
Showing posts with the label Activism

Why are homosexuals wanting equality through marriage?

Same Sex Marriage (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Must the government recognize every desire people have as a right? Don’t current marriage rules apply equally to everyone?  This is the main battle cry of homosexual activists . It’s brilliant because who can be against equal rights? The problem with the slogan is that, when it comes to marriage, everyone in America already has equal rights. We are all playing by the same rules—we all have the same right to marry any qualified person from the opposite sex. Those rules do not deny anyone “equal protection of the laws” because the qualifications to enter a marriage apply equally to everyone—every male and female has the same right to marry. What certain males and females in our society want is special rights —the special right to marry someone of the same sex. But if we grant special rights for same-sex couples to marry one another, on what grounds can we deny special rights for consenting adults who desire marriage for other socially d

Homosexual Marriages Zealots

Same-sex ' marriage ' activists have launched an unprecedented assault on marriage over the past 12 months. And in that time, we've seen some terrible losses for this cherished institution. But the truth is that these radicals targeted the most liberal of states — states like Illinois and Hawaii where the political situation was set up perfectly for them — and they barely eked out some incredibly narrow victories despite pouring tens of millions of dollars into their campaigns. Well, guess what? They've run out of easy targets. There are no remaining states where Democrats control both legislative houses and the governorship, except in West Virginia which is a very socially conservative state. And we have marriage amendments in place in 30 states to preserve marriage. The fight for marriage goes on — but in the coming year, the fight turns to states like Ohio and Indiana — states in which we have a decided advantage! In these states THE PEOPLE will decide at the

What homosexuals wants but will not achieve

Agenda, the homosexuals want acceptability, recognition, and approval. Homosexuals want others in society to think like them (and behave like them?).  They are working hard to change moral, social, and political opinion to be more in line with what they want.  They are not content to be what they want to be.  They want others to accept them.  They want others opinions to change and conform to their ideology and behavior .  What gives them the right to try and change society into what they want it to be? Animal kingdom:  Homosexuality occurs in the animal world; therefore, it is natural Saying that homosexuality is natural because it occurs in the animal kingdom does not mean it is morally correct.  Animals also eat each other alive, devour offspring, etc.  Should we imitate those things as well because the animals do it?  Of course not. From an evolutionary perspective how does homosexuality further the development and distribution of the human species ?  It cannot.  Homosex

Enders Game Authors slams Homosexual Advocating immoral homosexualmarriage

Card's essay entitled “Homosexual Marriage and Civilization”, in which the author wrote that gay rights activists were “attempting to strike a death blow against the well-earned protected status of our, and every other, real marriage " has resonated with many Australians and Americans who are tired of the homosexual advocates rants and bigot labelling. Card went on to say that homosexuals “steal from me what I treasure most, and gain for themselves nothing at all. They won't be married. They'll just be playing dress-up in their parents' clothes.” This is what the ABC and shows like QandA, Greun Transfer do not understand in that they actively promote and force the homosexual agenda  upon Australians through emotional appeals, misquoting and ridicule authors who are against legalization of homosexual sin then quote homosexual activists and homosexuals themselves (with vested interest) with university tenure etc to support homosexual marriage. Fact Check on ABC

Homosexual activist says gay ‘marriage’ isn’t about equality, it’s about destroying marriage

Conservative pundits are saying that a homosexual activist exposed the hidden agenda behind homosexual “marriage” when she told an audience last year that the movement is not seeking equality but rather a total dismantling of the institution of marriage itself. Masha Gessen , a journalist and author who campaigns for homosexual 'rights', made the comments last May in Australia on a panel at the Sydney Writer’s Festival. She said: It’s a no-brainer that (homosexual activists) should have the right to marry, but I also think equally that it’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist. …(F)ighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we are going to do with marriage when we get there — because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie. The institution of marriage is going to change, and it should change. And again, I don’t think it should exist. And I don’t like taking part in crea

Gov’t ‘anti-bullying’ phone app to ‘mobilize children into homosexual activism’, warns critic

SURREY, British Columbia , June 26, 2012 ( ) - Premier Christy Clark has promised to empower B.C.‘s school children this fall with a whistle-blowing phone app designed to “report bullying anonymously”. But critics say that the move effectively turns children into “ homosexual activists ”. BC Premier Christy Clark “Clark’s strategy effectively mobilizes children into the ranks of homosexual activists to do the dirty work of spying on and reporting those who dissent from the sex activist political agenda,” said Kari Simpson, president of Culture Guard. A  press release  from the premier’s office earlier this month stated how the anti-bulling strategy aims to “help prevent, identify and stop harmful behaviours by children and adults - whether online, at school, or in the community.” The phone app is part of a province-wide 10-point anti-bullying strategy, dubbed ERASE - Expect Respect And a Safe Education, that seeks to “help ensure every child feels safe,

The Homosexual Lies

In recent years, activists push­ing for a “ gay  rights” political agenda, such as the legaliza­tion of same-sex marriage and the overturning of the law against open homo­sexuality in the military, have become increasingly virulent in their attacks upon social con­servatives who oppose that agenda. Examples of these attacks include a federal judge declaring that the pas­sage of  California’s Proposition 8  in 2008 could only have been motivated by hostility toward gay and les­bian individuals ( 1) , and the 2010 announcement by the  Southern Poverty Law Center  that it classifies several pro-family organizations as “anti-gay hate groups .” 2 Such attacks reveal a fundamental misunderstanding (if not deliberate misrepresentation) of the beliefs, arguments, and motives of  social conservatives . This misunderstanding arises from the existence of two completely different  paradigms , or fundamental ways of understanding the nature of homosexuality. The “Gay Identity” Paradigm Gay activi