
Showing posts with the label Adam and Eve

The spiritual side of homosexuality

English: Tomb of the Virgin Mary. Altar.jpg Русский: Гробница Пресвятой Богородицы. Гефсимания. Иерусалим. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The content of this article is not aimed at delving into the religious beliefs of homosexuals or how they view themselves spiritually. Instead, it is about the spiritual meaning of homosexuality as it relates to the Bible . Created Order Biblically, homosexuality is a  sin  that is clearly condemned in Scripture (Lev. 18:22; 20:13; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; Rom. 1:26-28). But it seems to be more than "a mere sin." When we look at God and Adam and Eve , we see a manifestation of the will of God in making a man and a woman (Gen. 2:21-24), not a man and a man, nor a woman and a woman.  We see the heterosexual pattern that God established in order to fulfill the creation mandate: "And God blessed them; and God said to them, ' Be fruitful and multiply , and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the b

Did Jesus condemn Homosexuality?

Adam and Eve (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Pro-homosexual writers make a great deal of the fact that Christ did not mention homosexuality in any of His recorded teachings. Jesus also didn't speak about smoking or cocaine. Nevertheless, our Lord was not silent on the subject of sex. He condemned adultery ( Matt. 5:27–28), and exalted the heterosexual relationship God created when He made Adam and Eve (Matt. 19:3–6; Mark 10:6–9). From the time of creation God’s standard has been male with female, which our Lord clearly endorsed. Ryrie, C. C. (1991). Biblical answers to tough questions (p. 118). Chicago, IL : Moody Press . Related articles God is Calling ( Jesus spoke against Homosexuality ( Christianity the antithesis of homosexuality? ( Biblical Scholar Smacks Down Piers Morgan When Asked To Explain How Jesus Condemned Homosexuality ( Be the Differenc

NZ bishops attacked by clergy for damning gay marriage

A letter to young people from Roman Catholic bishops condemning gay marriage has been rejected by other liberal Christian leaders. The letter to " Kiwis of Generation Y " from all six of New Zealand's Catholic bishops advises against allowing same-sex couples to marry in the eyes of the law for the sake of "society as a whole". "This is no small matter, nor quibbling about words; this is an attempt to re-engineer the status and structure of family life in New Zealand," they wrote. Fifty liberal clergy and laity from Anglican , Presbyterian , Methodist and Quaker denominations lashed out at the bishops and called on them to reconsider their position on the Marriage Amendment Bill. I think it's time the Church recognises and encourages those in same-gender relationships who wish to pledge their love and fidelity to each other in the rite of marriage," the group wrote back to the bishops, ignoring scriptural injunctions. "To suggest,