions that traditional and non-traditional married relations are equally socially acceptable.” If passed it would impose fines on individuals or groups promoting homosexuality, pedophilia, or “transgenderism” to minors. The U.S. State Department deplored the plans, saying, “As Secretary Clinton has said gay rights are human rights and hu

Why are we surprised with the push for ‘pedophile rights’?

Image via Wikipedia Many Americans have been shocked by reports about a recent pro-pedophilia conference in Baltimore in which psychiatrists and other mental health professionals, representing institutions like Harvard and Johns Hopkins, sought to present pedophilia in a sympathetic and even positive light. But why should this surprise us? Academic articles in scholarly journals have been presenting pedophilia in a sympathetic light for years, and, as Matthew Cullinan Hoffman noted, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) released a report in 1998 “claiming that the ‘negative potential’ of adult sex with children was ‘overstated’ and that ‘the vast majority of both men and women reported no negative sexual effects from their child sexual abuse experiences.’ It even claimed that large numbers of the victims reported that their experiences were ‘positive,’ and suggested that the phrase ‘child sex abuse’ be replaced with ‘adult-child sex.’” Others have coined the more disgusting te

‘Evil’: Attendees at prominent pro-pedophilia conference horrified by sessions

Pro-family advocates who attended a controversial pro-pedophilia conference in Baltimore last week say they were profoundly shaken by what they saw and heard. “As a former law enforcement officer I’ve dealt with situations involving suicide, homicide and other violence. That said, I’ve never felt the level of spiritual oppression and evil that I felt in that room,” Liberty Counsel Action  Vice President Matt Barber told LifeSiteNews. "I've never felt the level of spiritual oppression and evil that I felt in that room,” Liberty Counsel Action Vice President Matt Barber told LifeSiteNews. “These mental health ‘professionals,’ and self-described pedophile and ‘gay’ activists were inexplicably able to cavalierly discuss, in an almost dismissive way, the idea of child rape,” Barber said. “They used flowery, euphemistic psychobabble to give quasi-scientific cover to a discussion about the worst kind of perversion.” The organization B4U-ACT sponsored the event in Baltimore last

Canada’s opposition call for removal of charitable status for ‘ex-gay’ groups

Image via Wikipedia Delegates with Canada’s newly-minted official Opposition, the New Democrat Party (NDP), passed a resolution calling on the government to revoke the charitable status of groups that support those seeking to overcome same-sex attraction at their policy convention in Vancouver last month. Introducing the resolution, which was passed unanimously, outgoing “ LGBT ” co-chair Matthew McLaughlin specifically urged the government to revoke the status of Exodus Global Alliance , and asked that they investigate other ex-gay groups as well. “ Ex-gay organisations … take advantage of LGB people, often in vulnerable family situations or at grips with depression and self-hatred, and browbeat them — saying that LGB people never live happy lives, that we are unhealthy and unwhole, and that we never experience love and that the only hope lies in their therapies,” said McLaughlin, according to the homosexual blog Slap Upside the Head. Randall Garrison , the NDP’s “queer issues” c